
  • 网络intuitive design
  1. 直觉设计着重研究物与人之间的协调关系,设计过程中注重人类行为研究,直觉设计这种设计方法改变了我们一贯将设计的重点放在产品上而通常忽视使用产品的人的因素。

    Intuitive design focuses on the relationship between products and human , it pays more attention on the research of human behaviors , this design method changed our design method from products factors to human factors .

  2. 本文对家用医疗设备的设计提出了具有现实意义的新方向,将研究的成果运用到家用脂肪测量仪的设计中,本文实现了理论与实践相结合,体现了直觉设计研究的价值。

    In this paper has submitted opinions on household medical equipment design . Apply the researches achievement to the design of household portable fat determination system , it combination the theory and the practice , which reflects the research value of intuitive design .

  3. 直觉设计是以人为本的设计方法,直觉设计的理论意义在于研究人类无意识行为形成的依据,丰富了现有的设计理论,开辟了一个新的设计研究领域。

    Intuition design is a Design Method based on people oriented . Theoretical significance of intuition design is discuss Human unconscious behavior , it is enrich the design methods , developing a new field of products design .

  4. 为了改变凭借经验和依靠直觉设计并生成测试数据的做法、提高构件测试的自动化程度和测试数据的合理有效性,进行构件测试数据自动生成问题的研究是一项非常有价值的工作。

    In order to change the method of design and generate test data by experience and feelings , and increase the degree of automation and the reasonable and validity of test data , it is a valuable work to research the automatic generation of test data .

  5. 设计师以自己的直觉来设计游戏,并让其他人来检验自己的设想。

    Like alchemists , game designers often use a " guess and check " approach when designing games .

  6. 数值模拟技术在注塑模设计中的应用克服了传统注塑模设计仅凭设计者经验和直觉进行设计所导致的模具质量低下,模具返修率高,生产周期较长等缺点,取得显著的经济效益。

    The application of CAE to injection mold field conquers the disadvantages such as mold 's low quality , high frequency of modifying and long manufacturing time caused by experiential design and obtains good economic result .

  7. 从设计起点的直觉形式到设计结果的开放可能性,整个过程充满了戏剧性。

    From the intuition form of the design kicking-off to the open possibility of the design result , every tache during the entire process is dramatic .

  8. 经过研究,我认为数码图像艺术是建立在艺术感性思维基础之上的科学设计,它要求数码图像艺术创作者将直觉经验与科学设计相结合;

    Through my studying , I come to conclude that Digital Images is a kind of scientific design based on perceptual thoughts of art .