
  • 网络direct regulation
  1. 作为直接规制市场结构的手段,电信重组无疑会对电信业市场绩效产生直接或间接的影响。

    As a direct way of regulation , market reconstruction will undoubtedly affect market performance in a direct or indirect manner .

  2. 大多数涉及冲突规范的国内法,直接规制国际私法案例。

    Norms of internal ( national ) law , the overwhelming majority of which are concerned with the law of conflicts , directly regulating facts of private international law .

  3. 国际直接投资规制框架创立工作现在摆在了WTO面前。

    Currently , it is appeared that WTO has to take task for creation of an international direct investment regime framework .

  4. 文章还对跨国公司在华直接投资规制的实践进行了回顾,并提出了进一步的政策取向的建议。

    Finally , it analyzes the foreign direct investment of multinational enterprises that happens in China and puts forward the policy tropism .

  5. 在进入方式的选择上,在不同的约束条件下跨国公司和东道国具有不同的收益和成本,但现有的跨国公司直接投资规制的理论研究和政策分析没有区分这两种进入方式。

    Different multinational enterprises and different host governments will have different costs and incomes when facing the selecting of entering modes . However , the existing theory and policy analysis about multinational enterprises and direct investment do not distinguish these two entering modes .

  6. 反垄断法直接或间接规制垄断结构,其规制对象具有结构主义色彩。

    Anti-monopoly law directly or indirectly rules and regulates monopoly structure .

  7. 今后日本将会进一步放宽各种有关对内直接投资的规制。

    It is expected that Japan is to further relax its policies and regulations concerning internal direct investment .

  8. 从非正规金融的直接效应和规制介入对于非正规金融的间接效应两个层面出发进行分析,将资金提供者、政府规制与资金需求主体融资三者结合起来。

    From the direct effects of non-formal financial and regulatory intervention for the indirect effect of non-formal financial analysis of two levels of departure , the funders , government regulation and financing of the three main funding needs together .

  9. 电力产业是一个垄断性产业,其有着强自然垄断性直接决定了政府规制的必要性。

    Electric power industry is a monopoly industries , which has strong monopolization , and it directly determine the necessity of government regulation .

  10. 我国应借鉴美国监管经验,及早确立网上证券直接交易的法律规制之道。

    Our country can use American regulation experiences as a reference and establish a legal regulation system for direct exchanges of internet securities .

  11. 在社会性规制进程中,规制者与被规制者冲突的解决方式选择直接影响到政府规制的效率和社会公平。

    In the process of social regulation , the choice of solutions to the conflict between the controller and the controlled will directly affect the efficiency and social equity of government regulation .

  12. 从特殊法的角度来进行考量,在禁止核试验、不扩散核武器等方面尚未形成习惯国际法规则,也难以直接对伊朗进行规制。

    If there is no common principle of international law on the test ban and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons , it is hard to restrict Iran directly , according to the special law .