
  • 网络price regulation
  1. 另一个所要解决的问题是我国的现行价格规制模式在激励运营商克服X低效率,提高生产效率方面存在着明显的不足,甚至与激励目标相违背。

    And the price regulation pattern is deficient in conquering X low efficiency and increasing production efficiency .

  2. 在传统的投资回报率价格规制条件下,为获得更多的绝对利润,垄断企业会采取使用更多的资本投资代替其他要素投资的策略性行为,从而导致资本投资过剩,即A-J效应。

    In the traditional price regulation conditions , for the more absolute profits , monopoly enterprises will use more capital invest to alternative investment of other elements for the more absolute profits , leading to excessive capital investment , which means A-J effect .

  3. 日本城市燃气价格规制制度沿革

    On the History of Japan 's Urban Gas Price Regulation System

  4. 并在此基础上给出了农村电信市场价格规制和运营商定价的建议。

    And some suggestions in pricing in rural telecom market are given .

  5. 医疗费用预付制与中国医疗服务价格规制改革分析

    Medicare Prospective Payment System and the Reform of Medical Pricing Regulation in China

  6. 浅析风景名胜区的价格规制

    Study on the Pricing Regulation in the Scenic Areas

  7. 中国公用事业价格规制取向研究

    A Study on the Trend of the Public Utilities Prices Regulation in China

  8. 中国自然垄断产业的价格规制模型

    Price Regulation Model of Natural Monopolistic Industry in China

  9. 价格规制是自然垄断行业规制的重要内容。

    Price regulation is very important in the regulation of natural monopoly industry .

  10. 价格规制:缘由、目标和内容

    Causality , target and content of price regulation

  11. 医疗服务价格规制体现了医疗服务领域各利益集团之间的博弈;

    The medical care price regulation should manifest the Formal-play-chess among the Interest group ;

  12. 价格规制与企业资本结构的选择&来自我国上市公司的经验证据

    Price Regulation and Capital Structure Choice : Empirical Evidence from Listed Companies in China

  13. 中国药品价格规制研究

    A Study on Pharmaceuticals Price Regulation in China

  14. 我国电力产业市场结构与价格规制治理研究

    Research on Structuring and Regulated Pricing Mechanism of the Electric Power Industry in China

  15. 价格规制是对价格的一种规范,价格规制并不等同于价格控制。

    Price regulation is to standardize prices , which is different from price control .

  16. 市场经济条件下我国药品价格规制研究

    Research on the Regulation of Medicine Prices in the Market Economy System in China

  17. 药品价格规制的必要性及规制的制度环境分析

    An Analysis of the Necessity and System Environment of the Regulation of Medicine Prices

  18. 第四是介绍师宗县自来水价格规制现状,查找存在问题。

    Fourth is the Shizong County tap water price regulation situation , find problems .

  19. 电力需求侧管理中的价格规制

    Electricity Pricing Regulation in Demand Side Management

  20. 其次是介绍国外自来水价格规制的规制方法。

    The second is the introduction of foreign regulation method of tap water price regulation .

  21. 关于电力行业价格规制的研究

    Study of Pricing and Regulation of Electricity

  22. 我国民航客运价格规制改革研究

    The Rules & Regulations Reform Research of the Civil Aviation Passenger Transportation Price in China

  23. 本文主要研究考虑供电可靠性的供电价格规制方法。

    This paper discusses the method of electricity supply price regulation considering power supply reliability .

  24. 价格规制体制包括法律基础、规制机构、规制模式三部分,这三个部分应该是一个互相呼应、配合的有机整体。

    The price regulation system is combined by law , regulation organization and regulation means .

  25. 网络产业价格规制对投资行为的扭曲及改进方案

    On Distorted Investment Behavior by Price Regulation on the Network Industries and the Remedial Schemes

  26. 价格规制合同设计中信息租金与配置效率的协调方式

    Coordination Modes Between Information Rent and Allocation Efficiency in the Design of Incentive Regulation Contracts

  27. 论政府价格规制中的公众参与

    On Public Participation in Government Pricing Regulations

  28. 对公交进入规制、价格规制、质量规制的具体方式进行了分析。

    Specific ways of bus entry regulation , price regulation , quality regulation are analyzed .

  29. 教育产业的价格规制改革研究

    On Reforming Price Regulation of Education Industry

  30. 在政府价格规制中引入公众参与机制有利于价格规制政策的制定。

    Public participation in government pricing regulation process is good to establish the pricing regulation policy .