
  • 网络price adjustment
  1. 数量调节与价格调节之间关系的探讨

    A Study on the Relation between Quantity Adjustment and Price Adjustment

  2. 非均衡市场价格调节的纯增益反馈控制问题研究

    Pure gain feedback control research on price adjustment for disequilibrium micro market

  3. 基于TDM概念调节大城市繁华区域出行方式的调查分析&以停车收费价格调节出行方式为例

    Analysis on the TDM-based Trip-mode Regulation Survey in Megapolis Downtown & A Case Study on Regulating Trip-modes By Parking-Pricing

  4. 研究了物价局价格调节基金管理系统的业务流程,提出了开发该MIS系统的功能模块,并且介绍了利用Oracle数据库及其开发工具实现系统的一系列关键技术。

    The business process of the price regulation fund management system in price bureau was studied , developing the function mold pieces of the MIS was put forward . A series of key techniques for realizing the system based-on Oracle and its development tool were introduced .

  5. 我国农产品价格调节基金制度研究

    Research on the Agricultural Product Price Regulates the Fund System in China

  6. 非均衡蛛网模型价格调节的稳定性分析(Ⅱ)

    Stability Analysis Made on the Price Adjustment of Disequilibrium Cobweb Model (ⅱ)

  7. 市场价格调节系统及稳定性分析

    Manipulating System of Market Price and Analysis of Its Stability

  8. 现行定价机制下的航油价格调节模拟模型

    A Simulation Model for Jet Fuel Price Adjustment with Current Pricing Policies

  9. 非均衡市场价格调节动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis on Adjustment of Price for Disequilibrium Market

  10. 非均衡微观市场价格调节的鲁棒控制策略

    Robust Control Policies on Price Adjustment for Non-equilibrium Micro-market

  11. 非均衡经济的价格调节过程

    A price adjustment process in a disequilibrium Economics

  12. 价格调节与水资源集约利用

    Price Adjustment and Intensivism Utilization of Water Resource

  13. 实行低成本低票价策略,运用价格调节机制,参与市场竞争。

    We should involve ourselves in the market competition by employing the " Low Cost & Low Fare " strategy .

  14. 为达到销售收益增加的目的,在其他条件不变的情况下,价格调节本身必须在一定的范围内进行。

    For increasing the sales income , the price adjustment itself must be proceed in certain dimension in terms of other conditions unchanged .

  15. 政府可以建立重要商品储备制度,设立价格调节基金,调控价格,稳定市场。

    The government shall build a major merchandise reserve system and establish a price regulation fund to control prices and stabilize the market .

  16. 弹性又称为相对导数,它在商品经济活动中有着广泛的应用,诸如用价格调节需求等。

    Elasticity , also called relative derivation , is extensively applied in the activity of commodity economy , such as adjusting the demand with price .

  17. 电能价格调节着市场中各集团的利益分配,是市场公平竞争的基础,更是市场资源配置能否达到最优、社会效益能否最大化的关键环节。

    Energy pricing is the basis of interest distribution and the fair competition in power market . It also plays important role in system resources allocation .

  18. 手工操作下的物价局价格调节基金管理需要花费大量的人力、物力,存在误差很大、反馈不及时等诸多不足。

    The manual operation in price regulation fund management in price bureau presented many drawbacks such as waste of manpower and material resources , large errors , feedback delay etc.

  19. 要加强对商业银行服务收费的宣传和监管,以充分发挥收费的价格调节杠杆作用。

    It 's compulsory to strengthen the propaganda and supervision of commission services of commercial banks in order to put price adjusting leverage function of commission services into a full play .

  20. 当建设工程交易市场因价格调节机制失效而不能自动降低交易成本时,必须依靠包括法律制度在内的合同外部约束机制进行调解。

    When the construction market fails to reduce the transaction costs automatically by its own price mechanism , it is necessary to depend on the external restriction system including laws and others .

  21. 本文建立具有数量调节和价格调节机制的双市场非均衡模型及其极大似然参数估计方法。

    In this paper , a maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters in the two-market disequilibrium model with two adjustment mechanism represented by quantity adjustment equations and price adjustment equations is given .

  22. 自上世纪八十年代以来,全国各级政府根据国家出台的一系列法律法规或者政策性文件,广泛建立起了价格调节基金制度。

    In recent years , governments at all levels , in accordance with national laws and regulations introduced a number of columns or policy documents , establish a widespread system of price regulation fund .

  23. 为平抑市场物价,促进主要副食品生产,1988年国务院出台相关政策要求各地建立主要副食品价格调节基金。

    To bring down prices and promote the main non-staple food production , in 1988 the State Council issued the relevant policy that required price regulation fund for non-staple food be established all over the country .

  24. 在市场经济中,一切经济活动都在市场规律作用下运行,商品的需求和供给由商品的价格调节,这促进了市场经济的发展。

    In a market economy , all economic activities run under the laws of the market , the demand and supply of goods are adjusted by commodity price , which promote the development of the market economy .

  25. 借助于成熟的西方经济学、城市经济学、土地经济学、地理学等有关理论,探讨在市场经济体制下,城市土地价格调节城市土地资源配置的理论基础。

    The paper tries to summarize the effect of urban land price on the allocation of urban land resources under the condition of socialist market economy , applying theories of western economics , urban economics , land economics , and geography .

  26. 补偿手段主要有行政手段干预、法律法规约束、经济手段调节(税费改革,市场价格调节,经济奖励)和荣誉激励等,在具体补偿途径中,应多种补偿方式、多种手段结合运用。

    Compensation approaches include administrative intervention , restriction by laws and economical regulations ( tax reform , market prices adjustment , economic incentives ), and the honor encouragement , in specific practices , several types of compensation and several approaches should be combined . 3 .

  27. 价格调节与自然资源集约利用&以水资源为例为此,通过我国水价变革情况、水价实施种类的分析,提出了农业灌溉用水价格调整的原则,以促进水资源的可持续开发和利用。

    Through analyzing the condition of water price reformation and the kind of water price , the author put forward the countermeasure about how to adjusting the water price of agricultural irrigation . Thus , the author wants to provide some references for using and exploiting the water resources sustainable .

  28. 卷烟价格杠杆调节的实证研究

    Experimental study on the leverage adjustment of cigarette price

  29. 另外,合理地利用价格杠杆调节停车供需关系,具有明显的调节空间。

    It 's helpful to reasonably adjust the relationship of parking demand and supply using price lever .

  30. 中国电信移动电话业务发展迅速是令人瞩目的,资费政策发挥了重要的价格杠杆调节作用。

    The tariff policy has played an important price-leverage role in the development of the mobile telephone services .