
jià zhí lùn
  • axiology
价值论[jià zhí lùn]
  1. 价值论作为哲学的分支之一已经为越来越多的哲学家所接受。

    Philosophers have gradually accepted axiology as one branch of philosophy .

  2. 深化劳动价值论的客观根源和现实目的

    The Objective Root and the Realistic Purpose of Deepening Labor Axiology

  3. 将稀少性的概念引入劳动价值论既有必要,也有可能

    It is necessary and possible to lead the concept of sparsity into of labor value .

  4. 效用价值论者Say和Malthus认为商品经济的公平效率应该是客观公平、效率优先。

    The theorists of utility value Say and Malthus think that the fair efficiency of the commodity economy should be objective and fair , efficiency first .

  5. 劳动价值论者Petty的公平效率观是分配规则公平、效率优先;

    The fair efficiency view of petty , a theorist of labor value , is that the rule of distribution is fair , efficiency first .

  6. 论劳动价值论与其他四种价值理论

    On Labor Value Theory and other Four Kinds of Value Theories

  7. 包括价值论、情感论、评价论。

    It includes value theory , emotion theory and evaluation theory .

  8. 路径修饰学价值论的自然主义路径

    Rhetorics of Path The Naturalist Approach to the Study of Values

  9. 文化自觉具有存在论和价值论的理论根基。

    Cultural consciousness has existence and value of the theoretical foundation .

  10. 深化劳动价值论研究的方向和思路

    The Orientation and Idea to Deepen the study on Labor Values

  11. 只有自觉地将劳动价值论区分为宏观和微观两部分,才能明确劳动价值论一系列基本结论的前提条件,才能廓清价值规律的适用范围和操作领域。

    We should distinguish it into macroscopical and microcosmic labor axiology .

  12. 价值论的视角:经济竞争活动的道德意蕴

    Visual Angle of Axiology : Moral Sense of Economic Competing Movement

  13. 知识商品、才能商品与劳动价值论

    Knowledge Commodity , Talent Commodity and the Theory of Labour Value

  14. 现代经济分析需要建立社会价值论

    Modern Economic Analysis Requires the Establishment of Social Value Theory

  15. 价值论与伦理学:过去、现在与未来

    Axiology and Ethics : The Past , the Present and the Future

  16. 正确理解和深化马克思的劳动价值论

    Properly Comprehending and Deepening the Marx 's Labor Value Theory

  17. 马克思的实践学说有其深刻的价值论意蕴;

    Marx 's practice theory has its profound value implication ;

  18. 劳动价值论与我国当前的几个现实问题

    Labor Value Theory and Several Realistic Problems of Our Country

  19. 理论创新,丰富和发展劳动价值论

    Theoretical Innovation and the Enrichment and Development of Labor theory of Value

  20. 以科学的态度正确认识和创新劳动价值论

    Preserving a Scientific Attitude Towards and Innovating the Labor Theory of Value

  21. 康德哲学体系中的价值论命题

    The Propositions of the Theory of Value in the System of Kantian

  22. 新的历史条件下马克思劳动价值论研究

    Marxist Labor Theory of Value Under the Current Historical Condition

  23. 坚持马克思的劳动价值论的前提是理解该理论。

    The premise for keeping the theory is understanding it .

  24. 哲学价值论的研究可从评价问题入手,首先确立价值与“应该”的本质联系;

    The study of the philosophical value should start from problem evaluation .

  25. 马克思劳动价值论与流通劳动的生产性

    The Production of Circulation Labor and Marx 's Labor Theory of Value

  26. 从劳动价值论看图书馆服务性劳动

    On the Service from Library through the Value - Theory

  27. 从价值论看生态伦理价值主体

    The Value Subject of Environmental Ethics as Viewed from Theory of Values

  28. 中国改革价值论初探

    On the theory of the values of China 's reform

  29. 哲学价值论在19世纪末的兴起有其特定的心理学背景。

    Axiology and value theory rose with the emergence of modern psychology .

  30. 知识性人力资本和劳动价值论的发展

    Development of Knowledge Human Capital and Labor Theory of Value