
  • 网络Discounts Model
  1. 考虑货币时间价值的变质商品临时价格折扣模型

    A Temporary Price Discounts Model Considering Time Value of Money for Deteriorating Goods

  2. 短生命周期产品的临时价格折扣模型

    A Model of Temporary Price Discount for Short Lifecycle Products

  3. 最后研究了子系统之间价格折扣模型,进而使供应链整体达到最优的目的。

    The subsystem price rebate model and the realization of optimized supply chain are studied .

  4. 进而建立改进的基于价格折扣的EOQ模型,通过推导、求解,得到模型最优解。

    And then the improved EOQ model based on price discount has been proposed .

  5. 基于价格折扣下的EOQ模型(Ⅱ)研究

    Research on the EOQ model (ⅱ) based on price discount

  6. BOSC环境下考虑价格折扣因素的利润模型

    Profit Model Under BOSC by Considering Price Discount

  7. 定期信用支付期影响价格折扣的最优订购模型

    The Optimized Strategy of Price Discount Dependent Supplier Timed Credit

  8. 一类有价格折扣的库存管理模型

    A kind of the storage management model under the condition of price discount

  9. 有价格折扣的经济批量模型仿真

    Simulating the EOQ Model with Price Discounts