
shānɡ yè zhé kòu
  • trade discount;commercial discount;trade allowance
  1. 浅析企业如何合理运用商业折扣与现金折扣

    Analysis of how the enterprises use the commercial discount and cash

  2. 与其实质上一致的商业折扣也应按现金折扣的处理进行调整。

    Commercial discount , which is similar to cash discount in nature , should also be processed and adjusted in the same way .

  3. 商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。

    Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty .

  4. 若能告知你方是否给现金折扣或商业折扣,将不胜感激。

    730we would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts .

  5. 商业折扣条件下非经济采购区对经济订货量的影响

    The Influence of the Noneconomics Purchasing Zone on the Economics Order Quantity in the Situation of Commercial Discount

  6. 目前使用的经济订货量基本模型的缺陷是未考虑商业折扣。

    The defect of the model of economic order quantity ( EOQ ) is that it lacks the trade discount .

  7. 我们通常给予20%的商业折扣,外加订货1000件以上的数量折扣。

    728 We usually deal on a 20 % trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units .

  8. 第七条销售商品涉及商业折扣的,应当按照扣除商业折扣后的金额确定销售商品收入金额。

    Article7If any trade discount in selling goods is concerned , the revenue incurred by selling goods shall be ascertained in accordance with the amount after the deduction of the trade discount .

  9. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结帐。若能告知你方是否给现金折扣或商业折扣,将不胜感激。

    729 We would also like to point out that we mainly settle our accounts on a documents-against-acceptance basis . 730 We would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts .

  10. 商业经营中折扣类型及其使用策略的探讨

    On Discount Classification and Relative Strategies in Practice

  11. 另外不仅回扣行为能够构成商业贿赂,折扣、佣金及附赠等行为也可能构成商业贿赂。

    On the other hand , not only sales commission , but discounts , commissions and attached gifts can lead to business bribery .