
xiàn jīn zhé kòu
  • cash discount
  1. 信用支付并混有现金折扣的变库存费的变质物品的EOQ模型

    EOQ Models for Perishable Items with Variable Holding Cost , Trade Credit and Cash Discount

  2. 延期支付条件下的最优付款时间确定:考虑现金折扣情形

    Optimal Payment Time under Permissible Delay in Payments with Cash Discount

  3. 浅析企业如何合理运用商业折扣与现金折扣

    Analysis of how the enterprises use the commercial discount and cash

  4. 现金折扣方式销货增值税核算问题

    Accounting Problems on Added value Tax in Cash Discount Sales

  5. 销售者为鼓励顾客早日付款,常对在一定时间内付清货款的顾客给予现金折扣优惠。

    Cash discounts are usually offered by sellers to encourage early cash payment .

  6. 现金折扣和资金约束下的零售商延迟支付订货策略

    Retailer 's Order Strategy of Delay in Payments under Cash Discount and Capital Constraints

  7. 你们给现金折扣吗?

    Do you allow a cash discount ?

  8. 抗氧化性样品的剖析浅析现金折扣的运用

    Separation and Identification of Components of an Antioxygenic Sample Brief Analysis on Cash Discount Utilization

  9. 浅析现金折扣的运用

    Brief Analysis on Cash Discount Utilization

  10. 若能告知你方是否给现金折扣或商业折扣,将不胜感激。

    730we would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts .

  11. 浅谈现金折扣

    Tack on Cash Discount

  12. 销货方应计算提供现金折扣所产生的成本增减净额,以决定是否提供现金折扣和提供什么条件的现金折扣。

    The suppliers should calculate the increased net cost which the cash discount produces before providing the cash discount .

  13. 对此账单,我公司所以办理现金折扣,乃系奖励如期付款。

    The cash discount given on this bill is an incentive to pay the bill on the date due .

  14. 现金折扣是一种商业信用,反映企业调度资金的能力。

    Cash discount is a type of business reputation which reflects the enterprises ' ability in capi - tal management .

  15. 为加强控制、监管,现金折扣应开具红字发票。

    In order to enhance our control and supervision over this practice , the issuing of Red Invoice is necessary .

  16. 为该市场提供的优惠项目有:对各种名牌的家用物品实行现金折扣形式。

    It presented this segment with incentives in the form of cash discounts on wide variety of leading branded household goods .

  17. 购货方应计算放弃现金折扣所需负担的成本,以决定是否享受现金折扣;

    The buyers should calculate the cost when they give up cash discount before decide whether enjoy the cash discount or not .

  18. 与其实质上一致的商业折扣也应按现金折扣的处理进行调整。

    Commercial discount , which is similar to cash discount in nature , should also be processed and adjusted in the same way .

  19. 会计规范与税收法规的矛盾与协调&释疑现金折扣的会计处理及引发的相关问题

    Contradiction between Accounting Specifications and Tax Statutes and Its Coordination & An Interpretation to the process of cash discount and some relevant problems

  20. 赊销效果的好坏,取决于企业的信用政策,包括信用期间、信用标准、现金折扣等。

    The result of credit sale depends on enterprises ' credit policy , including reputation period , reputation standard and cash discount , etc. .

  21. 信用条件的确定实际上是要在信用期限和现金折扣比例两个方面来进行测算并制定标准。

    The framing of credit condition is to calculate the credit time-limit and the discounted proportion of cash , and then customizing the standard .

  22. 信用交易中的应付款项产生了商业信用资金,而商业信用资金的现金折扣通常以机会成本的形式出现。

    Acount payable in business on credit brings credit capital , while cash discount for acount payable has the form of opportunity cost generally .

  23. 本文在供应商提供给零售商定期信用支付和现金折扣情况下,研究了零售商的变质物品最优库存问题。

    This article studies the optimal inventory model for deteriorating items , when the vender affords fixed trade credit and cash discount to the retailer .

  24. 利用连续复利原理计算商业信用成本率,并结合实际数据对现金折扣方案给出了定量化的技术经济评价。

    This paper deduces a rate of the mercantile credit cost , and gives an quantitative evaluation of engineering economy by taking a practical example .

  25. 对于现金折扣则可按总额法核算,购销双方对实际发生的现金折扣分别作为理财收益和理财费用处理;

    Cash discount is examined and calculated according to the total volume , the cash discount is treated as financing income and financing expenditure by buyers and sellers accordingly .

  26. 该计划由政府和生产商联合推出,如果车主以旧车换购任何一款新车,将获得3000美元现金折扣。

    The idea is a joint government-manufacturer incentive plan to give consumers with old car trade-ins a $ 3000 cash back deal on the purchase of any new car .

  27. 研究了资金受到限制的零售商,该如何根据供应商给予的延迟支付期和现金折扣付款期来确定自己的最优订货策略。

    In this paper , we study how the retailer whose capital is constrained determines the optimal order strategy according to the period of delay in payments and cash discount .

  28. “净销售额”指总销售额减去数量折扣和利润,但不包括现金折扣和不可收帐目折扣。

    The term " net sales " shall mean gross sales less quantity iscounts and returns , but no deduction shall be made for cash or other iscounts or uncollectible accounts .

  29. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结帐。若能告知你方是否给现金折扣或商业折扣,将不胜感激。

    729 We would also like to point out that we mainly settle our accounts on a documents-against-acceptance basis . 730 We would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts .

  30. 本文认为现金折扣是价、税合计的折扣,现行处理是与税法相协调的结果;

    This paper maintains that cash discount is a discount based on the sum of price and tax , and our current way of its process is a result of being in line with the tax statutes .