
  • 网络Hyundai;HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY;hmc;Hyundai Motor
  1. 当郑梦九在1999年3月成为现代汽车公司总裁时,业内人士对他缺乏兴趣。

    When Chung Mong Koo became CEO of Hyundai Motor Co. in March , 1999 , the industry yawned .

  2. 韩国,蔚山:现代汽车公司的出口码头上停满了正等待装船的汽车。

    Hyundai Motor Corp. 's export pier in Ulsan , South Korea , packed with cars waiting to be shipped .

  3. 1994年现代汽车公司和韩国其它厂家的销售状况

    Sales of Korea Auto Companies in 1994

  4. 像韩国的现代汽车公司和美国的福特公司,他们在印度生产的小型汽车还同时出口到欧洲、俄罗斯和拉丁美洲。

    Companies such as Hyundai and Ford are also exporting compact cars from India to Europe , Russia and Latin America .

  5. 去年郑把现代汽车公司10%的股份出售给美国戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车公司以建立战略联盟。

    Last year , Chung sold 10 % of Hyundai Motor to DaimlerChrysler with the aim of building a strategic alliance .

  6. 这些显著的成果促使郑决定在美国开设首家现代汽车公司的工厂,尽管具体日期尚未确定。

    The stellar results have prompted Chung to authorize the opening of Hyundai 's first U.S. plant , though no date is set .

  7. 总联盟表示超过13万名工人会参加罢工,其中包括大约3万名受雇于现代汽车公司的工会成员。

    The group said more than 130000 workers would walk off the job , including about 30000 union members employed by Hyundai Motors .

  8. 伊万尼克负责现代汽车公司营销与广告业务期间,古德拜公司便是现代公司的广告代理,他与古德拜公司合伙人杰夫•古德拜保持长期的合作关系。

    Goodby was Hyundai 's ad agency when Ewanick led its marketing and advertising , and Ewanick has a longtime relationship with agency partner Jeff Goodby .

  9. 公司的报告表明现代汽车公司的质量比过去4年提升了28%,而整个汽车行业为14%。

    The firm reports that Hyundai 's quality has jumped 28 % over the past four years , which compares with 14 % for the industry as a whole .

  10. 文章结合丰田和现代汽车公司的国际化历程,指出了中国汽车企业国际化经营需要注意的问题,并提出了相应的建议。

    After that , by studying the experience of internationalized operation of Toyota and Hyundai , this paper points out some issues China automotive companies should pay attention to , and puts forward the corresponding suggestions .

  11. 诚然,现代汽车公司占有了韩国国内小汽车市场,但在具有决定性的海外市场,它的声誉不佳,质量低下:咬合不紧的车门,发出抖动响声的框架,发动机加速无力,而且正处于亏损状态。

    True , Hyundai Motor dominated the car market at home , but in crucial overseas markets , it had a reputation for poor quality doors that didn 't fit properly , frames that rattled , engines that delivered puny acceleration and it was losing money .

  12. 现代汽车美国分公司(hyundaimotoramerica)代理首席执行官约翰克拉富西克(johnkrafcik)在一次采访中表示,稳健的表现反映了现代“做大、做强并在重要地方出现”的战略。

    John Krafcik , acting chief executive of Hyundai Motor America , said in an interview that the solid performance reflected a strategy " to be big , go big and to be seen in big places " .