
  • 网络Volvo Group;AB VOLVO;Volvo AB
  1. 麦克卡车公司是沃尔沃集团(VolvoGroup)的子公司。

    Mack Trucks Inc. is a unit of the Volvo Group .

  2. 请允许我首先介绍一下有关沃尔沃集团的情况。

    Allow me to start off by saying a few words about the Volvo Group .

  3. 沃尔沃集团重视汽车安全

    Volvo Attaching Importance to Auto Safety

  4. 沃尔沃集团在中国拥有牢固的市场地位,我们可以生产定制化产品以满足中国客户的需求。

    Our position in China is today very strong and we can produce tailored products to suit your needs .

  5. 沃尔沃集团招聘和对待员工的方式绝没有诸如性别、宗教和民族等方面的歧视。

    The Volvo Group recruits and treats its employees in a way that is not discriminatory as regards , for instance , gender , religion and nationality .

  6. 非常有幸能有机会跟大家分享我本人和沃尔沃集团关于企业社会责任的一些看法。

    It is a great honour for me to be allowed this opportunity to give you my and Volvo Group view on Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) .

  7. 让我的个人生活变得如此丰富的其中一个方面就是我有机会从沃尔沃集团中无所不在的多元企业文化中获益。

    One thing that has significantly enriched my personal life has been the opportunity to learn from the immense diversity that is to be found throughout the Volvo Group .

  8. 沃尔沃集团已经连续第六年进入道琼斯可持续发展指数排行榜,这要归功于集团持续推动经济、环境和社会问题的解决。

    For the sixth consecutive year , the Volvo Group has been noted in Dow Jones Sustainability Index thanks to the Group 's sustainability drive in the areas of economy , environment and social issues .

  9. 沃尔沃集团与东风联姻,带来的更让人始料未及的一个结果是,东风商用车决定在今年的帆船赛中赞助7支船队中的1支。

    One of the more unpredictable outcomes of Volvo Group 's partnership with Dongfeng was a decision by the latter 's commercial truck unit to sponsor one of the six boats in this year 's iteration of the sailing competition .

  10. 在周一的底特律车展上,沃尔沃汽车集团(VolvoCarCorporation)宣布将在未来几个月开始出售一款在成都生产的中型轿车。

    The Volvo Car Corporation announced at the Detroit auto show on Monday that it planned to begin shipping a midsize sedan from Chengdu in the next several months .

  11. 沃尔沃环球帆船赛的所有者和赞助者,是瑞典卡车和重型装备制造商沃尔沃集团(VolvoGroup)及其前姊妹公司沃尔沃汽车(VolvoCars)。

    Its eponymous owner-sponsors are Swedish truck and heavy-equipment maker Volvo Group and its former sister unit , Volvo Cars .

  12. 沃尔沃汽车现在是中国汽车制造商吉利(Geely)旗下公司,同时沃尔沃集团最近完成了对东风商用车业务45%股份的收购。东风是一家总部位于中国中部地区的国企。

    Volvo Cars is now a division of Geely , the Chinese automaker , while Volvo Group recently completed its purchase of a 45 per cent stake in the commercial vehicle operations of Dongfeng , a state-owned group based in central China .