
  • 网络vorkuta;VKT
  1. 或者来到北极圈中矿业城市沃尔库塔,那里的矿工们的工资只是一些三明治,而老板们腰包鼓鼓,装满将煤炭按自由市场价格售出而窃取的金钱。

    Or a visit to the Arctic mining city of Vorkuta , where miners were being paid in sandwiches while their bosses pocketed the money from the coal for which they were earning free-market prices .

  2. 在一次参观沃尔库塔前监狱收容所时,他遭到了激烈的质问和用力的推搡部分原因是他让当地人想起了所在社区的罪恶出身,而这些是他们急于掩盖的。

    On one visit to the former prison colony of Vorkuta , he was heckled violently and jostled badly in part for reminding the inhabitants of the sinister origins of their community , which they were anxious to disguise .