
  • 网络vodafone;verizon;Vodafone Group Plc;VoD;vodaphone
  1. 沃达丰爱尔兰公司已经选定诺基亚公司作为其3G网络的唯一供应商。

    Vodafone Ireland has chosen Nokia Corp as sole supplier of its3G network .

  2. 其中主要障碍在于电信业由中国移动(chinamobile)一家主导(沃达丰(vodafone)持有中国移动少量股份)。

    Chief among these was its lopsided telecoms industry , dominated by China Mobile , in which Vodafone has a small stake .

  3. 沃达丰还希望等到市场上已经出现一系列3G手机时再开始3G网络铺设。

    Vodafone would also like to wait until there is a range of3G handsets on the market .

  4. 据沃达丰透露,新一代iPhone将于9月25日发布。

    Apple 's next iPhone will be released on September 25th , it has been revealed by Vodafone .

  5. 上述说法并不罕见——沃达丰(Vodafone)在中国移动(ChinaMobile)的持股令其获利100亿美元,但该集团并未表现出售出这些股权的打算。

    This is not an unusual argument - Vodafone , sitting on a $ 10bn profit from its China Mobile stake shows no inclination of selling .

  6. 实际上沃达丰空中通讯公司(VodafoneGroupPLC)就有一项配合HSDPA调制解调器的服务,每24小时的收费是20美元,而且使用基本不受限制。

    Vodafone indeed offers a service for a HSDPA modem that costs about $ 20 per24 hours of more or less unlimited usage .

  7. 但信实电信与沃达丰退出了最新的4G拍卖,表示成本太高。

    But Reliance Communications and Vodafone pulled out of the latest auction , citing the high cost .

  8. 他2006年收购沃达丰日本(VodaphoneJapan)的交易与这次的斯普林特交易特别相似。

    His purchase of Vodaphone Japan in 2006 has particular parallels with the sprint deal .

  9. JuneSugiyama是沃达丰美国基金会的主管。

    June Sugiyama is director of the Vodaphone Americas Foundation .

  10. 据电信服务提供商沃达丰透露,下一代iPhone将于9月25日面市。

    Apple 's next iPhone will be released on Sept 25 , it has been revealed by Vodafone , a provider of telecommunications services .

  11. 英国政府近日要求电信运营商O2和沃达丰为支持乡村宽带建设起见共享其3G网络带宽。

    British cellular carriers O2 and Vodafone are being asked by the government to share their3G spectrum as part of an effort to supply rural broadband .

  12. 《时代》杂志同样接触了欧洲主要的运营商沃达丰、T-Mobile以及Telefonica-O2(由西班牙电信商收购)。

    TIME also contacted major European carriers Vodafone , T-Mobile and Telefonica O2 .

  13. 他指的是,他实现了日本电信(JapanTelecom)、沃达丰(Vodaphone)和Willcom的扭亏为盈。

    He was referring to his turnaround of ventures such as Japan Telecom , Vodaphone , and willcom .

  14. 世界上最有力的老总中有一些主要是以他们的温和而出名:如IBM的彭明胜,BP的唐熙华,乐购的特里•莱西和沃达丰的维托里奥•科劳。

    Some of the world 's most powerful bosses are striking mainly for their blandness : Sam Palmisano at IBM , Tony Hayward at BP , Terry Leahy at Tesco , Vittorio Colao at Vodafone .

  15. 英国主要移动运营商也将因此减少到三家,其中包括沃达丰(Vodafone)。

    It would also shrink the number of main mobile providers in Britain to three , including Vodafone .

  16. 以沃达丰(Vodafone)为首的英国10强品牌的品牌价值缩水8%。

    The top 10 UK brands , headed by Vodafone , lost 8 per cent of their value .

  17. 沃达丰(Vodafone)今年将首次大举进入电视和宽带市场,而Sky已签署一项协议,拟在明年推出移动服务。

    Vodafone will push aggressively into TV and broadband for the first time this year , while Sky has signed a deal to launch mobile services next year .

  18. 美国电报电话公司(AT&T)的史蒂芬森(RandallStephenson)和沃达丰(VodafoneGroup)的克劳(VittorioColao)会走到一起吗?

    Will AT & T 's Randall Stephenson and Vodafone Group 's Vittorio Colao end up in the same room together ?

  19. 沃达丰瑞典公司已经要求瑞典邮政与电信局(“PTS”)将2003年底到期的该公司完成3G网络建设的最后期限推迟两年。

    Vodafone Sweden has asked Sweden 's National Post and Telecommunications Agency ( the PTS ) to postpone for two years the end-2003 deadline for completing its3G mobile network .

  20. 印度巴蒂电信已将其3G和4G服务降价80%,而全球通信巨头沃达丰在套餐价格不变的情况下将流量提高了近70%。

    Airtel has slashed its prices for 3G and 4G service by 80 % , and Vodafone has boosted the amount of data in its plans by nearly 70 % .

  21. 沃达丰可能在2012年前无意建设4G网络,一定程度上是因为它觉得3G技术在今后两、三年仍足以让客户满意。

    Vodafone does not envisage rolling out 4G networks until possibly 2012 , partly because it thinks that third generation technology can satisfy customers for another two to three years .

  22. 沃达丰(Vodafone)较为大胆一些,计划在今后两年支出320亿美元,而去年该公司的支出是110亿美元。

    Vodafone is bolder , planning $ 32bn expenditure over the next two years , up from $ 11bn last year .

  23. 星运网络也是视频领域的专家,帮助verizon、sprint和沃达丰(vodafone)等移动运营商处理向手机和其它装置发送的视频短片。

    Starent also specialises in video , helping mobile carriers such as Verizon , sprint and Vodafone manage clips headed for phones and other devices .

  24. 沃达丰首席执行官维托里奥柯拉奥(VittorioColao)上周在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上表示,BT等规模较大的老牌运营商正谋求通过它们在固话领域的垄断获益。

    Vittorio Colao , chief executive of Vodafone , said at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last week that larger incumbents such as BT were seeking to benefit from their fixed-line monopolies .

  25. 沃达丰(Vodafone)等运营商自己也提供音乐等手机服务,但这些服务并未创造多少收入。

    Operators such as Vodafone have their own mobile services , such as music , but they have not generated much revenue .

  26. 该产品销售额增加了一倍以上,这在一定程度上要归功于新电信运营商的加入,例如英国的沃达丰(Vodafone)。

    Shipments more than doubled , thanks in part to the addition of new carriers , such as Vodafone in the UK .

  27. 3年前,手机运营商沃达丰澳大利亚分公司(VodafoneAustralia)引入了一种自动呼叫处理系统,令用户注册客户识别模块(SIM)卡变得更为容易。

    Three years ago , Vodafone Australia , the mobile telephone operator , introduced an automated call handling system to make it easier for customers to register SIM cards .

  28. 沃达丰上次从VerizonWireless获得分红是在2005年,价值9.23亿英镑(合18亿美元)。不过,这家英国公司的高管指出,他们预计2009年将恢复分红。

    Vodafone 's last dividend from Verizon Wireless , worth 923m ( $ 1.8bn ), was in 2005 but the UK company 's executives have indicated that they expect payments to resume by 2009 .

  29. 拉拉的角色现在正向SIM卡以外拓展:从4月份开始,致电沃达丰澳大利亚分公司的人,首先将听到她的声音。

    Lara 's role is now being extended beyond SIM cards : from April , hers will be the first voice heard by callers to Vodafone Australia .

  30. 他们包括波音(Boeing)的吉姆•迈克纳尼(JimMcNerney)、瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的迪德简•蒂亚姆(TidjaneThiam)、安联保险集团(Allianz)的奥利弗•拜特(OliverBäte)以及沃达丰(Vodafone)的维托里奥•科劳(VittorioColao)。

    They include Jim McNerney at Boeing , Tidjane Thiam of Credit Suisse , Oliver B ä te at Allianz and Vittorio Colao at Vodafone .