
  • 网络Pfizer;PFIZER INC;PFE
  1. 美国环保局称,事后,辉瑞公司没有按照联邦法律的规定及时上报爆炸事件。

    Pfizer failed to immediately notify the National Response Center of the release , the EPA said , in violation of federal law .

  2. IDEAL研究基金由辉瑞公司提供。

    Funding for the IDEAL study was provided by Pfizer Inc.

  3. 之后,FDA要求辉瑞公司检测美国市场的几批奈非那韦。

    Since then , the FDA has asked Pfizer to test batches of Viracept made for the U.

  4. 辉瑞公司(Pfizer)也有一款这种类型的药物,但研发进度要更慢。

    Pfizer also has a drug in this new class but it is further behind in development .

  5. 印度的南新制药公司(Ranbaxy)跟像辉瑞公司(Pfizer)这样的品牌药制造商相比还是微不足道;

    India 's Ranbaxy is still minute compared with a branded-drugs maker like Pfizer ;

  6. 据IMSHealth公司调查,这可是一个大蛋糕:去年在美国销售的降胆固醇药物-其中包括默克的舒降之和辉瑞公司的立普妥等等药物突破了200亿美元。

    That could be a big deal : U.S.sales of cholesterol-lowering drugs which include Merck 's Zocor and Pfizer 's Lipitor , among others topped $ 20 billion last year , according to IMS Health .

  7. 据辉瑞公司称,遭质疑的几批奈非那韦的甲基磺酸乙酯或EMS(一种可疑的人类致癌物质)超标。

    According to Pfizer , the questionable batches of Viracept contained an unusually high level of the compound ethyl methanesulfonate , or EMS , a suspected human carcinogen .

  8. 在其专利到期前,适利达(一种前列腺素药名)是辉瑞公司(Pfizer)一款价值高达数十亿美元的拳头产品。

    Before its patent expired , Xalatan [ a prostaglandin ] was a product worth a couple of billon dollars to Pfizer .

  9. 伟哥没有被批准用于女性,而辉瑞公司在发现这项研究无利可图之后也放弃了争取FDA的批准。

    Viagra has not been approved for use in women , and Pfizer gave up on pursuing that FDA approval after studies of the drug in women failed to show a benefit .

  10. 科菲教授计划与美国医药公司巨头辉瑞公司(pfizer)合作,对黄斑退化症进行干细胞治疗的临床试验。

    Professor Coffey is planning a clinical trial of a stem cell treatment for macular degeneration , an important cause of blindness , in partnership with Pfizer , the giant US drug company .

  11. 哈佛肯尼迪政治学院的BenHeineman称,此次美国司法部门对辉瑞公司罚款力度相对较轻就是为了表明会对那些协助调查的公司宽大处理。

    The relatively small fine imposed on Pfizer was the Justice Department 's way of showing that firms that co-operate will be treated leniently , says Ben Heineman of Harvard 's Kennedy School of Government .

  12. 一家中国制药公司已得到国家食品药品监督管理局批准,成为国内首家正式生产国产版本万艾可(Viagra)的厂家,万艾可是辉瑞公司(Pfizer)治疗勃起功能障碍的著名药物。

    A Chinese pharmaceutical company has received the green light from China 's State Food and Drug Administration to become the country 's first official producer of a homegrown version of Viagra , Pfizer 's famous erectile dysfunction drug .

  13. 由美国辉瑞公司(Pfizer)开发的新一代治疗心血管疾病药物氨氯地平是第三代1,4-二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂的典型代表,已在全世界几十个国家和地区上市销售。

    Amlodipine is a kind of new drug in the treatment of cardiovascular disease developed by Pfizer . As a typical kind of the third generation 1,4-dihydropyridines calcium antagonists , amlodipine has been sold in many countries and areas in the world .

  14. 自制AMO-CLA注射用混悬剂的主要动力学参数与辉瑞公司的AMO-CLA注射用混悬剂的动力学参数比较差异不显著。

    The main parameters of the pharmacokinetic had no significant difference between two preparations of AMO-CLA suspension made by Pfizer and ourselves .

  15. 辉瑞公司的首席市场经理PierreGaudreault说道,“勃起功能障碍问题并不会给生活造成威胁,但是它会影响到人们的心理和身体健康,甚至影响到家庭的幸福。”

    Pierre Gaudreault , chief marketing officer in China for Pfizer , the manufacturer of Viagra , said , " The problem of erectile dysfunction is not life-threatening , but will affect people 's mental and physical health , or even the happiness of their family . "

  16. 暴涨不能归因于少数世人瞩目的药物问题,如2004年的默克公司止痛药万络退市和辉瑞公司类似的止痛药Bextra暂停上市。

    The jump wasn 't driven by a few high-profile drug problems , such as Merck 's withdrawal of painkiller Vioxx in2004 and Pfizer 's suspension of rival painkiller Bextra in2005 .

  17. 这次审评是在辉瑞公司自愿撤回含塞来昔布成分孤儿药Onsenal的销售许可后进行的。

    This review follows Pfizer 's voluntary withdrawal of the marketing authorisation of its celecoxib-containing orphan medicine , Onsenal , which had been authorised for use in FAP patients .

  18. 这是莫德纳和辉瑞公司的疫苗数据总和。

    The tally is for both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines .

  19. 2013年,辉瑞公司在全球的营业收入是513亿美元。

    In 2013 , Pfizer took in $ 51.3 billion globally .

  20. 伟哥,又名西地那非,由辉瑞公司生产。

    Viagra , also known as sildenafil , is manufactured by Pfizer Inc.

  21. 辉瑞公司完成与华纳兰伯特公司的合并。

    Pfizer and Warner-Lambert were merged as one company .

  22. 辉瑞公司宣告成立,经营精细化学品。

    Company opened as a fine-chemicals business .

  23. 也是在昨天,辉瑞公司宣布放弃其正在实验中的抗肥胖药物。

    Also yesterday , Pfizer said it was giving up on an experimental anti-obesity drug .

  24. 该药物由辉瑞公司生产。

    The drug is manufactured by Pfizer Inc.

  25. 辉瑞公司宣布其疫苗对5到11岁的儿童有效。

    And Pfizer announced that its vaccine works in children 5 to 11 years old .

  26. 在巴西,默克沙巴已经从瑞士罗氏公司和美国辉瑞公司那里拿到了二十多种药品的许可。

    It already has some two dozen drugs under licence for Brazil from Roche and Pfizer .

  27. 辉瑞公司早前宣布,将暂时减少疫苗出货量,以升级生产设施。

    Pfizer earlier announced that it will temporarily reduce vaccine shipments to upgrade its production facilities .

  28. 辉瑞公司报告一次性费用支出使利润下降18个百分点,但其结果仍好于预期。

    Pfizer reported one-time charges that pushed profit lower by18 percent , but the results beat expectations .

  29. 辉瑞公司利用该药品几项功效来促销,而出于安全考虑,这几项功效并未通过政府批准。

    Pfizer pushed sales of Bextra for several uses unapproved by the government because of safety concerns .

  30. 依据英国法律,在5月26日之前辉瑞公司可以说服阿斯利康公司接受报价,或是退出。

    Under British law Pfizer now has until May 26 to persuade its offer or back out .