- foreign direct investment

He said he saw the bank 's role as a catalyst to encourage foreign direct investment .
China 's favorable growth prospects and further opening-up policies are key factors that attract foreign direct investment ( FDI ) . In 2020 , FDI inflows to China increased 14 % , making the country the top destination worldwide , according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .
Investment in Europe also shrunk . Flows fell by two-thirds to $ 110 billion .
The United States recorded a 49 percent drop in FDI in 2020 , falling to an estimated $ 134 billion .
Despite projections for the world economy to recover in 2021 , UNCTAD expects FDI flows to remain weak as the pandemic persists .
Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $ 616 billion , they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record .
While developing countries in Asia performed well as a group , attracting an estimated $ 476 billion in FDI in 2020 , flows to members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) contracted by 31 percent to $ 107 billion .
China was the world 's largest recipient of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in 2020 , as flows rose by 4 percent to $ 163 billion , followed by the United States , a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) showed .
An Empirical Study on The Crowding-out Effects of FDI on Domestic Investment
The flow of FDI will happen during the adjustment to international production system .
We analysis on the policies of promoting FDI on national and international level .
FDI ( foreign direct investment ) is playing a more and more important role in Chinese domestic capital inflow during the recent 10 years .
Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) is a wonderful flower in the garden of Jiangsu economic growth .
Foreign direct investment into pharmaceuticals has jumped significantly since tougher intellectual property rules were enacted in 2005 following World Trade Organisation membership .
Using the cross-sectional data of 106 countries , the thesis empirically examined the effects of corruption on FDI .
Third , where no such businesses are yet active , look for foreign direct investment in these activities .
Think London is the foreign direct investment agency for London which provides free , confidential and comprehensive advice to help international business locate and expand in London .
Foreign direct investment , in both plant and equipment or in purchasing US companies is close to an all-time high .
The influence of Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) to the employment of host country is decided by the type of the industry which FDI enters .
The foreign direct investment has already become the international capital circulation main way , has had a more and more important impact on economic development of host country .
To attract Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ), a series of preferential tax policies for FDI are made by our country .
As two major developing countries , China and India , foreign direct investment plays a quite important role to their economic development .
Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) promotes Zhenjiang economic development and has positive relevancy with GDP and industrial gross output of Zhenjiang City .
FDI is an engine and a kind of catalyst for host countries to promote economic development and speed up the process of globalization .
With the enlargement and deepening of international production , FDI has been paid more and more attention as the way leads to production internationalization .
Since the mid-1990s , the inflows of FDI expanded suddenly throughout the world , leading multinational corporations into the new era of global management .
While all forms of finance are likely to be affected , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) should be less constrained than debt flows .
Since reform and opening up , the huge market potential and the advantage of cheap labor in China has attracted large-scale foreign direct investment .
The national treatment is one of most important treatment standards for FDI which are explicitly stipulated in many bilateral investment treaties and multilateral investment agreements .
The conception of the FDI is adopted from the WIR and the relative statements of the OECD .