
wài yǔ xué yuàn
  • foreign-languages institute;institute of foreign languages
  1. 第二组较高英语水平的学习者(E2H)12人,为南京工业大学外语学院英语专业二年级学生;

    Or study or teach in Nanjing . The second group ( E2H ) has 12 relatively high proficiency English learners from English department of Nanjing University of Technology , namely , the sophomores of English majors .

  2. 在2008年的时候,我将是高科技外语学院的优秀高材生。

    The year of2008 is getting closer and closer to us .

  3. 语言实验教学中心还负责按规定管理外语学院国有资产的工作。

    Language experiment and teaching center are also responsible for state-owned property management .

  4. 上海外语学院肄业,一九四九年参加工作。

    She studied in Shanghai foreign language college , and started working in1949 .

  5. 浅谈外语学院教学管理工作

    Discussions about Teaching Managment of School of Foreign Languages

  6. 随后,翁凡考上了广东大学外语学院的研究生。

    She was then a postgraduate student at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies .

  7. 现任四川外语学院成都学院英语教师。

    She is now an English teacher in Chengdu Institute , Sichuan International Studies University .

  8. 张我是,教授,我是外语学院外事办公室的。

    Zhang Exactly , professor . I 'm Zhang Lin from Foreign Affairs Office of the Institute .

  9. 2002年四川外语学院学生体质现状调查与研究

    The Survey and Research on the Physical Condition of the Students in Sichuan International Studies University in 2002

  10. 介绍了远东工商外语学院自备供水系统的基本情况;

    The basic information of well which provides for itself in far-east business foreign languages institute is introduced .

  11. 外语学院承担全校各个层次的英语教学以及英语专业的教学任务。

    They shoulder varied teaching tasks , from undergraduates to graduates , from non-Englsih majors to English majors .

  12. 来自四川大学外语学院的80名英语专业的研究生参与了一份问卷调查。

    A questionnaire is administered to 80 English major postgraduates from College of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Sichuan University .

  13. 1980年回应时代需求开始招收男生,改名文藻外国语文专科学校,1999年改制升格为文藻外语学院。

    In1980 , boys were admitted . In1999 , the Junior College was upgraded become Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages .

  14. 两位文藻外语学院毕业学生于去年暑假开始在这眷村墙壁上画画。

    Two graduates from Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages started painting on the walls of the village last summer vacation .

  15. 本研究中的标准制定人员和评分人员来自山西大学外语学院的8名硕士研究生和3位教师。

    The scale developers and the raters in this study were 8 postgraduates and three faculty members in EFL education from the School .

  16. 本文采用的12篇写作样本,是从山西大学外语学院本科二年级学生中通过系统抽样取得。

    Twelve writing samples were selected systematically from a writing class of second-year students in the school of foreign language of Shanxi University .

  17. 在两点原则的指导下,作者在大连海事大学外语学院的英语专业学生中开展了一项实例研究。

    With guidance of these two findings , the author has made an exemplificative study among English-majors in Dalian Maritime University ( DMU ) .

  18. 他曾在北京大学物理系肄业两年。上海外语学院肄业,一九四九年参加工作。

    He studied physics in Beijing University for two years . She studied in Shanghai Foreign Language College , and started working in 1949 .

  19. 这些问题极大的影响到我国外语学院学生干部队伍建设,影响到社会稳定和实现高等教育的培养目标,影响到国家所需要培养的全面发展外语人才。

    These problems greatly affect the construction of student cadre troops and social stability , as well as achieving the training goal of higher education .

  20. 本文访谈对象是华东师范大学外语学院邹为诚教授,他系统地阐述了中国学生英语能力指标的框架构想。

    The interviewee , Zou Weicheng , a professor from East China Normal University , elaborates on a conceptual framework of indicators of Chinese students'English language ability .

  21. 在澳大利亚,王陶钧更喜欢用丹尼尔这个英文名字,他现在在四川外语学院读大三,专攻翻译与口译。

    Mr Taojun , who prefers the name Daniel while in Australia , is studying translation and interpretation as a third-year student at Sichuan International Studies University .

  22. 李炜是浙江大学宁波理工学院外语学院主管学生管理工作的负责人。

    Li Wei is a director in charge of students ' administration work at the School of Foreign Language Studies at Ningbo Institute of Technology , Zhejiang University .

  23. 本研究对地方综合性大学外语学院、口译教师和修学基础口译课程的学生在提高口译听辨能力方面具有一定的实践指导意义。

    The research is of theoretical and practical implications to the colleges of foreign languages , the instructors and the students taking primary interpreting course in local comprehensive universities .

  24. 同一主题的讲座还将于9月8日,在浙江大学,以及9日上午在南京师范大学外语学院举行。

    The same Lecture will be held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou on8th September , and at the Faculty of Foreign Language of Nanjing Normal University on9th September in the morning .

  25. 注意查看外语学院关于考勤的政策和规定,纪律指导方针和违反相关纪律和规定的处理方法。

    Attention is drawn to School of Foreign Languages policy and regulations on late work policy and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations .

  26. 英语专业本科生翻译课的教学是各外语学院的重头戏,但由于没有统一的配套教材,翻译课的教师在翻译课的教学上是各行其是。

    Translation is one of the most important courses for the undergraduate English majors , but the teachers teach the course in different ways because there is no standard textbook for it .

  27. 在近代工业和海防上发挥了不可替代的作用。上海外语学院肄业,一九四九年参加工作。

    It has taken full effect that anything else could not substitute in neoteric industry and coast defense . She studied in Shanghai Foreign Language College , and started working in 1949 .

  28. 随函附寄下列两位先生的介绍信:虹口中学校长胡伟先生,河南大学外语学院邵应杰教授。

    Enclosed you will find testimonials from Principal Mr. Hu wei , of Hongkou High School . I am also permitted to refer to professor Shao yingjie of the College of Foreign Language of Henan University .

  29. 文藻外语学院位于台湾省南部港都高雄市,学院辩论队在2008年东北亚英语辩论公开赛上夺冠。

    A debate team from Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages in the southern port city of Kaohsiung won the " English as a foreign language " ( EFL ) category of the Northeast Asian Open 2008 Debating Championship earlier this month .

  30. 本文以国外学者对语篇构建以及思维模式的论述为对照,对四川外语学院三个班的本科一年级学生和一个研究生班的学生进行分组调查。

    Being based on foreigner 's dissertation about the arrangement of discourse and the modes of thinking , the author has studied three classes of junior students and one class of postgraduate students in SISU ( Sichuan International Studies University ) .