
zhuān chá
  • brick tea
砖茶 [zhuān chá]
  • [brick tea] 加工压成砖状的一种茶

砖茶[zhuān chá]
  1. 方法:用2%~2.5%砖茶按2ml/100g给大鼠灌胃5周,每隔1天称体重1次,断尾法取血,酶法测定血清中胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)含量。

    Methods : After the brick tea had been perfused ( 2 % ~ 2.5 % , 2ml / 100g ) into the stomach of the rats regularly for five weeks , the rats were weighed once every other day , and observed the changes in the weight .

  2. 但饮低氟含量(400ppm以下)砖茶且日饮用量少于13.7克者,则可控制日摄氟量在限量(4.0mg)范围内。

    However , the daily fluorine intake amounts could be limited within the tolerance ( 4.0 mg ) when the fluorine contents of brick tea were lower than 400 ppm and the daily consuming amounts was less than 13.7 g.

  3. 目的观察砖茶氟在大鼠体内24h吸收、分布及排泄的动态变化。

    Objective To investigate the change of 24 h absorption , distribution and excretion of brick-tea fluoride in rats .

  4. 结论在高海拔大鼠体内,砖茶氟和NaF的代谢趋势基本一致,不同之处在于砖茶氟在骨组织中水平较高。

    Conclusions The metabolic trends of brick-tea fluoride and NaF in high altitude rats are accordant , except that the content of brick-tea fluoride in bone is higher .

  5. 砖茶氟含量在350mgkg以上,砖茶中茶叶氟含量为茶杆的3.6倍;

    The contents of fluoride of brick teas were all over 350 mg / kg and the fluoride content of leaves was 3.6 times that of sticks .

  6. 研究得到了以下结果:经过分离纯化,得到了茯砖茶中的菌株JH并鉴定为冠突散囊菌。

    The research was supported by the following results : After separation and purification , we got the strains JH which in Fu brick . And it was identified as Eurotium Cristatum .

  7. 砖茶氟在大鼠体内24小时代谢实验观察

    Experimental study of 24-hour metabolism of brick tea fluoride in rats

  8. 纤维素酶提高砖茶品质的研究

    Technique of using cellulase to improve the quality of brick tea

  9. 铬天青S分光光度法测定砖茶铝的方法学探讨

    Aluminum content determination in brick-tea with chrome azurol S spectrophotometric method

  10. 砖茶高氟的原因调查

    Investigation on the Causes of High Fluorine Content in Brick Tea

  11. 低氟砖茶预防大鼠砖茶型氟中毒的实验观察

    Prevention of brick-tea fluorosis in rats with low-fluoride brick-tea on laboratory observation

  12. 少数民族少年儿童砖茶型氟中毒流行病学调查

    Epidemiological investigation of brick tea type fluorosis among children of Minority Nationalities

  13. 砖茶含氟量在(1.37±1.20)mg/g;

    Fluoride content in brick tea was 0.6 mg / g.

  14. 结果表明,砖茶氟含量最高,平均159.14mg/kg;

    The results showed that brick tea had the highest fluorine content , i.

  15. 饮茶型氟骨症病情与砖茶氟摄入剂量的关系

    Relations between state of skeletal fluorosis of brick-tea type and brick tea intake

  16. GB/T9833.1-1988紧压茶花砖茶茶壶里不是有点茶吗?

    Isn 't there some tea in the teapot ?

  17. 砖茶型氟中毒大鼠的氟斑牙

    Dental fluorosis of brick tea type in rats

  18. 砖茶原料降氟初步研究

    Preliminary studies on Defluoridation for raw brick tea

  19. 砖茶对牧民铝总摄取量影响

    Effect of drinking brick tea on herds mans ' total amount of aluminum intake

  20. 某砖茶对正常小鼠血糖、血脂、血清尿素氮的影响

    Effects of a Brick Tea on Blood-glucose , Blood-lipid and Serum Urea Nitrogen in Normal Mice

  21. 判定青砖茶对实验大鼠具有减肥功能,减肥效果具有剂量依赖关系,10年青砖茶的减肥效果优于1年青砖茶。

    Found dark brick tea on rats with a anti-obesity function , anti-obesity in a dose-dependent relationship .

  22. 对天然发酵茯砖茶的微生物菌群以及抗菌活性进行研究。

    In this study , the microbial ecology and antimicrobial activity of Fuzhuan brick tea were investigated .

  23. 砖茶型氟中毒成人的氟骨症

    Brick-tea type adult bone fluorosis

  24. 结果病区饮水、食物氟含量均符合国家标准,摄氟量90%上以来自砖茶饮料食品。

    Results Fluoride contents of drinking water and foods in all observed sites accorded with the national standards .

  25. 氧弹燃烧-标准加入氟离子选择性电极法测定砖茶中的氟

    Determination of Total Fluoride in Brick Tea with Oxygen Bomb Combustion-Standard and Fluoride Ion Additive Selective Electrode Method

  26. 结论氟骨症患者的病情与从饮砖茶中氟摄入量呈正相关剂量反应关系。

    Conclusion There was a positive correlative dose-response relationship between skeletal fluorosis state and amount of brick tea intake .

  27. 获得如下主要研究结果:1、成品茯砖茶中微生物类群的系统鉴定。

    The main results of this study are as follows : 1 . Microbial identification of Fu Brick Tea .

  28. 砖茶、黄油、炒米以及鲜奶是一锅奶茶的重要内容。

    Brick tea , butter , stir-fired millet and fresh milk are the important ingredients for making milk tea .

  29. 黑砖茶是以黑毛茶为原料,经过高温汽蒸压成砖型的一类茶叶。

    Dark Brick Tea is a kind of tea shaped brick by vapor treating Raw Dark Green Tea in high-temperature .

  30. 从上世纪五十年代至今,研究者已从多种黑砖茶中分离出了各种真菌。

    From the 1950s to now , various kinds of funguses had been isolated from some kinds of Dark Brick Tea .