
zhuān shì mù
  • brick-chambered tomb
砖室墓[zhuān shì mù]
  1. 武威地区墓葬均为砖室墓,以双室墓为主,少数墓葬出现双后室情况。

    Wuwei tombs are brick-chambered tomb , with double chamber tomb , a few burials room double after .

  2. 南京地区明代大型砖室墓形制研究

    Study on Large-scale Brick-chambered Tombs During Ming Dynasty in Nanjing

  3. 都城北迁之后,该地区大型砖室墓数量减少,面积也减小了许多。

    After the moving of the capital , both the number and the scale of the large tombs become smaller in Nanjing .

  4. 土坑墓、木椁墓和石室墓分别主要在桂东北地区。而砖室墓则以桂南地区的发现居多。

    Earth-pit 、 Wooden-chamber and Stone graves are mainly distributed in northeast Guangxi , and Brick graves are mostly discovered in south Guangxi .

  5. 第一期,墓葬形制为弧长方形砖室墓,典型器物有陶壶和陶罐。

    In the first period , the tombs mode is arc-shaped brick tombs , and the typical implements are pottery pots and jars .

  6. 西窑村14座唐宋砖室墓、墓葬类型多样、器物种类丰富,为研究唐宋时期成都地区的社会面貌提供了新的资料。

    The relics found in14brick-chambered tombs of Tang-Song period in Xiyaocun provided new data for the study on the social visage of Chengdu area in that time .

  7. 朱然墓右前方发现的砖室墓应属朱然家族墓,墓主为朱然之子朱绩。

    The brick tomb in the right front of Zhu Ran tomb belongs to his family , and the master of the tomb might be his son Zhu Ji .

  8. 大同沙岭北魏壁画墓2005年7月发现,是当地一处北魏墓群中唯一保存纪年漆皮文字和绘画以及墓室壁画的砖室墓。

    The mural tomb which was unearthed in July 2005 is the only brick tomb which reserves chamber painting and lacquer painting with chronological record among local grave group of the Northern Wei .

  9. 根据墓葬的构筑方式和构筑材料等可将其分为土坑墓、砖室墓、木椁墓和崖洞葬四大类,其中砖室墓是两广地区隋唐墓葬的主流。

    According to the build methods and materials of these tombs can be divided into the pit tomb , brick tomb , wooden outer coffin tomb and cave buried four major categories . Brick tomb is the mainstream of the Sui-Tang tombs of Guangdong and Guangxi .