
zhuān shí jié gòu
  • masonry structure
砖石结构[zhuān shí jié gòu]
  1. 钢管混凝土结构能适应现代工程向大跨、高耸、重载发展和承受恶劣条件的需要,已成为继砖石结构,混凝土结构,钢结构之后的第四种结构。

    Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular can adapt to the progress of long-span , erect modern engineering structures and meet the need of withstand hash condition . It has become the forth structure come after the masonry structure 、 concrete structures 、 steel structure .

  2. 第四部分从历史价值和研究意义两大方面对本文的研究价值进行了自我评价:将其价值归纳为历史文化、建筑与雕饰艺术、砖石结构的科学创新三个方面。

    This part starts with the historic value and research significance to self-evaluate the study value of this paper . The value can be concluded in three respects : the historical culture , the art of building and carving , the scientific innovation of masonry structure .

  3. 1973年因家基本建设委员会颁布了现行的砖石结构设计规范(GBJ3-73)。

    By constant endeavor the current Design Code for Brick Masonry Structures GBJ3-73 was promulgated in1973 by the National Council of Capital Construction .

  4. 基础隔离砖石结构的减震研究

    A study of aseismic method on base isolation masonry structures

  5. 砖石结构设计中若干问题的商榷

    Discussions on Some Problems in the Design of Masonry Structures

  6. 旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。

    The masonry of the old building began to crumble .

  7. 古代西方木结构在居住建筑上一直有着广泛的应用,与砖石结构建筑并行发展。

    In ancient western countries wood structures are widely used in dwelling houses .

  8. 皇史宬全为砖石结构,面积达2000余平方米。

    Wong Shi Cheng all brick structures , an area of2000 square meters .

  9. 它们有砖石结构的,也有木材或金属结构的。

    Some were made of stone and brick , others of wood or metal .

  10. 已经有10个坟墓被挖掘出土,其中7个是大型的砖石结构。

    Ten tombs were excavated , seven of which turned out to be large brick structures .

  11. 抗震标准和砖石结构,

    Seismic standards and confined masonry ,

  12. 在古建的复原方面,先后经历了木结构、砖石结构、钢筋混凝土结构以及钢结构几个过程。

    In the recovery , experienced timberwork , brick and reinforced concrete structure , steel structure several process .

  13. 它们有砖石结构的;也有木材或金属结构的,有的灯塔建在支架上,有的则用铁条固定在岩石上。

    Some were made of stone and brick , others of wood or metal . Some stood on pilings or stilts ;

  14. 医院里一栋砖石结构的房子,庭院里可以看见拆掉的围墙的残迹,门窗与玻璃部分地遭受摧毁。

    The hospital was a stone house with remnants of fence torn up in the yard , and window frames and panes partly broken .

  15. 本文运用模糊数学中的隶属度来划分砖石结构建筑物保护等级,并对地表各种变形进行单项评判。

    In the paper , the grade of membership of fuzzy mathematics has been used to divide the protection category of brick - stone buildinges .

  16. 但是由于砖石结构的自重大、强度低,对地基的变形比较敏感,较多的砖石古塔都存在不同程度的倾斜。

    But some masonry pagodas situated in inclination because they with the big weight , the low strength , and they are sensitive to the deformation of the foundation .

  17. 第一章首先将旧建筑分为两类讨论再利用设计原则,即西方建筑为代表的砖石结构建筑、以东方建筑为代表的木结构建筑。

    Chapter 1 involves rules of the design by dividing the Old building into two types : the architecture based on structure of brick and stones , represented by western architecture , and the architecture based on structure of wood , represented by eastern architecture .

  18. 该墓墓葬形制较为完整,砖石混合结构,有东汉中晚期墓葬特点。

    This tomb is characteristic of mid-and late period of Eastern Han dynasty with its complete form , brick and stone combined structure .

  19. 效果表明:弹性模量对砖石古塔结构的抗震性能影响较大。

    The result indicated that the elasticity coefficient is big to the bricks and stones ancient tower structure 's earthquake resistance performance influence .

  20. 研究区内干渠、支渠、斗渠以混凝土或砖石衬砌结构为主,农渠和毛渠主要是传统土质沟渠。

    The agricultural ditch system included trunk canal , branch canal and lateral canal , which were made by concrete or block stones . And terminal canals were soil-beded .

  21. 台为砖石混合结构,由台身和石圭(俗称量天尺)两部分组成。

    The observatory , of masonry con-strudion , consists of the platform body and the stone gnomon ( commonly named as heaven measuring ruler ) . With a square plane , the observatory is narrow in the top and large at the bottom .

  22. 对桥梁结构裂缝的形成机理进行分析,指出砖石砌体结构和钢筋混凝土结构裂缝形成的根本原因,提出相应的防治对策,并简要介绍各种防治措施的施工过程。

    This text analyzes the reasons of bridge structural crack , and points out how the crack of brick and stone summering and reinforced concrete formed , accordingly , provides several disposing measures , introduces briefly construction procession , and provides guidance for maintaining and reinforcing bridges .

  23. 研究了砖石古塔的结构特性,提出了对古塔自振周期的计算公式。

    The paper studied the characteristic of structure of ancient brick and rock pagoda , proposed the formula of self vibration period for ancient pagoda .

  24. 先辈们的墓地全都在一座庄严醒目的砖石教堂后面。高高耸立的方形钟楼也是砖石结构的,说它“朴实而不粗糙”在再合适不过了。

    they are all situated right behind an imposing brick church with a tall square brick bell-tower best described as honest but not flossy .