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zhuān qiáng
  • brick wall
砖墙[zhuān qiáng]
  1. 汽车嗵的一声撞上了砖墙。

    The car drove smack into a brick wall .

  2. 他紧贴一面砖墙站着好让我通过。

    He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed .

  3. 砖墙在夕阳的照耀下闪着红色的光芒。

    The brick walls glowed red in the late afternoon sun .

  4. 她的车突然转向冲出了马路,撞向6英尺高的一面砖墙。

    Her car swerved off the road into a 6ft high brick wall

  5. 小道位于长砖墙脚下。

    The path runs below a long brick wall

  6. 砖墙上有裂缝。

    There were cracks in the brickwork .

  7. 他从砖墙的小门偷偷进入俱乐部。

    He made a surreptitious entrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall

  8. 你可以想象汽车以每小时30英里的速度撞向一堵砖墙结果会怎样。

    You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour

  9. 这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙。

    The blind alley ended in a brick wall .

  10. 灵魂的气息是这些砖墙的支柱。

    The odor of souls is a brace to the walls .

  11. 她面无表情地瞪着面前的砖墙。

    She stared blankly at the brick wall in front of her .

  12. CFRP板加固砖墙的抗剪承载力

    Shearing Capacity of Brick Walls Strengthened by CFRP Plates

  13. CFRP对砖墙抗震加固对比试验研究与计算分析

    Comparative experimental study of masonry walls strengthened by CFRP and computation model analysis

  14. 大使花园从纽约的肉库区(theMeatpackingDistrictofNewYork)汲取设计灵感,拥有由顶及地的玻璃窗及砖墙。

    Embassy Gardens takes design inspiration from the Meatpacking District of New York with floor to ceiling windows and brick facades .

  15. GFRP加固砖墙抗剪性能试验研究

    Research on shear experiment of masonry walls reinforced with GFRP

  16. GFRP复合材料加固砖墙抗震抗剪承载力

    Seismic Shear Capacity for Brick Masonry Wall Strengthened with GFRP

  17. 放学后,我们在快捷咖啡馆(CafeExpress)的砖墙房间里一坐就是几个小时,像一群害虫,在室内抽烟。

    After school we could sit for hours in the brick-walled rooms of Cafe Express , smoking indoors like an infestation .

  18. GFRP加固带壁柱砖墙平面外抗剪承载力研究

    Research on out-of-plane shear capacity of brick masonry walls with pilaster reinforced by GFRP

  19. GFRP加固带壁柱砖墙抗剪面积的简化计算

    Simplified Calculation of Shear Area for Brick Masonry Wall with Pilaster Reinforced with GFRP

  20. 加固在役KP1砖墙的抗震性能试验研究

    Investigation on Seismic Behavior of KP_1 Masonry Wall Strengthened

  21. 预应力(KP1)砖墙的抗裂、变形、延性与耗能试验研究

    Experimental study on anti-cracking , deformation , ductility and energy of prestressed KP_1 brick-wall

  22. 运用ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立4片砖墙的分离式有限元模型,模拟试验的加载方式和边界条件,对墙体进行非线性有限元计算分析。

    Using ANSYS finite element analysis software , the separate finite element models of the 4 walls were established and the loading method and boundary conditions were simulated .

  23. 本文以北京京东方置业有限公司GLOBALHOUSE商务楼改造工程为例,介绍利用钢筋混凝土板墙对横向砖墙进行结构加固处理的施工技术。

    Taking the example of the renovation construction of GLOBAL HOUSE Business Building of Beijing BOE Real Estate Co. , Ltd. , the authors in this paper introduce the construction technology of structure strengthening of transverse brick wall with reinforced concrete siding wall .

  24. 砖墙式三维观测系统在委内瑞拉Caracoles区块的应用

    Application of 3 D brick wall geometry in Caracoles Block , Venezuela

  25. CFRP板的作用相当于拉压杆。以数值模拟分析结果为基础,对已有试验回归结果进行了修正和扩充,给出了CFRP板加固砖墙抗剪承载力的计算公式。

    Based on the numerical analysis results , the existing method to assess the shearing capacity of brick walls strengthened with CFRP plates is modified and an applicable calculation method is proposed .

  26. 房间的窗帘是威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)设计风格的回归。还有祼露的砖墙。浴室墙壁上,从天花到地板都采用奶油色长方形墙砖,这与纽约地铁里倒有几分相似。

    The curtains are a throwback to a William Morris design , there are exposed brick walls , and the floor-to-ceiling bathroom tiles are creamy oblongs similar to those in the New York subway .

  27. 通过1片未加固带壁柱砖墙和8片GFRP加固带壁柱砖墙在低周往复荷载作用下的抗震性能试验,阐述了各试件的破坏特征;

    Based on the low cyclic loading experiments on one brick masonry wall with ordinary pilaster and eight specimens of masonry walls with pilaster strengthened by GFRP , the failure characteristics of the walls are explained ;

  28. 当探测器距离被探测的人5m且中间有40cm厚的砖墙时,能够正确探测到人的生命体征信号。

    When a person behind a thick brick wall of a 40 centimetres and the detector is 5 meters away , the system can still find living signals of human beings .

  29. 通过两批试件(7个试件)9次试验,研究玻璃纤维复合材料(GFRP)加固带壁柱砖墙的平面外受荷性能。

    It ′ s carried out the experimental research on out-of-plane capacity of GFRP ( glass fiber reinforced polymers ) strengthened brick walls with pilaster , by two batch specimens ( seven brick wall specimens ) for 9 times .

  30. 结果显示,通过GFRP的加固,带壁柱砖墙的极限荷载、极限位移和抗剪刚度都有提高,但提高幅度随加固形式的不同而异。

    The result showed : After reinforced with GFRP , the brick wall utmost load 、 utmost displacement and shear stiffness had been all increased , but the increase would be different for different form and quantity of the reinforcement .