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wěi dà
  • great;greatness;bigness;mighty;grandeur
伟大 [wěi dà]
  • (1) [great;greatness]

  • (2) 十分崇高卓越

  • 伟大的事业

  • (3) 超出寻常,令人钦佩敬仰的

  • 伟大的领袖

  • (4) [mighty;bigness]∶非常雄伟宏大

伟大[wěi dà]
  1. 这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。

    The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader .

  2. 我们是一个伟大文化传统的继承者。

    We are the inheritors of a great cultural tradition .

  3. 爱因斯坦是20世纪最伟大的思想家之一。

    Einstein was one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century .

  4. 《天鹅湖》是一部伟大的古典芭蕾舞剧。

    ' Swan Lake ' is one of the great classical ballets .

  5. 伟大艺术品的力量可以改变人们的生活。

    Great art has the power to change lives .

  6. 他是个天生的伟大作曲家。

    He was born to be a great composer .

  7. 他们的贡献具有伟大的意义。

    Their contribution was of great worth .

  8. 那是伟大的成就。

    That was no mean feat .

  9. 莫扎特的作品无疑位居世界上最伟大的作品之列。

    Mozart 's compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world 's greatest .

  10. 她的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式。

    Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas

  11. 他通常被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最伟大的科学家。

    He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein .

  12. 他是一名谦虚而伟大的运动员。

    He 's modest , as well as being a great player

  13. 谁能否认他是世界上最伟大的大提琴演奏家呢?

    Who can deny his stature as the world 's greatest cellist ?

  14. 福克纳被誉为他那一代人中最伟大的美国小说家。

    Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation

  15. 列宁是俄国革命时期伟大的演说家。

    Lenin was the great orator of the Russian Revolution .

  16. 她已经奄奄一息,但是医院的技术却创造了伟大的奇迹。

    She almost died , but the hospital 's skill achieved great marvels

  17. 声明标志着欧洲历史上一个伟大时代的终结。

    The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history

  18. 有人曾称他为20世纪最伟大的艺人。

    Some have called him the greatest entertainer of the twentieth century .

  19. 美国杂志把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。

    US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world

  20. 我认为这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。

    In my opinion , this is Rembrandt 's greatest work

  21. 汉密尔顿是个伟大的政治家和政治思想家。

    Hamilton is a great statesman and political thinker .

  22. 韦斯·霍尔曾经是西印度群岛伟大的板球运动员之一。

    Wes Hall was once one of the West Indies ' great cricketers .

  23. 有一个房间里陈列着很多纪念棒球史上伟大时刻的画作。

    One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history

  24. 最伟大的科学发现都非常简单。

    The best discoveries in science are very simple .

  25. 这可能不算伟大的文学作品,但它无疑深深地吸引了我!

    It may not be great literature but it certainly had me riveted !

  26. 他被誉为英格兰现代最伟大的油画家。

    He was acclaimed as England 's greatest modern painter

  27. 阅读印在纸上的内容远不如与伟大的思想家面对面探讨那般受益。

    The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker

  28. 罗伯特·巴乔注定会成为迄今为止最伟大的球员之一。

    Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time

  29. 伟大如穆恩者,也有状态起伏的时候。

    Moon , as great as he is , has had some inconsistent days .

  30. 该博物馆为这些世界上最伟大的艺术瑰宝开出了更高价格,惹恼了竞争对手。

    The Museum has antagonised rivals by outbidding them for the world 's greatest art treasures