
  • 网络great journey
  1. 从伟大征程一开始我就做出了承诺。

    which has been my promise to them from the very beginning of this great journey .

  2. 三农问题在中华民族走向复兴和实现中国梦的伟大征程中处于极其重要的位置。

    " Three rural issues " occupies a very important position in the great journey to achieve rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and Chinese dream .

  3. 皮平:我们伟大征程的目的地是哪里?

    Pippin : great ! Where are we going ?

  4. 党和国家又充满希望、充满活力地踏上了实现社会主义现代化的伟大征程。

    The Party and the nation were again full of hope and vigor on the great march to socialist modernization .

  5. 现在,两国都走上推进现代化的伟大征程,近10年来中国和印度经济平均增长率都在7%以上。

    Now we are both on a great journey towards modernization and we have both registered an annual growth rate of over 7 % in the last decade .

  6. 展望党和人民在新世纪的伟大征程,我们充满必胜的信心和力量。

    Looking into the great journey of the party and the people ahead in the new century , we are filled with confidence and strength that we are bound to win .

  7. 当前中国已成为一个走向世界的地区大国,并且正在民族复兴和和平崛起的伟大征程中奋发前行。

    Current Chinese already having become a area Great Power who goes globewide , and exerts self in course of in national rejuvenation and the great journey rising abruptly peacefully moving forward .

  8. 在此伟大的征程中,农业肩负着光荣而艰巨的历史使命。

    During this great journey , agriculture undertakes a glorious and arduous historic mission .

  9. 在澳大利亚东北部的森林,由于父母的奉献,另一个伟大的征程即将开始。

    And in the forests of northeastern Australia , another great journey spurred by parental dedication is about to begin .

  10. 今天清晨,他就要走下前门的楼梯,冲我挥手,然后开始他的伟大的历险征程,其间或许有争斗、不幸以及伤痛。

    This morning , he 's going to walk down the front steps , wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow .

  11. 在推动科学发展和实现社会和谐中,更加清醒、更加坚定地推进中国特色社会主义伟大实践的新征程。

    We must more clearly , more resolutely push forward the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  12. 开始了在社会主义道路上实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史征程。

    They embarked on a socialist road and the historical journey to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation .