
wěi rén
  • a great man;giant;great person;Titan;a great personage
伟人 [wěi rén]
  • [great person;great man] 功绩卓著受人尊敬的人

  • 一代伟人

伟人[wěi rén]
  1. 后人将会记住他是个伟人。

    Posterity will remember him as a great man .

  2. 虽然他不被认为是伟人,但他的名字却很可能不会被忘记,因为那座宏伟的建筑是以他的名字命名的。

    Though he is by no means considered to be a great man , his name will probably remain glorious , for the greatest building was named after him .

  3. 他有超凡的个人魅力,是个伟人。

    He has enormous charisma . He is a giant of a man

  4. 他是一个伟人,一个传奇人物。

    He was a colossus , a legend .

  5. 他们看起来并没有那些伟人的翩翩风度和威严。

    They do not seem to have the vast , authoritative presence of those great men

  6. 那个伟人的雕像是用金属雕刻的。

    The statue of the great man was sculpted from metal .

  7. 这所房子便是那位伟人出生的地方。

    This is the house where the great man was born .

  8. 通过阅读有关伟人生平的书,我们能学到很多东西。

    We can learn much by reading about the careers of great men .

  9. 她的脚可以承载湖南众多伟人的希望与期冀。

    Her legs can endure all of the great people 's hopes and aspirations .

  10. 魔术师表示能把任何一个我们愿意指定的死去的伟人的鬼魂召回。

    The magician offered to call up the spirit of any great person of the past that we liked to name .

  11. 庸人爱财富,伟人爱荣誉。

    Mean men admire wealth ; great men , glory .

  12. 一位世界的伟人向你敬礼呢

    A giant of the world salutes you .

  13. 高塔是按塔影测量的;伟人是以他们的诽谤者衡量的

    Tower is measured by their shadow , and great men by their calumniator .

  14. 真正的伟人大都很谦虚。

    Really great men are essentially modest .

  15. 我们见过许多骗子,但是我们天生信赖伟人

    We have seen many counterfeits , but we are born believers in great men .

  16. 后人将能了解到一位伟人的生活和工作,他以才华、勇气和人性激励了我们。

    Future generations will now be able to learn about the life and work of a man who inspired us with his brilliance , courage and humanity .

  17. n.事业,职业;生涯阅读伟人的经历可以学到许多。

    career We can learn much by reading about the careers of great men .

  18. 托尔斯泰(Tolstoy)透过参与者的眼睛,描述了拿破仑进攻俄国的战役,他驳斥了历史就是伟人人生这一观念。

    By describing Napoleon 's Russian campaign through the eyes of individual participants , Tolstoy rejected the notion of history as the lives of great men .

  19. 这位伟人率领他的军队从胜利走向胜利。

    The great man led his army from victory to victory .

  20. 伟人有缺点是愚人的安慰。

    The defects of great men are the consolation of dunces .

  21. 戴高乐将军是一代伟人。

    General do Gaulle was a great man of the time .

  22. 他小的时候,并没有显示出他将成为伟人的任何征兆。

    He did not exhibit signs of greatness as a child .

  23. 成为我知道你可以成为的伟人。

    And be the great man I know you can be .

  24. 罗瑟米尔把鲍德温作为一位伟人推荐给他的读者。

    Rothermere commended Baldwin to his readers as a great man .

  25. 他是当代的伟人之一。

    He is one of the greatest men of the times .

  26. 伟人传奇当代最具影响力的央行行长

    Tall tale The most influential central banker of the modern era

  27. 他是真正傲视千峰万壑的伟人。

    He is truly a great man boast of Qianfeng Wanhe .

  28. 我不是说那小伙子有伟人的潜质吗?

    Didn 't I say the lad had greatness in him ?

  29. 没有一个伟人抱怨自己缺乏机会。

    No great people complain that they are short of opportunity .

  30. 我们不会再看到纳尔逊曼德拉这样的伟人。

    We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again .