
  • 网络Great tragedy
  1. 我不想让他们把它看作什么伟大的悲剧。

    I don 't want them to think of it as some great tragedy .

  2. 《德伯家的苔丝》是托马斯·哈代的一部伟大的悲剧小说,是世界文学宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠,一百多年来一直受到了广大读者的喜爱。

    Tess of the d ' Urbervilles which is a great tragedy of Thomas Hardy is always loved by the worldwide readers .

  3. 黑格尔可谓自亚理斯多德以来最伟大的悲剧理论家之一。

    Hegel is one of the great theorists of tragedy since Aristotle .

  4. 连她自己都担任了角色的这一伟大的悲剧场面,激起了这狂野的小孩子全部的同情心;

    The great scene of grief , in which the wild infant bore a part , had developed all her sympathies ;

  5. 推销员之死是由美国剧作家阿瑟·米勒完成的一部伟大的悲剧。

    Death of a Salesman is one of most outstanding tragedy which was written by Arthur Miller , an American dramatist .

  6. 作家把自己对悲剧意识的认知和理解有意识地运用到作品的写作过程中,创作出了伟大的悲剧作品。

    During their literature creation , the authors often apply their knowledge and comprehension about consciousness of tragedy , that 's the reason why so many famous tragedy works were created .

  7. 英语论文《苔丝》是英国作家托马斯?哈代的一部伟大的悲剧小说,在英国19世纪小说中占有十分突出而独特的地位。

    " Tess " is British author Thomas ? Hardy 's novels of a great tragedy , in England in the19 th century occupies a very prominent in the novel and unique position .

  8. 文章从悲剧美学的角度探讨英国现代著名小说家约瑟夫·康拉德的代表作《吉姆爷》,认为:康拉德在《吉姆爷》里创造了一个伟大的悲剧境界,塑造了一个不朽的悲剧英雄吉姆。

    This paper intends to explore the great English novel Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad from the perspective of tragedy and contends that Conrad has not only established a tragic ideal , but also portrayed an immortal tragic hero in the novel .

  9. 卓别林从伟大的人类悲剧出发,创造了自己的喜剧体系。

    Chaplin based on the human tragedy , and has created his own comedy system .

  10. 我去找他们聊聊西方艺术中最伟大的几个悲剧故事。

    And I went to talk to them about certain of the great tragedies of Western art .