
  • 网络anaerobic metabolism;anaerobic glycolysis;ATP-CP
  1. 结论乌司他丁可以减轻CPB引起的脑无氧代谢,改善脑氧摄取与利用。

    Conclusion Ulinastatin can alleviate cerebral anaerobic metabolism during CPB by improving the ability of brain tissue oxygen intake and utilization .

  2. 而对无氧代谢关键酶:乳酸脱氢酶(lactatedehydrogenase,LDH)的结构和特征对低氧的适应性是动物高原环境适应性研究的一个热点。

    The key enzyme of anaerobic metabolism : Lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ), whose structure and characteristics is a hot topic of hypoxic adaptation research .

  3. 在脑缺血、缺氧状态下,有氧代谢可转化为无氧代谢,ATP生成的效率仅为正常时的1/18。

    After cerebral ischemia aerobic metabolism is converted to anaerobic metabolism and the production of ATP in the ischemic cells is only as much as 1 / 18 in the non-ischemic cells .

  4. T的心肌组织LA和LDH活性低,SDH活性高,说明心肌细胞对无氧代谢依赖性低,能高效利用组织中的氧。

    The LA and LDH activity of heart muscle were low , and SDH activity was high , so its heart muscle cells depended on fewer anaerobic metabolisms , and could utilize O_2 efficiently .

  5. 采用自行车运动递增负荷试验,通过监测每分钟换气量(VE)、氧摄取量(VO2)和二氧化碳排出量(VCO2)来确定无氧代谢阈值(AT)。

    AT could be determined easily during the bicycle ergometer test by measuring minute ventilation ( VE ), oxygen uptake ( VO2 ) and carbon dioxide output ( VCO2 ) .

  6. 结论:梗死区脑组织无氧代谢在超急性期持续存在,神经元损伤及能量代谢障碍始于缺血后2h,细胞膜及髓鞘的破坏始于缺血后4h。

    CONCLUSION : Anaerobic metabolism of cerebral tissue in the infarction region persisted during the hyperacute phase . Neuron injuries and energy metabolism disturbance started 2 hours after ischemia , and the destruction of cell membrane and myelin sheath took place 4 hours after ischemia .

  7. 3.100M、200M和400M运动员无氧代谢的特征呈现出显著的项目差异,100M运动员表现出更为优秀的磷酸原系统供能能力,而200M和400M运动员则是乳酸能系统供能占据优势。

    100M and 200M and 400M athletes show significant project differences of characteristics of anaerobic metabolism , 100M athletes appears to own more excellent ability of the original system phosphate fuel ability while 200M and 400M athletes have greater advantage over power-supply of lactic acid power system . 4 .

  8. 对服用碳酸氢钠来提高人体无氧代谢能力之初探

    A Study of Increasing Anaerobic Work Capacity by Taking Sodium Bicarbonate

  9. 优秀短距离自行车运动员无氧代谢能力特征研究

    Study on Characteristic of Anaerobic Metabolic Capacity of Elite Sprint Cyclists

  10. 优秀武术散打运动员无氧代谢能力特征的研究

    Research on Characteristic of Anaerobic Metabolism Capacity of Elite Sanda Athletes

  11. 武术套路运动员的无氧代谢能力研究

    Study on Ability of Anaerobic Metabolism of Competitive Wushu Routine Athletes

  12. 高原低氧对机体无氧代谢阈值的影响

    Effect of acute altitude exposure on anaerobic threshold in man

  13. 而人体会从有氧代谢转变为无氧代谢来应对。

    To cope , the body switches from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism .

  14. 无氧代谢阈值对心脏功能评价的研究

    Measurement of anaerobic threshold for evaluation of chronic cardiac failure

  15. 急性低氧对耐力运动员无氧代谢阈值的影响

    Effect of acute hypoxia on anaerobic threshold in endurance athletes

  16. 表明传导组织是以无氧代谢为其主要代谢途径。

    It was proved that the metabolism of conductive tissue is glycolytic .

  17. 女子2000米赛艇运动员不同训练周期中有氧和无氧代谢能力变化

    Changes of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capabilities in Female Rowers During Training Season

  18. 男排运动员无氧代谢能力与血流动力学指标的相关关系

    Relevant Relationship Between Male Volleyball Players ' Anaerobic Capacity and Hemodynamic Indices

  19. 不同段落的短距离重复跑对无氧代谢供能能力影响的实验研究

    Effect of Repeat Run of Short Different Distances on Anaerobic

  20. 底线?无氧代谢仅使用一种能源,葡萄糖。

    Bottom line ? Anaerobic metabolism utilizes only glucose as an energy source .

  21. 提示,武术散打项目运动员的运动水平与运动员的无氧代谢能力关系密切。

    It suggests that there is close relation between performance level and anaerobic metabolism capacity .

  22. 无氧代谢训练在长距离速滑训练中的重要性

    The Importance of the Training of Unaerobic Metabolism in the Training of Long-distance Speed Skating

  23. 由此可见,无氧代谢能力对于散打运动员来说非常重要。

    Evidently , the capacity of anaerobic metabolism is very important for the Sanda athletes .

  24. 乙酸是链霉菌无氧代谢的末端产物,乙酸累积抑制菌体生长和外源蛋白的表达。

    Accumulation of acetic acid inhibits the growth of mycelium and the expression of exogenous protein .

  25. 糖酵解代谢酶的活性在低氧诱导下增加,细胞无氧代谢能力加强。

    The activation of glycolytic enzymes and the cell anaerobic metabolism capability increase induced by hypoxia .

  26. 这非常重要是因为有氧代谢和无氧代谢对人体的作用完全不同。

    This is important because aerobic and anaerobic metabolism have very different effects on the body .

  27. 男子青少年运动员身体成分和无氧代谢能力发育特征及相关关系的研究

    Research on Growth Characteristics and Correlation of Body Composition and Anaerobic Metabolic Capacity of Male Junior Athletes

  28. 短跑是不断突破人体生理极限的无氧代谢项目。

    Short run is an item without oxygen metabolism which breaks continuously the human body physiology extreme limit .

  29. 这种基因编码出一种能够检测氧含量,并可能平衡有氧代谢和无氧代谢的蛋白质。

    The gene codes for a protein involved in sensing oxygen levels and perhaps balancing aerobic and anaerobic metabolism .

  30. 大鼠在递增负荷游泳运动中体内有氧氧化向无氧代谢转变机制的初探

    The Elementary Study for Mechanism of Aerobic Oxidation to Glycolysis in Rats Submitted to Swimming Exercise with Increasing Intensity