
  1. 实际上,看到美国经济如此偏离轨道,我感到,自己作为这个伟大国家的公民,必须努力为这场我们都遭殃的经济列车失事提供解决方案。

    In fact , after observing the US economy so derailed , I feel that I must act as a citizen of this great country to attempt to offer solutions to this economic train wreck we are all involved in .

  2. 作为这一伟大民主国家的公民,我感谢你们。

    and as a citizen of this great democracy , I am grateful for that .

  3. 我们服务你们,美利坚合众国伟大和忠诚的公民。

    We 're here to serve you , the great and loyal citizens of the United States of America .

  4. 还有,作为一名伟大的民主国家的公民,如何帮助美国实现她的承诺。

    And how you , a citizen of a great democracy , will help America fulfill her promise .