
  • 网络The Great Society
  1. 林登·约翰逊的伟大社会与美国工业社会的成熟

    Great Society of Lyndon Johnson and the Maturity of American Industrial Society

  2. 伟大社会计划有何替代方案?

    What will replace the Great Society ?

  3. 是被实践证明了的一场成功的伟大社会变革。

    It is a successful great social change proved by practice .

  4. 上古敬语是上古先民在创造上古物质文明与精神文明的伟大社会实践中产生的。

    Polite expressions emerged from social practices in which ancient people created material and spirit civilization .

  5. 林登·约翰逊和伟大社会改革研究

    Lyndon Johnson and Great Society

  6. 1965年的今天,约翰逊总统在他的国情咨文中提出“伟大社会”的目标。

    1965-President Johnson outlined the goals of his " Great Society " in his State of the Union Address .

  7. 伟大社会时代或许是美国人最后一次相信,政府真的能改善他们的生活。

    The era of the Great Society was perhaps the last time Americans thought government could improve their lives .

  8. 伟大社会1965年的今天,约翰逊总统在他的国情咨文中提出“伟大社会”的目标。

    Great Society 1965-President Johnson outlined the goals of his " Great Society " in his State of the Union Address .

  9. 我并不认为“伟大社会”应像蚁群那样安排有序、一成不变和了无生气。

    I do not believe that the Great Society is the ordered , changeless , and sterile battalion of the ants .

  10. 肯尼迪目睹了由“新边疆”[2]和“伟大社会”[3]开启的自由主义清晨让位于保守主义漫长的统治。

    Kennedy saw the liberal dawn that was heralded by the New Frontier and the Great Society give way to a long conservative ascendancy .

  11. 1965年1月4日,林登·约翰逊总统在他的国情咨文中概述他建设“伟大社会”的目标。

    On Jan. 4 , 1965 , President Lyndon B. Johnson outlined the goals of his " Great Society " in his State of the Union address .

  12. 这将是大西洋两岸未来政治的战场。这场战斗将不会像伟大社会计划那样激动人心。

    This is where the politics of the future will be fought , on both sides of the Atlantic . It will not be as inspiring as the Great Society .

  13. 伟大社会改革是约翰逊总统运用高超的技巧推行的美国历史上涉及范围最广的改革计划,在美国历史上拥有浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Great Society reform , which was skillfully launched by President Lyndon Johnson , is the most extensive reform program in American history , and plays an important role in American history .

  14. 然而,我们可以这样概括伟大的社会思想家简·雅各布斯(JaneJacobs)的观点:只有缺乏想象力的人,才会认为自己可以对这些问题给出明确的解决方案,而只有傲慢的人才会希望这样做。

    But to paraphrase the great social thinker Jane Jacobs , only an unimaginative man would think he could dictate the definitive solution to such problems , and only an arrogant man would want to .

  15. 一个伟大的社会以全体人民的富足和自由为基石。

    The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all .

  16. 我们都自认为是一个伟大文明社会的成员。

    We all think of ourselves as citizens of a great civilization .

  17. 法是有的,还有着一位立法者统治着世界。依法治国是一项伟大的社会系统工程,依法治理是依法治国的具体化。

    Ruling a country by law is a great social system project .

  18. 任何一项伟大的社会变革,都会引起道德思想的嬗变。

    Any great social change can lead to the evolution of moral concepts .

  19. 那个妻子,一个伟大的社会工作者。

    The wife was a great social worker .

  20. 本研究能够为这一伟大的社会实践提供理论支持和决策参考,具有较为强烈的现实意义。

    This research would provide theoretical support and decision making on this great social practice .

  21. 社会保障制度堪称人类二十世纪最伟大的社会成就之一。

    Social security system is one of the greatest achievements that people had achieved in the 20th century .

  22. 一个社会成为伟大的社会,不是靠各派互相制胜对方,而是靠调和。

    A society becomes great not by the victories of its faction over each other but by its reconciliations .

  23. 在座的可能不了解萨姆,他是最伟大的社会企业家之一。

    For those of you who don 't know Sam , he is one of the great social entrepreneurs .

  24. 改革开放是一次伟大的社会实践,任何实践的实施都必然受某种思维方式影响与制约。

    Reform and Opening up is a great social practice , which is greatly influenced by a creative thinking mode .

  25. 被社会自诩为是它最伟大的社会、政治和个人成就的东西结果往往带来最大的非议。

    What society has thought to be its greatest social , political , and individual achievements have often resulted in the greatest discontent .

  26. 有个伟大的社会科学家把资本主义的兴起,以及随着资本主义而来的现代西方文化,归功于约翰•加尔文。

    One of the greatest social scientists credits John Calvin for the rise of capitalism and , by extension , modern Western culture itself .

  27. 工业化是人类社会所经历的一场伟大的社会经济变革,它是现代化的前提和基础,高度发达的工业社会是现代化的重要标志。

    Industrialization is a great social and economic change which human has gone through . It is the premise and basis of the modernization .

  28. 想想你从事的工作如何让你的生活超出他原有的生活,如此伟大的社会生活。

    Think of how the work you have allows you to have your life outside of it , such as a great social life .

  29. 建立科学的社会主义制度,是一项不断探索、反复试验的伟大的社会工程,不可能一次完成。

    Establishing a scientific socialist system is a great social project which needs uninterrupted and repeated experiments , and it cannot be completed at one time .

  30. 一个能够产生九岁男孩就明了为大我而牺牲这种观念的社会,必定是一个伟大的社会,伟大的人民。

    A society that can produce a9-year-old who understands the concept of sacrifice for the greater good must be a great society , a great people .