
  • New York State Senate
  1. 他们在俄勒冈和科罗拉多两州众议院以及纽约州参议院取得胜利,使得他们完全控制了上述三州的立法权。

    They won lower chambers in Oregon and Colorado , as well as the New York State Senate , giving them full legislative control in all three states .

  2. 纽约州参议院6月4日(星期五)以33票对29票的表决结果,批准了同性恋婚姻合法化的法案,其中有四名共和党议员跨越党派,投出了支持票。

    The New York State Senate approved the legislation Friday night by a vote of 33 to 29 , as four Republican lawmakers crossed party lines and voted in favor of the bill .

  3. 1910年,他成功当选纽约州参议院议员。

    He won election tothe New York Senate in 1910 .

  4. 1821年,他被推选进了纽约州参议院。

    In 1821 , he was elected to the United States Senate representing New York .

  5. 简??科温是纽约州参议院的一名富有的保守派成员,之前她很被看好,不过最近选票对她不利,这意味着她要投身到意料之外的选票交战中。

    Jane Corwin , a wealthy conservative member of the state Assembly , should on past form be a shoo-in , but recent polls indicate she has an unexpected battle on her hands .

  6. 纽约州总检查长安德鲁??科莫和纽约州两名参议院是民主党员。

    Its governor , Andrew Cuomo , is a Democrat , as are its two senators .

  7. 纽约州副州长佩特森是位法定盲人。他在纽约州参议院代表纽约的哈莱姆黑人区将近20年,并且受到两党人士的尊重。

    Lieutenant Governor David Paterson , who is legally blind , represented Harlem for 20 years in the New York State Senate , where he enjoyed the respect of colleagues on both sides of the political aisle .