
  • 网络new york fashion week;NYFW;Fashion Week;New York
  1. “如果不参加巴黎时尚周,一个设计师就无法生存,”她补充道,“我们认为,纽约时装周也应如此。”

    A designer can 't survive without participating in Paris Fashion Week , she says , adding , " Our argument is that the same would be true of New York Fashion Week . "

  2. 2月10日,时装设计师特里娜•特克在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)举办了首场发布秀。

    Fashion designer Trina Turk held her first show at New York Fashion Week on February 10 .

  3. 九月初的纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)期间,迈克.科尔斯(MichaelKors)首次宣布进军高科技可穿戴设备领域。

    Earlier this monthduring New York Fashion Week Michael Kors announced its first foray intowearable tech.

  4. 美泰将参加明年的纽约时装周,芭比将是合作赞助商之一。该集团还与美国时装设计师协会(CouncilforFashionDesignersofAmerica)签署了为期三年的协议。

    Mattel will have a presence at next year 's New York Fashion Week where Barbie will be a co-sponsor , while the company has also struck a three-year deal with the Council for Fashion Designers of America .

  5. 这名女演员当时正返回其酒店。此前,她出席了CalvinKlein(美国时尚品牌)在周四的走秀活动,这是纽约时装周的其中一个活动。

    The actress was returning to her hotel after attending the Calvin Klein show on Thursday as part of New York Fashion Week .

  6. 在这里,为了向纽约时装周致意,居住在SoHo区的林能平列举了自己最喜欢的几样东西和城里的几个去处。

    Here , in honor of New York Fashion Week , the SoHo resident lists a few of his go-to things and places around town .

  7. 马斯内(NatalieMassenet),这位Net-a-Porter网店创始人兼英国时装协会主席身穿马克?雅可布(MarcJacobs)豹纹衬衣,手拎华伦天奴(Valentino)Rockstud豹纹手提包现身纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek);

    The Net-a-Porter founder and British Fashion Council chairman was spotted pairing a leopard print Marc Jacobs skirt with a leopard print Valentino Rockstud clutch at New York Fashion Week ;

  8. 要知道,西里亚诺是前真人秀明星,是从电视节目《天桥骄子》(ProjectRunway)(他在该节目的第四季中胜出)真正走出来的唯一设计师,并在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)上谋得了一席之地。

    See , Mr. Siriano is a former reality TV star - the only designer to really have emerged from the television show " Project Runway " ( he won the fourth season competition ) and carved out a place on the New York Fashion Week scene .

  9. 在今年9月的纽约时装周上,OpeningCeremony的创始人卡罗尔o利姆和汉贝托o利昂以独幕剧的形式,公布了该款饰有半宝石和水蛇皮的手镯的两种样式。

    Opening Ceremony founders Carol Lim and Humberto Leon ( also creative directors at French luxury house Kenzo ) unveiled two versions of the bangle adorned with semiprecious gems and water snakeskin at their September fashion presentation ( which took the form of a one-act play ) .

  10. 在刚刚结束的纽约时装周上,Tibi是少数几位将木底鞋搬上秀场的设计师之一。

    Tibi was one of several designers to show clogs at New York Fashion Week last week .

  11. 作为纽约时装周赞助商之一,奔驰公司为影片提供了s级轿车和新的glk级轿车。

    Mercedes-Benz , a sponsor of New York Fashion Week , has contributed S-class cars and the new GLK class to the film .

  12. 纽约时装周是最为古老的,它是由时尚评论家ElenorLamber发起,于1943年第一次成功举办。

    New York Fashion Week is the oldest , which is sponsored by the fashion critic Elenor Lamber , in1943 the first success .

  13. 对贾斯汀来说,这一殊荣来的正是时候。当时他与好友特雷西·阿亚拉于2006年10月创办的时装品牌WilliamRast正在纽约时装周上进行第二轮展示。

    The timing of the award is good news for Timberlake.William Rast , the clothing line he and friend Trace Ayala launched in October 2006 , is on the runway at this week 's New York Fashion show for its second outing .

  14. 在纽约时装周寒冷的周日(2月14日),她出现在妈妈的时装秀上,和她一起坐在头排的是退役足球明星父亲和三个哥哥:10岁的克鲁斯(Cruz);

    She was at her mother 's fashion show on a frigid Sunday morning in New York this week , sitting in the front row with her father , the retired soccer star , and her three brothers , Cruz , 10 ;

  15. 在9月的纽约时装周上,公司的设计师特尔法·克莱门斯(TelfarClemens)将展示可以适合所有人的新系列,包括露肩背心、战壕风衣和带花边的丹宁牛仔上衣及长裤,走秀的是一群中性风格的模特。

    At New York Fashion Week in September , its designer , Telfar Clemens , will show his one-look-fits-all collection of off-the-shoulder tank tops , trench coats and lacelike denim tops and trousers on a cast of androgynous models .

  16. 对于贾斯汀来说,这一殊荣来的很是时候。他与好友特雷西•阿亚拉于2006年10月创办的时装品牌WilliamRast正在本周的纽约时装周上进行第二轮展示。

    The timing of the award is good news for Timberlake . William Rast , the clothing line he and friend Trace Ayala launched in October 2006 , is on the runway at this week 's New York Fashion show for its second outing .

  17. 虽然林能平(PhillipLim)以行事低调闻名,但在本次纽约时装周期间,这位设计师却格外引人注目。9月10日,新的3.1PhillipLim旗舰店在NoHo区的大琼斯街48号开业。

    Though Phillip Lim has a reputation for keeping things low-key , this New York Fashion Week is a splashy one for the designer , who opens a new 3.1 Phillip Lim flagship store on September 10 at 48 Great Jones Street in NoHo .

  18. 黄悄然和乔希•哈珀(JoshHupper)的时尚街头潮牌Babyghost也曾连续两季在纽约时装周亮相,他俩一半时间住在曼哈顿,一半时间住在上海,同样也使用社交媒体来推广自己的品牌。

    Similarly , Qiaoran Huang and Josh Hupper , whose hip street wear label , Babyghost , has been shown at New York Fashion Week for the last two seasons ( they split their time between Manhattan and Shanghai ) , are using social media as a conduit for their brand .

  19. 时尚杂志《女装日报》系列访谈栏目“对话名模”这周的嘉宾是俄罗斯金发超模VikaFalileeva,2012年春季的所有大秀她都走过了。Vika在栏目中透露纽约时装周的巨大压力,同时,还分享了一些有趣的小秘密。

    Women 's Wear Daily continued its " Model Call " series this week with Vika Falileeva , a tall Russian blonde who walked all of Spring 2012 's top shows . Vika kindly divulged details on the unique stress that is New York Fashion Week , including this interesting tidbit .

  20. 没错,我们说的就是纽约时装周。

    Yes , we are talking about New York Fashion Week .

  21. 本届纽约时装周将与周四结束。

    New York Fashion Week runs through Thursday .

  22. 你的品牌创立了17年,上周才在纽约时装周举办发布秀。

    After 17 years , you showed at New York Fashion week last week .

  23. 纽约时装周:更多的新拯救者

    The Salvation of New York Fashion Week

  24. 纽约时装周开幕,设计师拉尔夫·劳伦和卡尔文·克莱因将展示他们最新的时尚作品。

    Shows kick off the fashion week in New York , Designers including Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein telling their latest fashions .

  25. 她的T台时装展也散发出无限的能量与创意天赋,始终是纽约时装周的高潮。

    The boundless energy and creative ingenuity of her runway presentations always make her shows a high point of New York Fashion Week .

  26. 和纽约时装周上许多其他的设计师一样,梅赫姆拍着气场十足的照片,展示着自己的创作,接受采访。

    Like many designers at New York Fashion Week , Mayhem expertly posed for photos , showed off her creations and took interviews .

  27. 英特尔把零售商邀请至其硅谷总部,共同探讨面临的挑战,它甚至把自己设计的穿戴设备在纽约时装周上展出。

    Intel bringsretailers into its Silicon Valley office to discuss the challenges and has evenhad its own wearables shown at New York Fashion Week .

  28. 或者她在纽约时装周上身穿粉色海军蓝人造毛皮外衣向摄影师们挥手的照片。

    Or London Scout at New York Fashion Week in a pink and navy faux fur coat , waving to a crowd of photographers .

  29. 纽约时装周另一个潮流趋势是植物花卉,到目前为止没有人比卡罗琳娜·海莱拉更钟情于植物花卉。

    Another trend sprouting up at New York Fashion Week is florals , and no one so far has done them bigger than Carolina Herrera .

  30. 在每年2月和9月举办的纽约时装周上,男装似乎被笼罩在女装的阴影下。

    At New York Fashion Week , held in February and September , the men 's collections tend to languish in the shadow of the women 's.