
  • 网络new york harbor;New York;Port of New York;New York Harbour
  1. 他在纽约港跳下船,游上了岸。

    He had jumped overboard in New York harbor and swum to shore .

  2. 在纽约港35层以上的高空,弗雷德・里奇(FredRich)可在自己的日本枫树、云杉和松树林中漫步,亦或坐在挂着葡萄藤的棚架下,棚架的铺地石间生长着野草莓和百里香。

    Thirty-five stories above New York Harbor , Fred Rich can stroll through his groves of Japanese maple , spruce and pine trees or sit under a pergola hung with grape vines , where wild strawberries and thyme grow between the paving stones .

  3. 事实证明,这项计划颇有先见之明:差不多三年后,纽约港就迎来了桑迪飓风(HurricaneSandy)。

    The plan was prescient : nearly three years later hurricane sandy happened .

  4. 从我们纳斯达克的办公室,我可以俯瞰整个纽约港。伫立在港湾的自由女神像(StatueofLiberty)当年曾经欢迎我的祖辈来到这个国家,令我深受启发。

    From our offices at Nasdaq I can look out over New York harbour and be inspired by the Statue of Liberty that welcomed my grandparents to this country .

  5. 自由女神像原本被设计成国际共和的象征,但在美国女诗人爱玛拉扎露丝(EmmaLazarus)的诗歌中,它被描述成一座希望灯塔,迄今仍伫立在纽约港,召唤着彼岸“那熙熙攘攘的岸上被遗弃的可怜的人群”。

    In the US Emma Lazarus 's lines , which transformed the Statue of Liberty , originally designed as a symbol of international republicanism , into a beacon of hope for " the wretched refuse of the teeming shore " still face New York harbour .

  6. 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。

    The statue of Liberty stands in New York bay .

  7. 在1524年,驾船驶进纽约港,并将该港名为安古拉姆。

    Sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme .

  8. 太好了!唯一的问题是自由女神像在纽约港的一个岛上。

    The ship is in the harbor of New York .

  9. 每天有各式各样的船只驶入纽约港。

    All kinds of craft come into New York harbor every day .

  10. 许多人在纽约港乘船去欧洲。

    Many people embark for Europe at New York harbor .

  11. 他下定决心要把自由女神像留在纽约港

    And he 's determined to keep Liberty in New York Harbor .

  12. 雕像,塑像自由女神像耸立在纽约港。

    statue n. The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor .

  13. 自由女神像高高耸立于纽约港。

    The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York .

  14. 纽约港的水又油又脏,充满了细菌。

    The water in New York harbor is oily and dirty and germy .

  15. 水手们在纽约港下锚。

    The sailors let go the anchor at the port of new york .

  16. 他说,一定要站在一个在纽约港的岛屿。

    He said it should stand on an island in New York harbor .

  17. 这礼物散放在纽约港贝德罗岛的214个板条箱中

    Scattered across Bedloe 's Island in New York Harbor in 214 crates .

  18. 对于通过纽约港进入美国定居的千百万人来说。

    Who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America .

  19. 地点选在纽约港入口处的一个岛上。

    The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York harbor .

  20. 纽约港里的自由女神像非常瞩目。

    The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is a very prominent landmark .

  21. 纽约港的自由岛上的一樽巨大的象征自由的纪念性的雕塑。

    A large monumental statue symbolizing liberty on Liberty Island in New York harbor .

  22. 纽约港的自由女神雕像是法国送的礼物。

    The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor was a gift from France .

  23. 据测量纽约港的一波超过32英尺高。

    one wave in New York harbor was measured at more than 32 feet tall .

  24. 巨轮泰坦尼克号于1912年四月十日从英国的南安普敦海港开往纽约港。

    The great ship , Titanic , sailde for New York FROM southampton on April10th1912 .

  25. 「他们想让我们认为,这个人是在纽约港被射杀的.」

    「 They are trying to tell us , they shot this man at N.Y. Port .

  26. 孤立的纽约港,史坦顿岛是唯一在纽约格林威治自治区没有地铁的岛屿。

    Isolated New York Harbor , Staten Island is the only borough in New York with no subway .

  27. 在延误了一周后,苏格兰女皇号在3月23日晚上离开纽约港。

    After a week 's delay , the Empress of Scotland left New York harbour on the night of 23 March .

  28. 这种亲密关系的最明显的标志就是耸立在纽约港的著名的自由女神像。

    The most visible reminder of this close relationship is the famous Statue of Liberty , which stands in New York harbor .

  29. 新泽西州巴约纳市的自由角游轮港口是纽约港的三个跨大西洋客运码头之一。

    The Cape Liberty Cruise Port in Bayonne , New Jersey is one of three trans-Atlantic passenger terminals in New York Harbor .

  30. 在纽约港入口处的一座小岛上耸立着305英尺高的自由女神像。

    Nearly at the gate of New York harbor , there is a small island on which stands the 305-feet-tall Statue of Liberty .