
  • 网络Yankees;new york yankees
  1. 此外有报道称,为了与美国的同龄人交流,她还曾研究过纽约洋基队(NewYorkYankees)。

    She also reportedly studied the New York Yankees in order to relate to her U.S. peers .

  2. 第一位客户是纽约洋基队(NewYorkYankees)棒球明星罗宾逊•卡诺(RobinsonCanó),后者目前的合同将在本赛季末到期。

    Its first client is New York Yankees baseball star Robinson Can ó, whose contract is up for renewal at the end of this season .

  3. 与这起调查有关的另外六名被告包括纽约洋基队队员阿莱克斯·罗德里格兹,绰号为A-Rod。

    The six defendants in connection with the investigation include New York Yankees player Alex Rodriguez , who is also known as A-Rod .

  4. 纽约洋基队是我最喜欢的棒球队。

    The New York Yankees are my favorite baseball team .

  5. 再次显示,这个团对不是纽约洋基队。

    Once again , that team was not the New York yankees .

  6. 纽约洋基队连续3年赢得他们季后赛的首场比赛。

    New York won its third straight postseason series opener .

  7. 纽约洋基队距离获得世界职业棒球大赛仅有一步之遥。

    The New York Yankees are just from winning the World Series .

  8. 这就是指在其他竞标松坂大辅的竞争者之间,纽约洋基队。

    Among the other bidders in the Matsuzaka sweepstakes were the New York yankees .

  9. 纽约洋基队在周二的比赛轰出本季新高的十七只安打,以七比三击败芝加哥白袜队。

    The Yankees had a season-high 17 hits Tuesday , beating the White Sox 7-3 .

  10. 纽约洋基队只需要一次客场胜利就可以赢得世界系列赛。

    The New York Yankees are just a win away from winning the World Series .

  11. 威廉斯准备不参与纽约洋基队的春训。

    NEW YORK & Bernie Williams is prepared to spend his spring without the New York Yankees .

  12. 1956年的世界职业棒球大赛中,纽约洋基队遇到了自己的同城对手布鲁克林道奇队。

    In 1956 , the New York Yankees faced their cross-town rivals , the Brooklyn Dodgers , in the World Series .

  13. 当我写这本书的时候职棒里最富的球队纽约洋基队在它的25名球员身上花费约1.2亿美元

    When I wrote my book the richest team the New York Yankees , was then spending about $ 120 million on its 25 players

  14. 台北这几天最受欢迎衬衫上的数字是是40在,这数字是纽约洋基队投手王建民球衣上号码。

    Taipei the most popular number on shirts here these days is40 , the number on the pitcher Chien-Ming wang 's New York Yankees jersey .

  15. 当我写这本书的时候,职棒里最富的球队,纽约洋基队,在它的25名球员身上花费约1.2亿美元。

    When I wrote my book the richest team in professional baseball , the New York Yankees , was then spending about $ 120 million on its 25 players .

  16. 纽约洋基队的阿历克斯·罗德里格斯是大联盟历史上曾经薪酬最高的5号,还在今天的芝加哥棒球场亲笔签名。

    New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez is the highest paid Major Leaguer ever-number five on the all-time home run list , signing autographs at the ballpark in Chicago today .

  17. 这个金额只支付给西武狮队,松坂现在的东家。这就是指在其他竞标松坂大辅的竞争者之间,纽约洋基队。

    And this bid only pays the Seibu Lions , Matsuzaka 's current employers , for his rights . Among the other bidders in the Matsuzaka sweepstakes were the New York Yankees .

  18. 以这种等级表现,波士顿红袜队该好好休息一下了。这是他们防止让纽约洋基队赶上的唯一办法。

    At this rate , the Boston Red Sox will gladly take a day off . that 's about the only way they can prevent the New York Yankees from creeping any closer .

  19. 纽约洋基队尝试打破另外一条不成文的棒球定律,那就是说落后两位数的胜差不是不可能追上的。

    BOSTON ( AP ) & The New York Yankees are trying to break another one of baseball 's unwritten rules , the one that says a double-digit deficit on Memorial Day is insurmountable .

  20. 台湾的兄弟象棒球队相当于纽约的洋基队(Yankees),它的前任一垒手现在不分昼夜,绝大部分时间都是在当地一个球场内一间充满老军舰魅力的简朴房间里度过。

    The former first baseman for the Brother Elephants , Taiwan 's equivalent of the Yankees , now spends most of his days and nights deep in a local stadium , in a spartan room with all the charm of an old warship .

  21. 美国纽约洋基棒球队纽约洋基队是我最喜欢的棒球队。

    Yankee ( n. ) The New York Yankees are my favorite baseball team .

  22. 杰森、维特、亚杰和维一起去看职棒纽约的洋基队对密尔瓦基的酿酒人队比赛的路上。

    Jason , victor , aj , and van are on the way to see a professional baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the New York yankees .

  23. 你在纽约城长大,你是不是一个纽约大都市队或者洋基队的粉丝呢?

    Being brought up in NYC , were you a Mets or Yankees fan ?