
  • 网络Knicks;the New York Knicks;new york knickerbockers
  1. 这位2019年的总决赛MVP也正在认真考虑与猛龙队续约的事宜。消息源透露,纽约尼克斯队也正在努力促成与伦纳德的会面。

    The 2019 Finals MVP also is seriously considering re-signing with the Raptors.The New York Knicks are also working on securing a meeting with Leonard , sources said .

  2. 根据BPI指数,菲尼克斯太阳队(预计获得17.5个胜场),纽约尼克斯队(预计获得18.6个胜场)以及克利夫兰骑士队(预计获得19.3个胜场)抽取前三顺位的可能性最大,并且有同等几率得到威廉森。

    The Phoenix Suns ( 17.5 projected wins ) , New York Knicks ( 18.6 ) and Cleveland Cavaliers ( 19.3 ) have a decent lead on earning those coveted top-three spots and an equal chance at Williamson , per BPI .

  3. 这时的林书豪已经41岁,他再次成为了纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)的一员。

    Jeremy Lin was 41 years old , and a New York Knick again .

  4. 《林书豪旋风》:林书豪在纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)作为控球后卫一举成名也就是一年前的事情。

    Linsanity : It was only a year ago that Jeremy Lin shot to fame as point guard for the New York Knicks , and Linsanity seized the public consciousness

  5. 当纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)球员林书豪联系Facebook,请教如何最好地利用该网站时,Facebook的公司代表给他做了示范。

    When Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks contacted Facebook for help understanding how best to use the site , the company 's representatives showed him how .

  6. 四年前,林书豪以他在纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)的一系列如梦如幻般的超凡表现让纽约人和全世界的亚裔为之一振。

    It has been four years since Mr. Lin seemed to inspire New Yorkers and Asians around the world with his mystical , mythical string of performances with the New York Knicks .

  7. 北京时间2月20日,林书豪所在的纽约尼克斯队对阵NBA王牌篮球队小牛队。

    On February 20th Chinese time , Mr Lin 's team , the New York Knicks , played a game against reigning NBA champions , the Dallas Mavericks .

  8. 前纽约尼克斯队古怪球星马布里自2010年以来在CBA就一直很成功,他也因此书写了篮球史上一次伟大的在职业生涯中二次焕发青春的故事。

    Marbury , an eccentric former New York Knick , has been tearing up the CBA since 2010 in one of basketball 's great career resurrection stories .

  9. 本月,林书豪为纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)拿下多场比赛,从一名不为人知的二线球员一跃成为明星。林书豪是台湾移民的后裔,自2010年起得到耐克赞助。

    Mr Lin , a son of Taiwanese immigrants who has been sponsored by Nike since 2010 , has gone from second-string obscurity to stardom this month by securing a series of victories for the New York Knicks .

  10. 帕特里克。尤因是1985年NBA招募人材的首选,现在他准备将自己职业生涯的余生奉献给纽约尼克斯队。

    Patrick Ewing had been the NBA 's top choice in the draft of1985 , and now he Was pledging the rest of his professional career to the New York Knicks .

  11. 纽约尼克斯队赤手可热的美籍华裔控卫林书豪的神奇表现再次得到认可,根据NBA官方报道,由于在结束的上一周表现出色,林书豪当选东部周最佳球员。

    New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin was further acknowledged for his surprising play on Monday , earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors for games completed through February 12 .

  12. 然而没过几天,林书豪就遭遇了膝伤,整个赛季宣告报销,他效力的纽约尼克斯队(Knicks)也在季后赛第一轮就惨遭淘汰。

    Days later , Lin suffered a season-ending knee injury , and the Knicks were blown out of the playoffs in the first round .

  13. 第二个令人瞩目的事情是,沃尔沃在上周一签下了23岁的纽约尼克斯队(Knicks)篮球明星、台湾移民的后代林书豪担任全球品牌代言人。

    In a second remarkable development , the companies Monday signed Lin , the 23-year-old New York Knicks basketball star and son of Taiwanese immigrants , to help market Volvo globally .

  14. 2010年,曾为明尼苏达森林狼队、新泽西网队、菲尼克斯太阳队、纽约尼克斯队和波士顿凯尔特人队效力的马布里结束了在NBA的征战,去中国重新开始。

    In 2010 , Mr. Marbury , who had played for the Minnesota Timberwolves , New Jersey Nets , Phoenix Suns , New York Knicks and Boston Celtics , wrapped up his N.B.A. years and went to China to start anew .

  15. 另一位来到北京的前纽约尼克斯队球星马布里(StephonMarbury)帮助球队在四年时间里赢得了三次总冠军。

    Another former New York Knicks star who moved to Beijing , Stephon Marbury , helped the Ducks to win three championships in four years .

  16. 如此高水平的编程是一种极其独特和罕见的技能,包括我自己在内的大多数人都不具备,就像我们也不具备在纽约尼克斯队(Knicks)打球的那种运动天赋一样。

    Coding at such a level is a very particular and rare skill , one that most of us ─ myself included ─ don 't possess , just as we don 't possess the athletic ability to play for the New York Knicks .

  17. 就算在纽约尼克斯队发展不顺,身为头号亚裔球星的林书豪回到中国打职业联赛,其酬劳也几乎可以和曾效力尼克斯的斯蒂芬马布里(StephonMarbury)有一拼了。

    And should things not work out for him in New York , he would almost certainly giver former Knick Stephon Marbury a run for his money as the biggest star in China 's own basketball league .

  18. 2012年林书豪“林疯狂”(Linsanity)期间,林书豪是斯塔达迈尔在纽约尼克斯队的队友,斯塔达迈尔的受伤是林书豪成为球队焦点的关键因素。

    Lin was a teammate of Stoudamire at the New York Knicks during his " Linsanity " breakout period in 2012 , with Stoudamire 's injury a key factor in why Lin became the focus of the team .

  19. 这位38岁的美国人是前纽约尼克斯队的球员。

    The 38-year-old American is a former New York Knicks player .

  20. 雅虎在硅谷,就像纽约尼克斯队在篮球界一样。

    Yahoo is Silicon Valley 's version of the New York Knicks .

  21. 克里夫兰骑士队要输给纽约尼克斯队了。

    Cleveland Cavaliers losing to the New York knicks .

  22. 对于纽约尼克斯队而言,他真的是天造地设一般。

    He is a perfect fit for the Knicks .

  23. 波士顿也将与纽约尼克斯队的比分缩小至3比2。

    Boston also has narrowed its series against the New York Knicks to 3:2 .

  24. 他的故乡纽约尼克斯队。

    His hometown New York Knicks .

  25. 起先我是在执教纽约尼克斯队的时候,在帕特里克-尤因身上发现了这一点。

    I first saw that trait in Patrick Ewing when I coached him in New York .

  26. 在周六输给纽约尼克斯队之后,他们的战绩只有14胜15负。

    They only have a 14-15 record to show , following their loss to the New York Knicks on Saturday .

  27. 纽约尼克斯队连输四场,现在和迈阿密热队一起在东部联盟排末位。

    The Knicks now share the East 's worst record with Miami after losing their fourth game in a row .

  28. 由于泰森钱德勒的离开小牛加盟纽约尼克斯队,小牛队一直在寻找内线帮助。

    The Mavericks have been looking for inside help because of Tyson Chandler 's departure to the New York Knicks .

  29. 而就在隔日,在他的协助下,纽约尼克斯队以100:98的成绩击败明尼苏达森林狼队,取得五连胜。

    And a day later , he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory , 100-98 , to Minnesota Timberwolves .

  30. 达拉斯小牛队的控球后卫卢卡-东契奇和纽约尼克斯队的前锋凯文-诺克斯分别获得了9%的得票率而并列第三。

    Dallas Mavericks point guard Luka Doncic and New York Knicks forward Kevin Knox finished tied for third with nine percent each .