
sān fēn qiú
  • 3PT;three-point shot;three-pointer;trey
  1. 三分球是为了给白人机会?

    The three-point shot to give white boys a chance ?

  2. 中国队在三分球和罚球上的得分比对手多,在限制区内得分、快攻得分和二次进攻得分上与对手差距较大。

    The Chinese team had more scores at scoring of three-point shot and Free throws , but there is a huge gap at Restricted Area scoring , fast-break points and scored the second attack .

  3. 终场哨响时,他投三分球未中。

    He missed a three-point attempt at the buzzer .

  4. 王梅真镇定!在比赛还剩七秒中时,她成功命中了一个三分球,扳平了比分!

    Wang Mei had ice in her veins ! With seven seconds left , she managed to hit a three-pointer and tied the game !

  5. 2004~2005赛季CUBA三分球的数据分析

    The Data Analysis Of Three-shot In The 2004-2005 Season In CUBA

  6. 因为我们投简单的两分球,而不是命中率更低的三分球,”帕克告诉TheVertical。

    Because we 'll take two , an easy two , than a less percentage on a three-point shot , " Parker told The Vertical .

  7. 此外,库里还凭借本赛季投入的402粒三分球打破了由他上赛季创下的286粒NBA单季三分进球数纪录。

    Curry also shattered his single-season NBA record for made 3-pointers with 402 -- his ‎

  8. CBA与NBA三分球运用的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Application of Three-point Field Goal between Players of CBA and NBA

  9. 库里已经连续126场投进至少1粒三分球了,目前距离这项由凯尔·科沃尔创造的NBA纪录仅有一场的差距。

    Curry 's 126 straight games with at least one 3-pointer are one shy of Kyle Korver 's NBA record .

  10. Q:在前两场比赛中,你们的三分球命中率是21-60,而在常规赛,你们整个队的命中率将近40%。

    Q : You guys , I think you 're 21-60 from three in the first two games and you shot close to 40 as a team during the regular season .

  11. 他已经在单赛季28场比赛中投入至少5粒三分球,这在NBA历史上是最多的。这一成绩也超越了他上赛季创造的27场。

    His 28 games with at least five 3-pointers are the most in a season in NBA history , surpassing the 27 he had last season .

  12. 一直作为联盟里三分球领军人物的他,荣获过两次总冠军,10次入选NBA全明星阵容且在18个赛季中场均看下18.9分。

    The NBA 's all-time leader in 3-pointers made won two NBA championships , was a 10-time All-Star and averaged 18.9 points a game in 18 seasons .

  13. 正是有戈登在MVP詹姆斯哈登和全明星克里斯保罗之后提供了足够的板凳深度,火箭队上赛季拥有了联盟排名第二的进攻火力,并且在三分球投射方面领先联盟一大步。

    With Gordon providing quality depth behind NBA MVP James Harden and All-Star Chris Paul , the Rockets had the No. 2 offense , per NBA.com , and led the league in three-pointers by a wide margin .

  14. 詹姆斯投进了他的前5个三分球,并在场上完成了19投13中,拿出了统治级表现,达到了他的最新里程碑。观众们高呼“MVP!”响彻整个斯台普斯。

    James hit his first five 3-pointers and finished 13 of 19 from the field , reaching his latest milestone during a dominant performance that had chants of " M-V-P ! " raining down from the Staples Center crowd .

  15. 在实验过程中,对照组采用标准篮圈(内径45cm)进行投篮训练,实验组采用缩小内径篮圈(内径40cm)进行三分球投篮实验训练。

    During the experiment , the control group using standard ring ( diameter 45cm ) for shooting practice , the experimental group with reduced diameter of the ring ( diameter 40cm ) were three-point shooting experimental training .

  16. 那场比赛能获胜关键在于哈登,他有神一般的表现,那个夜晚他砍下45分同时命中生涯最高的九记三分球,并且水平甚至超过了上赛季MVP时期。

    Much of that success has been because of Harden , who has played like a man possessed , including his 45 points while tying a career high of nine 3-pointers in Thursday 's win , and at a level exceeding even his MVP campaign last season .

  17. 论现代篮球比赛中三分球的重要性

    On the Great Role of Three-point Ball in Basketball Matches

  18. 论教练员对三分球进攻的执教策略

    Discuss On Coach 's Teaching Strategy on Three-point Ball Attack

  19. 他到现在还没投三分球。

    He has not made a three * Until now .

  20. 浅谈“篮球三分球”的心理训练

    On Psychological Training of the Long - shoot of Basketball

  21. 他以几个三分球补充了他所期待的篮球赛。

    He complemented his expected above-the-rim play with several 3-pointers .

  22. 萝莉:嘿,但是我有投进一个三分球!

    Laurie : Hey , but I made a three-pointer !

  23. 他的9记三分球追平了安东尼-沃克的队史纪录。

    His nine 3-pointers tied Antoine Walker 's club record .

  24. 他们在三分球和两分球上输了,在防守反击上输了,在失误数上也输了。

    They lost the 3-point battle and the 2-point battle .

  25. 您的旅游可以提供良好的三分球入大气中的坚定。

    Your tour can provide good pointers to the atmosphere in a firm .

  26. 必须加强三分球技术的训练。

    We should strengthen the training of three-point shoot .

  27. 试论篮球比赛中的三分球

    On " Three Score Shot " in Basketball Match

  28. 麦克:对啊,他们需要投进一个三分球来打延长赛。

    Mike : Yeah , they need a three pointer to force overtime .

  29. 那天,他的三分球命中率增加了三成。

    His 3pt % grew three sizes that day .

  30. 最可怕的是,(在这场比赛中),他投进了五个三分球。

    Most terrifyingly , he banged in five three-pointers .