
  • 网络Three-phase unbalance;three phases imbalance
  1. 基于DSP的三相不平衡度监测系统

    Three-phase Unbalance Monitoring System Based on DSP

  2. 就三个变电所CVT故障或异常导致的二次回路电压出现了谐波、三相不平衡及暂态扰动等现象分别进行了分析。

    The phenomenon of CVT faults resulting in secondary side voltage harmonics , voltage unbalance or transient disturbance was analyzed in this paper .

  3. 基于DSP控制的大功率抗三相不平衡负载光伏逆变电源

    A Photovoltaic Inverter of high-power and anti three-phase uneven loads Based on DSP control

  4. 本文对三相不平衡电网中VIENNA整流拓扑的控制方法进行了研究。

    The control schemes for VIENNA rectifier topology with three-unbalanced grid voltages were studied in this paper .

  5. 在此基础上,分析了发热不均衡的原因,并提出了改进的脉宽调制(PWM)方案。配电网三相不平衡运行对线损的影响

    With the new method , the unbalanced loss is attributed to the redundant PWM state and an improved PWM is presented . The Effect of Loss Caused by Unbalanced Operation of Distribution Network

  6. 实验结果表明基于DSP的SVC控制器不仅可实现对负载的无功功率及三相不平衡的综合补偿,而且能够较好的满足实时性和精确性的要求。

    The experimental results show that the SVC controller based on DSP not only can synthetically compensate var for unbalanced load , but also have fleet reaction , preferable controlling precision .

  7. 对谐波超过国家标准的电网进行综合补偿时,先设计谐波滤除方案,并结合某实际电网用C型电力滤波器对无功及三相不平衡进行了综合补偿。

    For those harmonics exceeding the national standard , the harmonics elimination scheme should be designed firstly , and then combing with some practical power systems a C type power filter is used to compensate the reactive power and the three phase unbalance .

  8. 笔者提出了一种基于瞬时值的SVC无功及负序补偿算法,将补偿网络分为正序和负序,分别用于校正功率因数和补偿三相不平衡。

    A new algorithm is presented based on instantaneous valve in this paper . The positive sequence compensation network is used for power factor compensation and the negative one is for unbalance compensation .

  9. 基于次同步频率下三相不平衡能够减少发电机电气侧与机械侧的能量交互的原理,提出了采用单相SSSC的抑制SSO的新方法。

    A new method based on single-phase SSSC for mitigating SSO is proposed following the principle that the energy converting between the electrical and mechanical side of generator will be reduced in unbalanced three-phase system .

  10. 三相不平衡负载新型无功补偿算法的研究

    Research on New Reactive-load Compensation Algorithm for Three Phase Unbalance Load

  11. 该系统可以避免三相不平衡负载对逆变器输出电压的影响。

    Balancing compensation of3-Ph unbalanced load with cascade inverters based STATCOM ;

  12. 交流电弧炉三相不平衡供电的研究

    Study on the Asymmetrical Three-Phase Power - Input of AC-EAF

  13. 电机节能器的三相不平衡检测和保护

    Measure and Protection of Three-Phase Motor under Lopsided Energy-Saving Conditions

  14. 浅谈低压电网三相不平衡问题

    Simple Discussion on Three-phase Unbalance Problem in Low-voltage Power Grid

  15. 通用瞬时功率理论在三相不平衡负荷补偿中的应用

    Application of universal instantaneous power theory to unbalanced load compensation

  16. 低压配电网三相不平衡全电容调节补偿的研究

    Research on All-capacitor Adjusted Compensation for Low Voltage Three-phase Unbalance Distribution Network

  17. 低压配电网三相不平衡动态补偿措施及实验研究

    Three-phase Imbalance Dynamic Compensation Measures and Experimental Research on Low-voltage Distribution Network

  18. 孤岛运行的微电网三相不平衡潮流计算方法研究

    Research on Unbalanced Three-phase Power Flow Calculation Method in Islanding Micro Grid

  19. 含分布式电源的三相不平衡配电网潮流计算

    Calculation of Three-Phase Unbalanced Power Flow in Distribution Network Containing Distributed Generation

  20. 三相不平衡有源无功和高次谐波补偿器控制系统的研究

    Analysis of the Control System of Three-Phase Unbalance Var and Harmonic Compensator

  21. 三相不平衡电路的暂态过程及功率因数的测量

    Transients in unbalanced three-phase circuit and measurement of power factor

  22. 三相不平衡与无功功率综合补偿系统的研究

    The Study of Integrated Compensation System for Three Phases Unbalance and Reactive Power

  23. 三相不平衡线路的线损分析

    The Circuit Loss Rate Analysis of Three-Phase Unbalanced Circuit

  24. 综合补偿三相不平衡负载的研究

    Research on Integrated Compensation of Three Phase Unbalance Load

  25. 三相不平衡运行附加线损的定量分析及降低

    Quantitative Analysis and Reduction of Additional Loss of Wire Caused by Unbalanced Operation

  26. 配电网中三相不平衡负荷补偿

    3 - Phase Asymmetric Load Compensation in Distribution System

  27. 对三相不平衡非线性和非纯阻性负荷补偿的新方法

    A New Compensating Method to Three Phase Unbalance Nonlinear and Non-Pure Resistance Load

  28. 三相不平衡系统谐波传输特性及其抑制

    Harmonic Transmission Characteristic and Suppression of Unbalanced Power System

  29. 配电变压器三相不平衡运行带来的附加损耗、电压偏差及补偿方法

    Additional loss and voltage deviation caused by unbalanced operation of distribution transformer and Countermeasures

  30. 提出了利用相间存在耦合的电抗器网络对三相不平衡负荷进行补偿的方法。

    This paper also presents a compensation method using mutual coupled three-phase reactance network .