
  • 网络The New York Post;NY Post
  1. 默多克对《华尔街日报》的收购买贵了很多,而且他还在继续支持赔钱的《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)。

    Mr. Murdoch vastly overpaid for The Journal , and continues to support the money-losing New York Post .

  2. 正如《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)所说,纽约地区的第三方零售商无疑将遭到直接打击。

    As the New York Post noted , third-party retailers in the New York area will undoubtedly suffer an immediate hit .

  3. 比如在一月底,他曾经要求《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)的记者调查华纳公司史蒂夫•罗斯的糗事。

    In late January , for instance , he had reporters at the New York Post searching for dirt about Steve Ross of Warner .

  4. 《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)曾称他为纽约俱乐部圈子里的神秘人物,还说,人们对刘特佐的钱是从哪来的有各种推测。

    The New York Post once called him the mystery man of city club scene , adding , Speculation is brewing over where Low is getting his money from .

  5. 《纽约邮报》(TheNewYorkPost)报道称,苹果(Apple)希望在今年圣诞节前推出电视流媒体服务,不过它目前在组织内容方面遇到了麻烦。

    The New York Post reports that apple ( AAPL ) is having trouble lining up content for a TV streaming service it wants to launch by Christmas .

  6. 《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)曾称他为“纽约俱乐部圈子里的神秘人物”,还说,“人们对刘特佐的钱是从哪来的有各种推测。”

    The New York Post once called him " the mystery man of city club scene , " adding , " Speculation is brewing over where Low is getting his money from . "

  7. 梅格汉36岁生日时,《人物》杂志透过英国太阳报(TheSun)获悉二人在南非旅行度假庆生,《纽约邮报》八卦版“第六页”(PageSix)也报道了这一消息。

    The two are together again , People ( via The Sun ) and Page Six report , on a special safari vacation in South Africa for Markle 's 36th birthday .

  8. 拉里听上去像是个相当倒霉的人,不过据纽约邮报和雅虎Shine频道的报道,他显然就是非常挑剔。

    Larry sounds like a really unlucky guy , but according to the New York Post and Yahoo Shine , hes apparently just really picky .

  9. 路透社(Reuters)称,“最早在周一”就将发布官方消息,而《纽约邮报》(NYPost)则认为,双方可能在周日晚上就会宣布交易。

    Reuters suggests that an official announcement could come " as early as Monday , " while the NY post thinks it could actually come the night before .

  10. 执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)表示,《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)有关某个高层举报人正在协助SEC的报道“没有事实依据”。

    Joe Tsai , executive vice-chairman , said there was " no factual basis " to a story in the New York Post newspaper alleging that a high-level whistleblower was aiding the US regulator .

  11. 服装品牌Supreme的粉丝纷纷花20美元买下最新一期的《纽约邮报》,因为封面都是supreme标志。

    Fans of clothing brand Supreme are paying up to $ 20 for a copy of the latest New York Post , thanks to a front-page promotion featuring the cult line .

  12. 在杰克逊去世五周年之际,《纽约邮报》爆料普林斯、帕里斯和毯毯(BlanketJackson)将他们共有的每年800万美元零花钱挥霍得相当快。

    On the fifth anniversary of his death , the New York Post claims Prince , Paris and Blanket Jackson are racing through their shared 8 million ( 4.76 million ) - a-year allowance .

  13. 这次飓风引发了几个与桑迪有关的Twitter账户的创建一些严肃的,一些幽默的还有几个搞笑图片放上了海绵宝宝播放器松鼠桑迪的的照片,《纽约邮报》周一报道。

    The storm sparked the creation of several Hurricane Sandy-related Twitter accounts some serious , some humorous as well as several joking images superimposing the faces of SpongeBob Squarepants squirrel Sandy , the New York Post reported Monday .

  14. 这次飓风引发了几个与桑迪有关的Twitter账户的创建——一些严肃的,一些幽默的——还有几个搞笑图片放上了“海绵宝宝播放器”松鼠桑迪的的照片,《纽约邮报》周一报道。

    The storm sparked the creation of several Hurricane Sandy-related Twitter accounts - some serious , some humorous - as well as several joking images superimposing the faces of " SpongeBob Squarepants " squirrel Sandy , " the New York Post reported Monday .

  15. 黑客于本周五盗取了纽约邮报及合众国际社(UPI)的推特账号,并发布了包括中美开战在内的虚假信息。

    Hackers took over Twitter accounts of the New York Post and United Press International on Friday , writing bogus messages , including about hostilities breaking out between the United States and China .

  16. NeilHeslin,50岁,6岁的杰西•刘易斯的父亲,告诉《纽约邮报》他本来一直计划周五下午去他儿子的班级做姜饼屋。

    Neil Heslin , 50 , father of six-year old Jesse Lewis , told the New York Post that he had been planning to visit his son 's class Friday afternoon to make gingerbread houses .

  17. 据《纽约邮报》报道,雷德克里夫正在将自己的P-2签证升级为O-1签证。P-2针对外国演艺人员,而O-1则针对在科学、艺术、商业或体育方面有卓越能力的个人。

    According to the paper , Radcliffe is in the process of upgrading his P-2 visa for foreign actors and entertainers to an O-1 visa for ' the individual who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences , arts , education , business or athletics ' .

  18. 在线的纽约邮报。

    You can read the article here : New York Post Online .

  19. 卡马拉则向《纽约邮报》否认了对她的指控。

    Camara denied the allegations to the New York Post .

  20. 《纽约邮报》主编科尔?阿兰为这幅漫画进行了辩护。

    Col Allan , editor-in-chief of the Post , defended the work .

  21. 这件事发生后,不少人号召抵制《纽约邮报》以及在该报上做广告的公司。

    Many urged a boycott of the Post and the companies that advertise in it .

  22. 《纽约邮报》在其第六版的专栏中最先报道了这一消息。

    News of the pregnancy first appeared in the New York Post 's Page Six column .

  23. 《纽约邮报》拒绝对此发表评论。

    The Post declined to comment .

  24. 在纽约邮报的一次访谈中,鲁迪·朱利安尼说他反对同性婚姻。

    During an interview with The New York Post , Rudy Giuliani said that he is against gay marriage .

  25. 这个词由《纽约邮报》记者格雷琴•凯丽首创并在美国媒体使用。

    The term was first coined in the US press in the New York Post by journalist Gretchen Kelly .

  26. 在星期五的纽约邮报报导说这名女子是前拉斯维加斯的脱衣女郎。

    In a front-page story on Friday , the New York Post reported she is a former Las Vegas stripper .

  27. 他在接受《纽约邮报》采访时说:这几乎没有任何成效,因为我太挑剔了。

    The yield is very low because Im so picky , he told the New York Post in an interview .

  28. 周二早上,这张照片出现在《纽约邮报》的头版位置,醒目的标题写着触目惊心的死亡。

    The image appeared on the front page of the New York Post Tuesday morning with the headline ' Doomed ' .

  29. 在拉里第一次接受纽约邮报采访时,他听上去像是一个诚心寻求真爱的男子。

    In his first interview with the New York Post , Larry sounded like a man who was honestly looking for love .

  30. 她将自己的这段经历发表到了《纽约邮报》,写道:理发店里的店员对我说,我们一般不做女士的短发造型。

    She wrote about the experience in The New York Post , 'They said , We dont actually do womens short-style haircuts .