
  • 网络Predation;predatism
  1. 捕食关系的Meta分析

    The Meta Analysis on the relationships between predator and prey

  2. 这些动植物主体通过捕食关系构成食物链。

    Predation relations link these agents to form the food chain .

  3. 讨论了一类基于比率的非自治三种群混合扩散模型,三种群间既有捕食关系又有竞争关系。

    We study a nonautonomous ratio-dependent mixed diffusive model of three species .

  4. 渤海中国对虾的捕食关系

    Predators of prawn ( penaeus orientalis ) in Bohai Sea

  5. 近年来,捕食关系是数学与生态学界研究的一个主要课题。

    In recent years , the predator-prey relation has become a very important part in mathematics and ecology .

  6. 人体肠道有益菌群和有害菌群的共生与捕食关系影响着人体健康。

    Relation of intergrowth and prey of good bacteria and maleficent bacteria in human body have and effect for body health .

  7. 当ΖS1S2cos(Δα)/PCVmax时,不存在捕食关系,前式为同一营养级,后式为相隔一个至几个营养级。

    While Ζ S 1S 2 cos (Δα) / PCV max , preying relationship absents , the former Eqs . shows two species in the same trophic level and the latter in more than one trophic level .

  8. 它也可以表示包含大量个体和个体之间相互作用的系统,如恒星及星际气体中的化学反应,人与人之间的社会关系,物种之间的捕食关系,科学研究中的合作关系等。

    They also indicate systems which include a large number of individuals interacting with each other , for instance , chemical reactions in stars and interstellar gases , the social relationships between different individuals , the food cycles in nature and the collaborations in science research .

  9. 叶蝉与瓢虫、蜘蛛与小薪甲、蜘蛛与山楂叶螨、山楂叶螨与小薪甲、小薪甲与瘿蚊的二维生态位重叠较大,说明它们之间的捕食和竞争关系非常明显。

    The relationship of predatory and competition between leafhoppers and ladybirds ( Coccinellidae ), spiders and Microgramme spp. , spiders and hawthorn spider mites , hawthorn spider mites and Microgramme spp. , Microgramme spp. and gall midge ( Cecidomyiidae ) were obvious due to the large niche overlap between them .

  10. 近年来,捕食-食饵关系是数学与生态学界研究的一个重要课题,吸引了越来越多的数学工作者和生态学者的关注。

    In recent years , the predator-prey relation has become a very important part in mathematics and ecology , it has attracted more and more attention from Mathematics and ecologists .

  11. 考虑到捕食者捕食方式的多样性,特别是食草动物和食肉动物的不同,引入了捕食方式参数,讨论了不同捕食关系对应的系统的演化过程。

    Considering the diversity in the ways of the predations , especially the difference between herbivores and carnivores , parameters of hunting patterns are introduced . And the evolution processes of different models corresponding to predation relationship are discussed .