
  • 网络piscary;fishery;the fishing right
  1. 布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。

    Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes .

  2. 她可以重新控制沿海地区的捕鱼权。

    It would regain control over fishing rights around its coast .

  3. 这两个国家一直为他们在水域中的深水捕鱼权问题争吵不休。

    The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters .

  4. 英国与西班牙为捕鱼权而争论不体。

    Britain and Spain have been arguing over fishing rights .

  5. 我跟经理辩论了捕鱼权问题。

    I argued about fishing rights with the manager .

  6. 有关捕鱼权的条约已废除。

    The treaty on fishing rights have is revoke .

  7. 在捕鱼权的争议上他们有缓和态度的倾向。

    There are signs that they are softening their stance on the dispute over fishing rights .

  8. 他说,非洲的许多国家将捕鱼权出售给工业化国家,这样就有个更多的海产品被抓捕。

    Most countries in Africa , he says , are selling fishing rights to industrialized nations which catch large amounts of seafood .

  9. 经过数个月的谈判,欧盟和英国在捕鱼权、经济公平竞争和争端解决等问题上仍存在分歧。

    After months of talks , the EU and Britain are still over fishing rights , economic fair play and disputes settlement .

  10. 没有获得配额并不意味着捕鱼权的消灭,有捕鱼权也并不意味着能够获取配额。

    Did not get the quota does not mean the elimination of fishing rights , fishing rights does not mean have access to quotas .

  11. 笔者认为将河流的排他性捕鱼权配置给社团比配置给个体更能解决公地悲剧问题。

    The author argues that allocation of the exclusive fishing rights to commune , rather than to individual , can solve the problem of the commons ' tragedy .

  12. 通过区分公海捕鱼权和配额权内在法律属性的异同,则进一步加深了我们对配额制度义务实质的理解。

    By distinguishing between the right of high seas fishing rights and quotas for the different properties of the inner law , further deepened our understanding of substantive obligations of the quota system .

  13. 公海渔业资源的共享性决定了公海捕鱼权是一种无法为他国和个人所垄断的资格,这是一种整体性权利。

    The sharing of high seas fisheries resources determines the high seas fishing rights is a qualifications , which is a holistic right who can not be a monopoly of a country and personal .

  14. 捕鱼权和可捕捞量并无直接联系,用一句话概括就是捕鱼权是人定的,而可捕捞量是天定的,是自然规律所决定。

    Fishing rights and catch can not directly contact . Summarized in one sentence , " Fishing rights is man-made , and catch is determined by the nature laws . " View from the legal property rights , the quotas right established on common obligation basis .

  15. 日本、中国、韩国和俄罗斯国内最近因领土争端而高涨的情绪令人震惊,部分原因在于所争之物似乎无关紧要:除了捕鱼权,这些争议岛屿基本上无人居住,几乎没有自然资源,而且战略价值也不是很大。

    The passions recently inflamed in Japan , China , South Korea , and Russia over the disputed areas are striking in part because of the seeming insignificance of the stakes : largely uninhabited islands with few natural resources , decent fishing rights and mostly modest strategic value .

  16. 捕鱼和其他河岸权属于该河两岸土地的所有者。

    Fishing and other riparian rights belong to owners of riparian land .

  17. 有人提议开辟新的捕鱼区,授予私人公司在此类区域的捕鱼权(之前捕鱼权一直由各渔业合作社控制)。

    There are calls for the creation of new zones where private companies could be granted fishing rights previously controlled by fishing co-operatives .