
  • 网络Whaling ship;whalers;a whaler;factory ship;whale catcher
  1. 我们把虐待动物的人关进监狱,我们不顾危险在四周布满鲸鱼和捕鲸船的船上游玩,我们带着童年时期关于小鹿斑比(Bambi)妈妈的悲惨遭遇的痛苦回忆。

    We jail people who abuse animals , put ourselves in harm 's way in boats between whales and whalers , carry our childhood traumas of what happened to Bambi 's mother .

  2. 在一个炎热的日子里,捕鲸船聚集在外洋中。

    The whalers gammed in midocean on a hot tropical day .

  3. 我是在一艘捕鲸船上同他结识的。

    I became acquainted with him on board a whaling vessel .

  4. 故事发生在一艘捕鲸船上,它在海上航行,寻找一头非常大的鲸鱼—莫比·利克。

    The story takes place on a whaling ship that sails the seas to find Moby Lick , a very large whale .

  5. 在第二次袭击以后SeaShepherd被警告如果他们再投更多的酸弹,捕鲸船将会反击。

    After the second wave of attacks Sea Shepherd was warned that if they threw more acid then the whaling ship would retaliate .

  6. 日韩争端的焦点是利扬库尔岩(LiancourtRocks)。这组日本称“竹岛”、韩国称“独岛”的岛屿位于日韩两国之间,利扬库尔岩这个名字来源于19世纪40年代在此作业的一艘法国捕鲸船。

    Japan 's dispute with South Korea centers around the Liancourt Rocks , a set of islets halfway between the two countries , named after a French whaling ship that plied those waters in the 1840s .

  7. 美国政府听说,一艘名为Lagoda号的美国捕鲸船在日本海岸附近失事,多名船员被囚禁。

    The American government had heard that the Lagoda , an American whaler , had been wrecked on the Japanese coast and a number of crewtaken prisoner .

  8. 捕鲸船就是我的哈佛大学!捕鲸船就是我的耶鲁大学!

    for a whale-ship was my Yale College and my Harvard .

  9. 用于处理捕到的鲸鱼的捕鲸船。

    A whaling ship equipped to process whale products at sea .

  10. 当初,我是在一艘捕鲸船上同他结识的。

    I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel .

  11. 捕鲸船才是现在那大块殖民地的真正的母亲。

    The whale-ship is the true mother of that now mighty colony .

  12. 捕鲸船“白德福号”上,有几个科学考察队的人员。

    There were some members of a scientific expedition on the whale-ship BEDFORD .

  13. 就当作是在捕鲸船上。

    Just pretend it 's a whaling ship and .

  14. 就是一只捕鲸船也不会装备得更完备了。

    No whaling vessel could have been better armed .

  15. 其中便包括了世界上最后一艘木制捕鲸船,查尔斯摩根号。

    Including the Charles w.morgan , the last wooden whaleship in the world .

  16. 就是有太空捕鲸船的那部电影。

    Of that movie with the whales .

  17. 我们一起拟定了逃亡计划…搭捕鲸船到俄罗斯…

    We put together an elaborate plan for escape involving a whaling ship to Russia ...

  18. 每年北半球冬季时节,日本会因为向南极海域派遣捕鲸船而面临人们的嘲讽。

    Every northern winter , Japan faces barbs for sending awhaling fleet into Antarctic waters .

  19. 可是,捕鲸船却开到那里去了。

    but the whale-ship touched there .

  20. 上个月,另一艘日本捕鲸船与海洋看守保护协会所属的高科技三体船相撞。

    Last month , another Japanese whaling ship collided with a high-tech trimaran owned by Sea Shepherd .

  21. 这是该组织的船只几个月以来与日本捕鲸船发生的第二起相撞事件。

    It 's the second collision of boats belonging to the two groups in as many months .

  22. 尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;捕鲸船

    A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape ; a whaler . after peak bulkhead

  23. 这个激进的环保团体曾指控捕鲸船故意撞毁体积小得多的抗议船。

    The militant environmental group had accused the whaler of deliberately crashing into the much smaller protest boat .

  24. 这两名海洋守护协会的成员星期二登上日本捕鲸船勇新丸二号。

    The two men from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society had boarded the Japanese whaler Yushin Maru No.2 on Tuesday .

  25. 终于,在海上漂浮几天之后,捕鲸船上的幸存者与汽艇上的舰员都得救了。

    After several days out at sea , the men on the motorboat were rescued along with those on the whaler .

  26. 去年7月,一名环保运动人士因为强行登上一艘捕鲸船,被日本法院判处2年缓刑。

    An activist was given a two-year suspended jail term by a Japanese court in July for boarding a whaling ship .

  27. 登上捕鲸船上你将听到一个水手的高喊:它在那喷气!鲸鱼在右弦船头

    Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout : " There she blows ! Whale off the starboard bow !"

  28. 一艘只装备一座大炮的挪威武装捕鲸船,并没有接到任何特别命令,亦立即参加作战,抵抗侵略者。

    An armed Norwegian whaler mounting a single gun also went into action at once and without special orders against the invaders .

  29. 超自然现象研究领域的专家们正在展开调查,探究一艘历史上著名的捕鲸船是否是死去海员亡灵的家园。

    Specialists in paranormal research are investigating whether a historic whaling ship might be home to the ghost of a long-ago seafarer .

  30. 虽说一般商船也是这样,然而,在程度上终究跟捕鲸船不尽相同。

    And though this also holds true of merchant vessels , yet not by any means to the same extent as with whalemen .