
  • 网络fishing right
  1. 在此基础上,文章对配额权的内容及其与捕捞权的区别进行探讨分析。

    On the basis of these , the paper discussed the context of the quota right and its differences from the fishing right .

  2. 养殖权和捕捞权均属于渔业权,不宜把它们分成两项法律制度。

    Fishery rights consists of breeding right and fishing right , and it is not appropriate to separate those two rights into two systems .

  3. 水权与养殖权、捕捞权;

    The strict nature of water rights as a legal conception .

  4. 我们必须谈谈捕捞权。

    We have to talk about fishing rights .

  5. 渔民的渔业权益,主要是养殖权和捕捞权;

    The fisherman 's fishery rights and interests , mainly contain cultivated rights and fishing rights .

  6. 基于渔民视角的海洋渔业捕捞权交易问题研究

    Study on the Problems of the Transaction of Marine Fishing Right on the Fishermen 's Perspective

  7. 捕捞权则宜解为自然资源使用权,将海域使用权作为用益物权之一种规定进民法典物权编中,捕捞权作为自然资源使用权,主要受渔业法调整。

    Real Right of the Civil Law ; Then the fishing right should be comprehended to the right of using the natural resources , adjusted primarily by the Fishery Law .

  8. 在区分该制度中捕捞权与配额权的基础上,着重配额权流转的制度分析;

    On the basis of distinguishing the quota right from the fishing right in this system , more attention was focused on institutional analyses of the transfer of the quota right in fisheries .

  9. 目前,渔民捕捞权受到损害和威胁的主要原因是,捕捞作业场所被挤占、渔业资源和环境恶化,捕捞准入制度不完善;

    At present , the main cause of the threat of fisherman fishing rights is that , the fishing place is tied up unreasonable , the fishery environment and resources is getting worsen , and the fishing access system is not complete .