
  • 网络ownership restriction;limitation of ownership
  1. 自从2000年中国互联网企业第一次IPO以来,中国希望到境外上市的初创企业,一直通过设立VIE架构的离岸公司,绕开外资所有权限制。

    Since the first Chinese internet IPO in 2000 , Chinese start-ups wanting to list abroad have skirted ownership restrictions by setting up offshore companies known as VIEs .

  2. 律师们警告称,上述措辞的矛头直指所谓的可变利益实体(VIE)。过去10年里,此类结构被用来规避互联网行业的外资所有权限制。

    Lawyers have warned that this phrase targets so-called variable interest entities , structures used over the past decade to circumvent foreign ownership restrictions in the internet sector .

  3. Circle的举措凸显出,在北京方面2012年取消对私立医院外资所有权限制后,西方医疗保健企业在中国扩张的兴趣越来越大。

    Circle 's move underscores the growing appetite by western healthcare companies to expand in China after Beijing removed a cap on ownership of private hospitals in 2012 .

  4. 有利的方面是,所有权限制澄清了事件的状态。

    Beneficially , the ownership constraint clarifies the state of affairs .

  5. 他表示,巴西、俄罗斯和印度都已取消了在证券行业的所有权限制。

    He said Brazil , Russia and India had all eliminated ownership caps in the securities industry .

  6. 这将允许外部投资者购买新股,并放松对这家仅有少数股东的矿商的所有权限制。

    This will allow outside investors to buy new shares and relax ownership restrictions on the tightly-held miner .

  7. 取消所有权限制将激励外国企业加大在中国的投资,并为中国的基金管理行业作出贡献。

    Easing ownership restrictions would encourage foreign companies to invest in China and contribute to the development of the Chinese fund management sector .

  8. 英航与伊比利亚航空不会对所有12个目标发起收购,而且许多国家存在的外资所有权限制会增加某些目标的收购难度。

    Not all 12 would be pursued , and foreign ownership restrictions in many countries would make it hard to buy some of those targeted .

  9. 但是,如果将各种所有权限制等同于彻底的贸易保护主义(阻碍商品及服务跨境流通),那就夸大了这个问题。

    But lumping all ownership restrictions into the same category as out-and-out trade protectionism the blocking of cross-border flows of goods and services overstates the problem .

  10. 第五部分运用法经济学方法对相邻关系和处分权的限制进行分析,以解释所有权限制的原因。

    The fifth section interprets Neighborly relations and Inalienability by using the methods of law and economics to reveal the reasons of the limitations of ownership .

  11. 然而,将边缘问题提到核心层面,或者假装所有权限制等同于贸易障碍,均无助于应对上述挑战。

    They are not , however , helped by moving marginal issues to centre stage and pretending that restrictions on ownership are the same as blocks on trade .

  12. 相比之下,在富裕国家和中国等成功的新兴经济体,所有权限制最多将影响公司治理的质量。

    Ownership restrictions , by contrast , certainly in rich countries and successful emerging markets such as China , will at most affect the quality of corporate governance .

  13. 一般来说,一国的文化政策通常会以补贴,限制市场准入,税收措施,许可证限制,外国投资及所有权限制,本国内容要求等形式做出。

    Generally speaking , a cultural policy measure often appears as subsidies , restrictions on market access , taxation measures , licensing restrictions , foreign investment and ownership restrictions , domestic content requirements .

  14. 近现代所有权限制理论的发展,其实质是如何限制公权力滥用,大多表现为如何保障土地利用人的权利。

    The development of ownership right theory e , its essence is how to restrict the excessive use of public right , it always show how to guarantee the right of people of using land .

  15. 论所有权的限制QoS路由浅析

    On Restriction of Ownership A Discussion About Quality of Service Routing

  16. 为规避对外国所有权的限制,中国公司使用所谓的可变利益实体(VIE)结构。

    To circumvent foreign-ownership restrictions , Chinese firms use the so-called variable-interest entity ( VIE ) structure .

  17. 如何解释对所有权的限制的不断增多困扰着法学家们。

    How to interpret these limitations make jurists feel very puzzled .

  18. 第三部分叙述所有权的限制的内容和形式,第四部分评析所有权社会化理论;

    The fourth section criticizes the theory of ownership socialization .

  19. 所有权公法限制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Public Law Restriction to Ownership

  20. 操作过程简便,测定结果准确。论所有权的限制

    The result is right . On Restriction of Ownership

  21. 论可持续发展与所有权的限制

    Sustainable Development and the Restriction of Ownership

  22. 对资产所有权的限制

    Restrictions on the title to an asset

  23. 杜福延表示,宜家仍对印度抱有兴趣,并将继续推动(印度政府)放松对外资所有权的限制。

    Mr Duffy said IKEA remained interested in India , and would continue to press for a relaxation of the foreign ownership restrictions .

  24. 在法理上,支持者认为限制集体土地对外转让,是对集体土地所有权的限制,不符合民法的平等原则。

    Legally speaking , proponents believe that restrictions on the transfer of collective land are a collective land ownership restriction , which incompatible with the civil law principle of equality .

  25. 其本质是对所有权的限制,以牺牲出卖人和第三人的合法利益为代价,换取对承租人特殊利益的保护。

    Its essence is a kind of restriction to the ownership , with the price of sacrificing the seller and the third people 's legal benefits , in order to protect the leasehold special benefits .

  26. 印度官员往往对外界敦促他们实施的所谓改革清单表示不屑:减少补贴、放宽对外资所有权的限制、加速私有化进程以及深化印度资本市场。

    Indian officials tend to roll their eyes at what they call the laundry list of reforms that are continually urged on them : reducing subsidies , raising limits on foreign ownership , speeding up privatisation and deepening India 's capital markets .

  27. 相邻关系的本质是所有权内容的限制或扩张。

    The essence of the neighboring relation is the restriction or expansion of the contents of proprietary .

  28. 对于相邻权本质的争议有两种观点,一种为所有权扩张与限制说,一种为法定地役权说。

    The adjacent to the nature of two types of dispute , an expansion of ownership and constraints , a statutory servitude to say .

  29. 而这种股权限缩是因为某些股权的行使必须受到同期所有权规则的限制造成的。

    The reason of such limitation and narrowing to shareholders ' is that the exertion of certain shareholders ' rights must be regulated by contemporary ownership rule .

  30. 它可以禁止让许多广播电台被集中到一个实体手中,或对一家公司在一个市场中控制多个媒体平台的综合所有权程度加以限制。

    It may prohibit the concentration of many outlets in the hands of a single entity or limit cross-ownership , where one company controls multiple media platforms in a single market .