
  1. 中国集体土地所有权权能探析

    A Probe into Powers and Functions of the Collective Land Ownership in China

  2. 本文认为传统的以两权分离为目的的改革没能够使所有权权能如何安排问题得到很好的解决。

    We believe that traditional two rights separation reform has failed to solve that problem perfectly .

  3. 可以说,按份共有人的处分行为是按份共有人所有权权能中最重要的一种表现形式。

    It can be claimed that the disposition of co-owners by shares is the most important manifestation in ownership function .

  4. 用益物权的本质首先在尹它是调整利用他人之物的法律关系的物权形式,是国家意志在物权法中的体现,用益物权的内容直接源于物权法的规定,而非所有权权能的让渡。

    The essence first rests with it is the real right form that regulates the legal relation between the owner and the user and the contents of it originate from real statute directly .

  5. 业主专有权是业主权的主导性权利,居于核心地位,专有权人对专有部分享有占有、使用、收益、处分等所有权权能。

    Owners ' exclusive right is the leading one of Homeowner Right , and the person with exclusive right has the right of possessing , using , benefiting and disposing to the exclusive parts .

  6. 换句话说:国企的所有权权能应该如何安排才能实现国企所有者、董事会、高级经理人等主体权责利的统一。

    In other words , how should we realize the unification of duty 、 right 、 profit among owners , the board of directors , senior managers the of the state-owned enterprises through the arrangement of ownership .

  7. 在我国农地集体所有的特殊体制下,所有权权能是通过主体与权能的分离实现的,因此,文章主要就所有权的本体权能以及分离状态下的使用权权能进行分析研究。

    In our special land collective ownership system , the ownership power will be come true using the separation between the main body and power . So , the paper will mainly analyze the ownership using power in the separating condition and the ownership numeral power .

  8. 所有权的权能有四项:占有权、使用权、收益权和处分权。

    The property rights power has four items : Holds the power , the right of use , the usufruct and the disposition right .

  9. 占有是民法中重要的概念,一方面作为所有权的权能,另一方面是对物事实上的控制与支配,同时占有也是刑法财产犯罪中的重要概念。

    Possession is an important concept in civil law , on the one hand as the power of ownership , on the other hand is a matter of the control and dominance , while possession of property crimes in the criminal Law is an important concept .

  10. 从经营权、法人财产权、所有权的权能及其内在逻辑联系看,国有企业对其财产只享有法人财产权或经营权而不享有所有权是不可能的。

    From the content and the internal logical relationship of the Administering Right , the Corporation 's Property Right , and the Ownership , it 's impossible that the state owned enterprises only have the corporation 's property right or the administering right without the ownership .

  11. 法律人从权利的维度详尽地分析集体土地所有权和使用权能的诸种分离方式以及集体土地所有权、农地使用权的法律性质、权利内容、价值取向等,取得了可喜的成绩。

    Lawyers analyze thoroughly that varied the way of differentiating on collective land title and use and that the law nature , right content , value orientation and so on , and make a success .

  12. 其中,取回是一种行为,取回权是所有权的一种权能,取回制度除包括取回、取回权外,还包括回赎、再出卖等一列内容。

    Recall right is a function of ownership ; Recall system includes the contents of redemption and resale as well as recall and recall right .

  13. 然而在其实际行使的过程中,所有权总是以部分权能以及某项权能的一部分的形式出现。

    But while it is exercised , ownership always appears in form of a part of all powers and functions and a certain powers and functions .

  14. 这种区别表现为所有权人在行使权能时必须履行附在权利上的义务以及必须充分地尊重社会传统与道德风俗中有关于尸体处分的习惯。

    This difference requires the owner must fulfill the obligations attached to rights and fully respect the customs , social traditions and moral habits of action on the cadaver when he exerts rights .

  15. 现行的农村集体土地制度存在着土地所有权主体错位、土地所有权权能不全等弊端。

    The current rural collective land system has many drawbacks , such as the subject of the land ownership misplaces , the ownership of land and its functions are incomplete , etc.

  16. 土地所有权的主体不明,土地所有权的权能弱化是当前我国农村集体土地所有权制度面临困境的主要原因。

    We think there are three reasons for the dilemma of rural collective land ownership system , the ambiguity of the subject of the rural collective land ownership , the weakening of the function of the rural collective land ownership .

  17. 产权交易的主体必须具有民事权利能力和行为能力,享有或拥有财产所有权或具体享有所有权某一项权能,以及享有与所有权有关的财产权利。

    The main body of property right conveyance must has civil right ability and capacity , has either possession of the property or specifically some item of property right , as well as the rights related to the property right .

  18. 马克思在分析所有权的结构时,注意区分所有权的基本权能和其他与此相关的权利形式,从而明晰地揭示了所有权的内部构造和实现机制,创立了财产的权利统一与分离学说;

    While analyzing the structure of proprietary rights , Marx attentively distinguished the basic powers and functions of proprietary rights and other related rights forms , thus clearly revealing the internal structure and realization system of proprietary rights , and founding his teaching on integration and separation of property rights ;

  19. 所有权是渔业权等他物权的母权,是所有权与其权能分离的属性和理论、所有权的弹力性的变形表现。

    Proprietary right is the mother right of the fishery right and some other rights over the property of another .

  20. 为进一步推进土地产权制度创新,必须对农村土地所有权主体范围进行科学界定,进一步完善农村土地所有权的各项权能,推动农村土地承包权物权化,完善农村土地流转机制。

    For further promotion of it , we must scientifically define the subject scope of rural land property , perfect the capacity of all its rights , promote the land contracting right becoming real right , and perfect the land turnover mechanism .

  21. 建立农地发展权,赋予两种公有土地所有权主体平等的民事地位,赋予两种土地所有权平等的财产权能,也不失为一种途径和方式。

    It is a sensible means to establish farm land developing rights and give equal rights to the legal entities in terms of two types of public lands and their legal ownership for the lands .

  22. 首先需要深化农村土地产权制度改革,实现集体土地所有权和国有土地所有权的平等保护,明确集体土地所有权代表,完善所有权权能。

    In the first place it is needed to deepen the reform of rural land property rights system so as to achieve collective land ownership and equal protection of state land ownership , make clear of the delegation of group land ownership and improve the ownership of power .