
Analysis on Enterprise Property from State - owned to Privately-owned
On Allocation of State Property Right Resources of China 's Modern Enterprise
The Regulation of State-Owned property Right Transfer and its Limitation
Questioning the Transfer of the State-owned Property Right of Enterprises to Management
About the reforming steps to the property rights of state owned enterprise in non ferrous metals
This means that the present business management structure which gives priority to the state-owned property will face serious challenges .
The Weakness of the Supervision over the Transfer of National Property Rights in Enterprises and the Ways to Overcome It
State-owned property rights of central-governmental enterprises and other property rights may be traded in the property right trading market .
Study of Pricing and Financing about the State-owned Equities in Medium and Small Enterprises Being Assigned to the Layer of Management
Chapter one is about theoretic basis for the research on legal system of the transaction of state-owned property rights of enterprises .
It makes many links and main parts which relative to the transfer of state-owned property rights in enterprise as a organic whole .
The performance of state-owned property right recourses of the modern enterprises depends on optimizing the route of the distribution of property right resources .
Any transfer of the state-owned stock right of a financial enterprise or listed company shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the state .
Based on the current situation of our province , the state-owned property rights transactions will face significantly reduced in the next two to three years .
The first one goes like following . It is necessary to convey the state-shared property . The establishment of the market economy system needs the conveyance .
Allocation-optimization and employment-rationalization of the state property right resources , which are finite and scarce in modern state-owned enterprises , becomes a new issue in enterprise study .
It is the best way to make a special law , which adjusts the transfer of national property rights to overcome the weakness of current control system .
Auction , bidding and tendering , the transfer protocol is the main way uesd in the transaction of property rights institutions of the enterprise state-owned property rights transactions .
This dissertation mainly discusses the legal supervision system of the state-shared property on the basis of the deep analysis about the background and reality of the present supervision system .
This part emphasizes on the necessities of the state-owned property right of enterprises trading information disclosure system of our country and the relationship between securities information disclosure system and it .
Due to the regulation measures for state-owned property right transfer procedures of enterprises are enough for the defects mentioned above , the law regulation should be limited into regulation for transfer procedures .
The State-shared Property Conveyance is one of the significant reform paths that China has chosen to make a strategic readjustment on the State-owned economy during the change from the planned economy to the market one .
Therefore , to study and explore problems and settlements existing in the process of property rights transfer is of great significance for legally standardizing the transference , setting up a modern enterprise system and disposing resources optimally .
Both the transaction of state-owned property rights of enterprises and the construction of property rights exchange markets have some birth defects , because of restriction factors , such as level of cognitive awareness , current system , law-making and departmental benefits .
Issue will it be April 14 2005 " enterprise state-run property right transfer temporary provisions to administration and supervision authorities " Is it forbid administration and supervision authorities take trust way assign enterprise state-run regulation of property right indirectly to issue .
State-owned property in the manner of transactions and applications are discussed , using the method of contrast study of the characteristics of different transactions , and transaction summary and recommendations based on the content of the different ways how to take .
The property rights exchange market , serving the transaction of state-owned property rights of enterprises , is a sort of unique economic phenomenon in the period of economic shifting , and it is capital market with Chinese characteristics , with no lessons drawn from foreign country .
This paper begins with the state-owned basic theory of property rights transactions , property transactions to the relevant state-owned paper discusses the basic theory to clarify the state-owned property rights related to the concept of state-owned property rights and the origins of the system were investigated .
Stated - owned property right registration in military enterprises
In recent years , the state-run property rights of many enterprises have already realized direct or indirect Management buy-out in our country .