
  • 网络enterprise information integration;EII
  1. 提出了一种基于WEBService的四层企业信息集成平台。

    The paper has proposed a kind of enterprise information integration platform of four layers based on Web Service .

  2. 提出基于REST面向资源的企业信息集成平台框架模型。

    We outline the model of REST-based resource-oriented enterprise information integration platform framework .

  3. 基于WEBService和元数据的虚拟企业信息集成框架

    Integration Framework of Virtual Enterprise Information Based on Web Service and Metadata

  4. 基于WebServices的高技术虚拟企业信息集成

    Information Integration for High-tech Virtual Enterprises Based on Web Services

  5. 基于Web服务的跨企业信息集成框架

    Framework of Information Integration over Enterprises Based on Web Service

  6. Web服务在跨企业信息集成中的应用

    Application of Web Services in Information Integration over Enterprises

  7. 基于Agent的虚拟企业信息集成技术的研究

    Research on Multi-agent-based Information Integration Technology of Virtual Enterprises

  8. XML技术为解决企业信息集成提供了有效的途径。文章介绍了XML的特点;

    XML provides an effective way of information integration for enterprises .

  9. XML企业信息集成平台的实现及应用

    XML Enterprise information integration platform and framework

  10. 基于OPC与XML的企业信息集成

    The Enterprise Information Integration System Based on the OPC and XML

  11. 基于J2EE的多Agent企业信息集成管理平台的研究与开发

    Research and development of a multi-agent-based integrated information management platform for the enterprises based on J2EE

  12. 随着IT和Web应用的快速发展,Web服务组装技术逐渐成为企业信息集成的主流技术。

    With the rapid development of IT technology and Web application , web service composition is becoming the main technology for enterprise information integration .

  13. 基于CORBA消息中间件的电力企业信息集成研究

    Study on integration of power enterprise information based on CORBA message middleware

  14. 基于CORBA的制造企业信息集成系统研究

    Research of CORBA-based Information Integration System of Manufacturing Enterprise

  15. 基于Intranet技术的制造业企业信息集成系统

    Manufacturing Enterprise Information Integrated System Based on Intranet Technology

  16. 信息集成体现知识共享的内容,通过OA系统能够实现企业信息集成。

    The information integration of enterprise can be realized through the OA system .

  17. WebServices具有平台无关、松散耦合、开放性等优点,已经成为企业信息集成和应用整合的首选方案。

    According to the advantage of platform independent , loose coupling and opening , Web Services application infrastructure become preferred solution to share enterprise information and integrate enterprise application .

  18. 他尤其关注异构环境中的企业信息集成,这也包括SAP应用程序。

    He is particularly focused on enterprise information integration in heterogeneous environments also containing SAP applications .

  19. 提出了一种基于XML技术实现跨企业信息集成的模型,对模型的总体框架及实现的关键技术进行讨论。

    This paper puts forward a XML-based information integrated model between enterprises , discusses the whole frame of model and the key technology of realization .

  20. 提出跨企业信息集成的基本要求,并根据标准化的信息技术构建基于Web服务的跨企业信息集成的基本框架;

    The basic requirement of information integration over enterprises is brought forward . The framework of information integration over enterprises based on web service is built on standard information technologies .

  21. 基于IDC的供应链企业信息集成模式研究

    Research on the Information Integrated Model of Supply Chain Enterprises Based on IDC

  22. 最后,通过应用案例给出了电力企业信息集成的解决方案和基于WebServices的企业信息集成应用程序实现技术。

    At the end of this paper , the authors give a solution of the electricity enterprises information integration and the enterprises information integration implementing technology based on Web Services by an application case .

  23. Web服务采用SOA构架和开放、标准的协议,在一定程度上解决了虚拟企业信息集成中的系统异构等问题。

    Web Service adopts SOA and it has open and standard protocols so it would solve the problem of heterogeneous systems for virtual enterprise information integration in a certain extent .

  24. 浅谈Partnering模式的定义企业信息集成中基于混合模式匹配策略的语义发现技术研究

    An Efficient Method of Semantic Discovery of Enterprise Information Integration Using Hybrid Schema Matching Strategy

  25. 另外,随着SOA的提出,通过组合独立开发的Web服务方式来产生新的应用成为一种新的发展趋势,Web服务组合技术将逐渐成为企业信息集成的主流技术。

    In addition , with the growth of SOA , composing independent Web services will be a new development trend ; Web service composition technology is becoming the main one in enterprise information integration .

  26. 文章开始首先综述了产品数据管理(PDM)的发展状况及XML的发展概况,并指出了以PDM为企业信息集成框架,将XML应用于企业信息集成中的思想。

    Then the author put forward a thought that PDM is regarded as the frame of enterprise information integration and the XML is applied into enterprise information integration .

  27. 实现一个资源分销计划系统与遗留系统(ERP,CRM)的企业信息集成。

    The key process of implement is clarified by a solution of integrating a new Distribution Resource Planning system to legacy ( ERP , CRM ) systems .

  28. 基于以上连接合用技术设计了某公司外贸定单处理系统,以说明J2EE连接器在企业信息集成化中的作用。

    Finally based on connecting joint technology above , the order managing system on a company 's foreign trade is designed . Which shows that J2EE connector makes great action on enterprise integration .

  29. 分析了Web技术对供应链信息系统的影响,提出了构建供应链信息系统所需的从信息交换协议到跨企业信息集成方式等一系列战略性措施。

    This paper analyses the affects on the supply chain information systems ( SCIS ) of the Web techniques . Then a series of strategic methods needed in constructing a SCIS , from information exchange protocol to inter-organization information system integration , are suggested .

  30. 在我们创造MetaMatrix之前,“企业信息集成”词语还不存在,而像Gartner这样的技术顾问们登上了这条船。

    The phrase Enterprise Information Integration didn 't exist before we created it , and technology consultants like Gartner jumped on board .