
shōu yì quán
  • Usufruct;right to earnings;right to income;right to yields;beneficial power
  1. 税收和GDP工会与工人收益权保护

    Tax Revenue and GDP Trade Union And The Protection Of Workers ' Usufruct

  2. EVA虚拟股票期权与高科技企业家人力资本收益权的实现

    EVA Virtual Stock Options and the Realization of Rights of Human Capital Gains in High-tech Entrepreneurs

  3. BOT项目投资以项目特许权及其收益权为基础,项目财产是在取得特许权后的建设过程中逐步形成的,因而具有不特定性和价值的浮动性。

    The assets in BOT , an investment project based on chartered right and relevant usufruct , are unspecified and floating , since they form gradually after charter obtained .

  4. 职工股东拥有收益权和投票权;

    Employee stock-holders has the rights of sharing revenues and voting ;

  5. 再者,要保护探矿权人的收益权。

    Furthermore , to protect the the exploration right person usufruct .

  6. 第五章主要研究国有资本运营的收益权的配置与实现。

    Chapter V studies the configuration and realization of income right .

  7. 知识产权收益权是知识产权的一项根本权利。

    The proceeds of intellectual property rights are a fundamental right .

  8. 关于民族文化旅游资源收益权问题的思考

    Thoughts on sharing in the profits of tourist resources of national culture

  9. 不动产收益权质押贷款研究

    A Study of Hypothecate Loan of Usufruct from Immovable Properties

  10. 用它来教育你,提高你的财务收益权。

    Use it to finance your education and increase your earning power .

  11. 第二,对收益权主体进行了设计。

    Second , subjects of income right are designed .

  12. 工会与工人收益权保护

    Trade Union And The Protection Of Workers ' Usufruct

  13. 第一,分析了收益权存在的价值。

    First , values of income right are analyzed .

  14. 股东权利的行使包括股东管理权、股东收益权行使两个方面。

    Exercise of the rights includes management , gain .

  15. 高科技创业企业融资中收益权与决策权配置

    The Allocation of Cash-Flow Rights and Decision Rights in High-Tech Start-ups ' Finance

  16. 狙击表决权行使和收益权的分离&以外观为视角析境外之相关规制

    Comments on Separation of Voting Power and Profits

  17. 对财产的权利包括占有权、使用权、处分权和收益权。

    Right includes the right of occupying , usufruct , punishing and surplus value gaining .

  18. 收益权问题是国有企业改革在市场经济条件下的必然产物。

    Income right is the inevitable product of state-owned enterprise reform in a market economy .

  19. 这样,原始产权主体在拥有剩余索取权的同时,也拥有收益权。

    Thus , the primitive property while has surplus demands , also has the usufruct .

  20. 我国当前集体林地产权制度的权利体系比较混乱,林地所有权与使用权、收益权、处分权等存在一定程度的重合和冲突。

    In our country , there are some conflicts in current collective forestland property rights system .

  21. 模糊的土地收益权:租、税、费&农民负担解析

    Ambiguous Land Revenue : Rent , Tax , and Fee & Analysis of Farmers ' Burden

  22. 资产收益权是股东权利的核心,查询权是股东的基础性权利。

    The right of return on assets is the core rights , the right to query is basic .

  23. 在这种机制下的森林经营,特别重要的是经营权的获得及收益权的落实。

    It is important to implement the rights of management and benefit allocation under the forest management mechanism .

  24. 股东把资本投入公司后,即拥有了对这些资本的所有权以及对公司剩余的控制权和收益权,但股东仍需要与对这些资本不享有所有权的相关利益主体合作,才能创造出剩余价值。

    No cooperation with the stakeholders , do not enjoy property rights on capital , cannot create residual value .

  25. 我国人力资本收益权实现与分配政策关系研究

    On the Relation of the Realization of Human Capital 's Right of Income and Distribution Policy of the Income

  26. 集体应该享有民族村寨旅游资源的占有权、使用权、收益权、处置权。

    Collective should enjoy the rights of possession , use , usufruct , disposition of ethnic village tourism resources .

  27. 按劳分配结合要素分配是人力资本收益权实现的途径。

    Distribution according to work and production element is the way to realize human capital 's right of income .

  28. 故林木资源资产收益权的适宜评估方法为收益现值法。

    So present value of earnings method is suitable for the assessment of income right of assets of forest resource .

  29. 并且进一步拓宽了经营管理权,完善了处置权并确保收益权。

    Furthermore , the reform leads to broaden the management right , to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct .

  30. 私人财产权指公民个人享有的财产支配权、投资权和收益权。

    The private property right is the right for the citizen blessed with property mastery , investment right and income right .