
  • 【财】balance of payment structure
  1. 总结出FDI对国际收支结构的影响机制,主要是通过贸易流动和资本流动渠道影响国际收支平衡表中经常项目和资本与金融项目。

    Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .

  2. 再者,乡镇财政收支结构中,乡镇财政收入的增长速度跟不上支出的增长速度,收不抵支,也造成了乡镇财政疲软。

    Thirdly , the growth rate of financial revenue falls behinds of expenditure .

  3. 太平天国以后,清朝财政收支结构发生了重大变化。

    The Qing dynasty 's fiscal structure of income and payout was great changed after Taiping rebellion .

  4. 二是财政收支结构不合理的问题亟待解决。

    Secondly , fiscal income and expenditure is the problem of irrational structure yet to be resolved .

  5. 个人理财产品成为商业银行新的利润源,改善了商业银行的收支结构,有助于提升商业银行核心竞争力。

    It has become a new profit source for commercial banks to improve the revenue and expenditure structure .

  6. 政府绩效的评价标准和指标体系是发展观和政绩观的量化表现,财政收支结构则是这种量化表现的政府资金使用体现。

    Government 's performance evaluation standard and index system represent quantitatively development and performance concepts , and the structure of fiscal revenue and expenditure embodies government capital expenses ' condition .

  7. 从而充分利用和发挥集团整体资源优势,达到优化资金收支结构、降低资金成本、防范经营风险、增强企业集团盈利能力的目的。

    Make full use of and play group as a whole fund resources advantage , optimize expenditure structure and reduce capital cost , preventing operational risk , the enhancement enterprise profitability objective .

  8. 文章强调了资本账户开放对经济运行的影响,并在此基础上提出了国际收支结构可维持性是资本账户开放的核心条件。

    The paper emphasizes the impact of CAC on economic operation , on which basis it points out that the sustainability of structure of balance of payments is the core condition for CAC .

  9. 通过比较中、日、新加坡三国国际收支结构发现,我国净债权国地位并未带来投资收益盈余,其根本原因在于我国形成的是官方债权国。

    On the same time , we compared the balance of payment structure of China , Japan and Singapore . And we find that the net creditor have never brought invest income surplus .

  10. 因不同地区在经费收支结构上表现出不同的特点,建议政府加大对农村义务教育投入的同时,优化教育投资结构。

    Because of the regional differences on the structures of the source and the expenditure , the author also holds that , while increasing the input , the government should optimize the investing structure .

  11. 浅议政府间财政转移支付的依赖性&基于云南省自分税制以来历年财政收支结构的分析

    A Tentative Study on the Dependence of Financial Transfer Payment Among Governments & Based on the Analysis of Financial Revenue and Expenditure in Previous Years since the Adoption of Tax Distribution System in Yunnan Province

  12. 作为社会主义市场经济条件下国家宏观调控的重要杠杆,财政在改革与发展过程中发挥了重要作用,财政政策的松紧、收支结构的调整转换直接影响着经济发展的速度与结构。

    As the main role of macroscopic control , finance have had great role on our reform and development . Financial policy and the construction of revenue elementally influence the speed and construction of economic development .

  13. 我国应改革现行的外汇管理制度,加大公开市场业务操作力度,促进国际收支结构平衡,以提高货币政策实施的自主性和灵活性。

    It is proposed that in order to improve the independence and flexibility of monetary policy , China should reform present exchange control system , enhance the open market operation and facilitate the equilibrium of the balance of payments .

  14. 即:解除禁锢,转变思想观念;弥补缺陷,完善财政收支结构;突破束缚,平衡各集团利益以及排除阻碍,深化行政体制改革。

    Namely : relive restriction , change the ideas and concepts , make up deficiency , improve financial revenue and expenditure structure , break restriction , balance the interest of different group , remove block and deepen structure reform .

  15. 开放经济下这种双顺差的国际收支结构有其特征、形成原因,亦反映出我国宏观经济运行中存在的问题。

    This kind of international balance structure of " double favorable balance " under the opening economy , which has its own features and formation causes , reflects the problems existing in the operation of our country 's macroscopic economy .

  16. 在分析不同问卷格式、数据处理方法的差异与适用性,可能出现的偏差的基础上,提出应对措施,并设计问卷,调查农户收支结构与水费支出情况,分析被调查者的特征。

    Then on the basis of analyzing the formations of different questionnaires , the diversity and suitability of data processing methods , and the deviation may appear , questionnaires were , designed properly to investigating the revenue and expenditure structure .

  17. 当人民币国际化发展到一定程度,需要大力推进人民币国际化时,一个可维持的国际收支结构应该是:贸易账户赤字、经常账户赢余和资本金融账户赤字相结合。

    As the degree of RMB internationalization is very high , a sustainable structure of balance of payments is as follows : combining deficits in the trade account and surplus in the current account with deficits in the capital and financial account .

  18. 农村收支结构方面。农村收入仍以家庭经营性收入为主,而第一产业收入占家庭经营收入80%以上,可见榆林市农村发展依然主要依靠农业生产。

    As to the agricultural revenue and expenditure structure , family management income is the main income in countryside , while the agricultural income accounted for 80 % of family management income . So we see rural development mainly depended on agricultural production .

  19. 中国贸易收支的结构分析

    A Structural Analysis on Balance of Trade of China

  20. 同时,我国的经济环境、汇率制度以及资本和金融项目管制与西方发达国家都颇不相同,国际收支的结构和状况也由此而异;

    Otherwise , the economic environment , exchange rate regime and Capital and Finance Account Item control in China are different from other western developed countries , and the structure and status of balance of international payment differ also .

  21. 由于我国对外开放程度不断深入,经济增长也越来越依赖出口,所以人民币汇率变动带来了产品价格的变动,进而对我国进出口贸易收支、结构的影响也愈发明显。

    Because our country opening degree deepening , economic growth is becoming more and more dependent on exports , so the RMB exchange rate fluctuation by influencing the product price on our country import and export trade balance , the influence of the structure is also increasingly obvious .

  22. 中国国际收支的超前结构:特征、形成原因、变动趋势和调整方向

    The Premature Structure of China 's International Balance of Payment

  23. 黑河流域水汽输送及收支的时空结构分析

    Temporal Variation and Spatial Structure of the Water Vapor Transport and Budget over the Heihe Drainage Area

  24. 中美国际收支与投资结构比较分析及启示

    A Comparative Analysis of Balance of Payments and Investment Structures between China and USA and Lessons Drawn

  25. 中国贸易收支、贸易结构与人民币实际有效汇率

    China 's Trade Balance , Trade Structure and Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB

  26. 本文通过比较中美国际收支与投资结构,分析中美在利用外资和对外投资方面的差异。

    By comparing the balance of payments and foreign investment structures , the paper analyzed the differences in both in-bound and out-bound foreign investment between China and United States .

  27. 国际直接投资的规模、流向和结构的迅速变化对世界各国的经济增长、国际收支平衡、产业结构调整、企业国际竞争力乃至一国经济持续稳定发展产生了重要影响。

    The scale , direction , and structure of FDI significantly influence a nation 's economic development , balance of payments , industrial structure and international competition .

  28. 文章分析了1982~2002年我国国际收支平衡表的结构特征,并对利率平价理论在我国的变形进行了解释。

    This article analyses the structural characteristics of China 's statements of the balance of international payment between 1982 to 2002 , and interprets the deformation , in China , of the theory of interest rate parity .

  29. 各国国际收支状况与国际收支结构也对外汇市场压力有重要影响。

    The structure of the international balance of payments has a major impact on exchange market pressure .

  30. 外部均衡应该是一个国家理想的国际收支平衡,合理的国际收支结构不是短期的各项目收支平衡,而是长期的、动态的各项目收支差额之间的协调与平衡。

    A reasonable balance-of-payments structure is not the concept of a short-term balance , but a long-term , dynamic coordination and balance between items in the balance of payments .