
  • 网络Income Segmentation
  1. 收入可细分为销售收入、服务收入、投资收入等。

    Sales revenue , service revenue , and investment revenue are subdivisions of revenue .

  2. 通过实地实际调查,根据地域环境、购买动机、收入、年龄等细分标准对无锡地区的化妆品市场进行了细分,并针对不同的细分市场提出了相应的市场营销策略。

    This paper analyses market according to the standards of the district , purchaser 's motivation , consumer 's income and age on the basis of a social investigation , and puts forward some marketing strategies according to different market segmentations .

  3. 接着介绍了已存在的房价收入比定义,根据这些定义对房价收入比进行了细分,以更好的分析居民购房的能力。

    Second , it presents the definition of house price-income ratio .

  4. 本文借鉴美国和日本等国政府在解决低收入家庭住房问题的做法,结合我国国情,提出应当逐渐放宽廉租住房受益范围,并对低收入家庭进一步细分,采取差别式廉租住房租金;

    Using the conducts of America , Japan and other countries settling the housing problems of low-income families for references , and combining with the condition of our country , this paper puts forward to extend the beneficial range of low rent housing .