
shōu huò rén
  • consignee;receiver;cargo receiver
收货人[shōu huò rén]
  1. D.改变收货人。论建筑物区分所有权人组织的法律性质

    ( d ) replace the consignee by any other person including the controlling party . Analysis on Legal Status of Condominium Association

  2. 如果以“工厂交货(exworks)”方式装运离港,供应商应将装运的尺寸和重量适时地通知我们和我公司所确定的收货人。

    If a shipment is dispatched " ex works ", the supplier will inform us and the consignee determined by our company in good time about the dimensions and the weight of the shipment .

  3. 2.arrivalnotice到货通知(由承运人发给收货人)我们尚未接到运输公司的到货通知。

    We have not yet received the carrier 's arrival notice .

  4. D.改变收货人。色氨酸阻遏物与其操纵基因复合物的圆二色性研究

    ( d ) replace the consignee by any other person including the controlling party . CIRCULAR DICHROISM SPECTRA OF TRP REPRESSOR COMPLEXED WITH ITS SYNTHETIC OPERATOR

  5. 论文指出,在我国现行法律未做明确规定或者合同未做明确约定的情况下,承运人向我国发货人或收货人收取装卸港THC不符合合同相对性原理。

    Moreover , the thesis points out that the collection of THC charged Chinese consignors or consignees by liners is not in accordance with the principle of the Privity of Contract if the laws of china do not provide or the contract of carriage does not stipulate .

  6. 收货人:另外还有一些受潮的。

    Consignee : There are still some bags that become damp .

  7. 注明收货人的全称、地址和国家。

    Type the name , address and country of the importer .

  8. 起初调查重点是进口商、运输公司和收货人。

    Investigation focuses initially on the importer , shipper and consignee .

  9. 托运人通知收货人,货载已出运。

    Shipper is to advise consignee of the effectuation of shipment .

  10. 论收货人是否有必须提货的义务

    Whether consignee should be obligated to take delivery of goods

  11. 本人已填写收货人的名称及地址。

    I have already filled in the name and address of consignee .

  12. 申请人、发货人及收货人详情不会被撷取。

    Details of applicant , exporter and consignee will not be retrieved .

  13. 要是收货人已经收到了,那会怎么显示呢?

    If consignee had been received , how does that meeting show ?

  14. 收货人本公司对此指令的发出和执行承担全部法律和金钱上的责任。

    We will responsible to all liabilities and claims against this instruction .

  15. 如果需要,协助收货人安排货物的仓储及派送。

    Assist the consignee , if necessary , in warehousing and distribution .

  16. 论收货人及其权利、义务和责任

    On the Rights , Obligations and Liabilities of Consignee

  17. (三)托运人、收货人或者旅客的过错。

    Fault on the part of the shipper , consignee or passenger concerned .

  18. “收货人”是指有权提取货物的人。

    Consignee means the person entitled to take the delivery of the goods .

  19. 在海上货物运输合同中,收货人具有特殊的法律地位。

    Consignee has special legal status in international carriage of goods by sea .

  20. 海上运输货物收货人法律地位研究

    Study on the Legal Status of Consignee in Carriage of Goods by Sea

  21. 没有原始分空运单,海关将不对收货人放行货物。

    Without original HAWB , customs will not release cargo to the cnee .

  22. 协调客户,运输商,终端收货人及同事间业务关系。

    Coordination with Customer , Carrier , End Receiver and relevant internal colleagues .

  23. 国际海上货物运输合同收货人相关法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems about Consignee in Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  24. 应由收货人在交货时付款的。

    Payment due by the recipient on delivery .

  25. 配送是物流系统中一个直接与消费者相连的重要环节,是货物从物流节点送达收货人的过程。

    Distribution is an important link in logistics , which is joined to consumers directly .

  26. 发证机构对收货人交回的《自动进口许可证》予以撤销。

    The license issuing administrations shall cancel the Automatic Import License surrendered by the consignees .

  27. 并通报进口旧机电产品的收货人。

    And notify the consignees of the used mechanical and electrical products of such opinions .

  28. 货代货物收讫收据不显示托运人和收货人而显示卖方和买方,是可以接受的。

    Forwarder cargo receipt showing seller and buyer instead of shipper and consignee is acceptable .

  29. “有争议”这种批注任何情况下对收货人来说都是不可接受的。

    The remarks " In dispute " are under no circumstances accessibleacceptable to the Consignee .

  30. 哪个是正确的收货人?

    Which is the correct cnee ?