
  1. 公路收费权质押若干法律问题探讨

    Several legal discussions of Pledging the right of Excising Highway Toll

  2. 对商业银行开办收费权质押法律问题的思考

    Speculations on Lawful Issue of Commercial Banks Initiating the Pledge of Charging Rights

  3. 公路收费权质押贷款在实务中早已经不是什么新鲜的话题。

    Pledge loan of toll right has not been a new topic in the practice for long .

  4. 因而,公路收费权质押贷款作为一种新型的担保方式,越来越受到广大银行的青睐。

    So , Highway charging right is a new kind of pledge , which is obtaining increasingly favor by the majority of banks .

  5. 在公路建设资金贷款实践中,最常见的担保方式是公路收费权质押。

    As to the loan of capital of road construction , the most average way to guarantee is to pledge the right of excising highway toll .

  6. 收费权质押是一种具有独立性的新型权利质押,应该单独把它列为一种不依附于其他权利质押或抵押的质权。

    The charging rights pledge is a pledge of independence of the new rights which should not separate it as a kind of pledge or other rights attached to pledge collateral .

  7. 随着社会经济的发展,收费权质押已经是许多大型项目进行资金融通的一种重要手段,同时也已经成为银行业普遍关注的一个热点问题。

    With the development of community economy , charging rights pledge has become an important means of financing for lots of large projects and a hot spot widely concerned by the banking industry as well .

  8. 论文第二章将应收账款质押制度与应收账款转让、收费权质押等相关制度进行比较。

    In Chapter Two , the author compares the system of pledge of accounts receivable with other relevant systems such as the system of transfer of accounts receivable and the system of pledge of toll right .

  9. 在价值范围内,公路收费权可以多次质押。公路收费权质押合同由省级交通主管部门进行登记,自登记之日起生效。

    Among the range of price , it can be pledged many times , and the moment the contract is enrolled by the provincial traffic department it comes into effect .