
  • 网络business pledge
  1. 在传统民法的理论和实践中,典当标的物仅限于动产,且以转移对该动产的占有设定营业质权,不动产不能设定营业质权。

    In traditional theory of civil law and practice , the subject matter of pawn is only confined to chattel , transfer of its possession is required to constitute business pledge , and real estate is excluded from business pledge .

  2. 其次,对与营业质权相近似的制度进行了比较分析,以进一步加深对营业质权的全面认识。

    Second , similar to the business pledge a comparative analysis of similar systems .

  3. 再次,结合营业质权的具体规范,分析了当事人在设定营业质权时的价值追求,认为安全、效率、公平三大目标为其价值取向。

    Once again , combining business pledge specific norms that the safety , efficiency , equity objectives for the three values .

  4. 本文试图运用历史分析、比较分析等方法,对营业质权的基本问题做一系统研究。

    All attempts to use historical analysis , comparative analysis of methods for doing business pledge a systematic study of the basic issues .

  5. 第四部分为营业质权,分析了营业质权的概念、特征、设立、效力、期限和消灭。

    The 4th part is on pledge of management , Which analyses the concept , character , foundation and expire of pledge of management .

  6. 本文运用历史分析和比较法学的研究方法,对动产质押、权利质押、营业质权等进行了较细致的分析与探讨。

    The Article is based on the research method of history and comparative law , Which makes a comprehensive and profound analysis on pledge .