
  • 网络marketing channel design
  1. 本文研究的主要内容是成都YC公司的营销渠道设计与管理。

    This paper studies on the marketing channel design and management of Chengdu YC Company .

  2. 兰州昊源商贸有限责任公司营销渠道设计与管理

    Lanzhou Great Source Trading Co. Ltd. Marketing Channel Design and Management

  3. 供应链管理下VO公司营销渠道设计研究

    A Study of Constructing Marketing Channel of VO Company Based on Supply Chain Management

  4. 其中较多制药企业既往以生产处方药为主,如何进行OTC药品营销渠道设计,尤其是进行符合医药营销渠道发展趋势的OTC药品渠道设计,具有较强的实践意义。

    And most of the pharmaceutical manufacturers mainly produce prescribed drug , so how to design the medical trade channel of OTC drugs , especially to design the medical trade channel of OTC drugs that accord with the developing trend of medical trade channel has stronger realistic significance .

  5. 本文以A公司SPA产品为主要研究对象,结合相关渠道设计理论以及当前国内SPA市场发展环境、品牌竞争情况以及A公司SPA产品市场定位进行分析,总结出一系列适宜的营销渠道设计方案。

    In this paper , the SPA products of A company was the main objective for my study . Based on the channel design theory , current domestic marketing environment , brand competition as well as A firm SPA products marketing position analysis , summarize several proper channel design proposals .

  6. 润滑油行业营销渠道设计及客户关系管理研究

    Research of Lubricate of Distribution Channel and Customer Relationship Management

  7. 服务营销渠道设计上产生的差距;

    Disparity in the marketing service irrigation ditch on design ;

  8. 西安华阳公司营销渠道设计

    Marketing Channel Construction of Xi'an Hua Yang Company

  9. 通过对昊源公司内外部优劣势条件的分析,找出影响公司营销渠道设计的相关因素。

    By analyzing SWOT elements of the firm and finding out the relevant factors that affect the firm 's marketing channel design .

  10. 然后研究影响营销渠道设计的几个因素,包含公司的营销战略、产品因素、市场因素、成本因素。

    Then several factors affecting the marketing channel design are studied including company 's market strategy , product factor , market factor and cost factor .

  11. 因其组建时的背景、各个发起人项目特点和运营情况,以及公司战略决定了公司营销渠道设计与整合的重要性、充分性和必要性。

    Because of the establishing background , project characteristic , operation management and company strategic deter minded the importance , necessity of marketing channel design and integration .

  12. 因此本文以营销渠道设计与管理研究为主题,通过将渠道理论与实证有机结合,对企业现存的主要渠道问题进行剖析,以期找出问题的症结并提出完善和改进建议。

    The topic of this paper is the research of designing and managing distribution channels whose aim is to analyze key problems so that find out defects and solve problems on the foundation of practice and theory .

  13. LD公司营销渠道的设计改造及其管理改善研究

    Study on the Designing and Reconstructing of Marketing Channels and Their Improving on Management of LD Company

  14. 近几年来,由于激烈的市场竞争,全世界的企业对营销渠道的设计和管理越来越重视。

    The global enterprises are pay much attention to the design and management channel because the intense marketing competition in recent years .

  15. 二是营销渠道的设计需要以险种为依据,对现有销售渠道进行重新设计,才能满足客户多元化、个性化和需求,进而实现公司经营利润指标。

    Secondly it is marketing channel design must to base on the insurance products , to redesign the existing sales channel , to meet the customer need of diversification and personalization .

  16. 旅行社营销渠道的设计与管理必须以提高顾客让渡价值为中心,实现顾客让渡价值最东星国际旅行社营销渠道研究大化,从而提升核心竞争力。

    The design and management of marketing channel in the travel Service must increase the customer delivered-value , and realize the customer delivered-value maximized , and then promote the core competencies .

  17. 本文以上海移动为研究对象,进行营销渠道的设计与实施,目的在于为上海移动渠道管理者优化当前渠道体系提供理论指导和实践参考,为移动运营商改善经营管理、提高服务水平提供依据。

    This paper takes Shanghai Mobile as research objective , designing and implementing marketing channels of Shanghai Mobile , in order to provide theoretical guide and practical reference for channel manager of Shanghai Mobile to optimize the current channel systems .

  18. 第五章主要分析了H公司营销渠道的规划设计。

    Chapter V mainly analyzes the planning and design of marketing channels .

  19. 基于以上研究,提出了基于逆向销售的理念,对营销渠道进行逆向设计。

    Based on above studies , the opinion of the reverse marketing is raised so as to reversely design the sales channel .

  20. 期待本文对于营销渠道的优化设计的研究,能对品牌服装行业具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Looking forward to this article for the optimization of the marketing channel design research , to brand garment industry can have certain reference significance .

  21. 不同行业、不同企业,其营销渠道的选择与设计是不同的。

    The channel designing of various businesses are very different .

  22. 应该改变目前比较单一的销售渠道模式,根据市场成熟度和自身在市场的份额对营销渠道进行不同的设计。

    We should change current monotony sales channel and develop different channels according to maturity of market and company 's market share .

  23. 对农产品营销渠道理论、营销渠道的选择设计理论进行了综述分析;第三章,农产品营销渠道主体分析及农产品营销渠道模式的归纳。

    Summarized the agricultural marketing channel theory and the selection of design theory . Chapter three analyzed agricultural marketing channel members and inducted agricultural marketing channel modes .

  24. 近年来,由于激烈的全球竞争,国内外的企业对营销渠道越来越重视,营销渠道的设计和管理已经成为成功的满足顾客和竞争需要的关键战略武器。

    Recently , owing to the drastic global competition , enterprises focus on marketing channel more and more . The design and management of marketing channel is becoming the key strategy weapon to satisfy customers ' needs and competition needs .

  25. 针对昊源公司营销渠道中存在的问题,按照营销渠道设计的基本程序,设计出昊源公司未来营销渠道结构。

    For the existing problems of the marketing channel in this firm , designs the future marketing channel structure of Lanzhou Great Source Trading Co. Ltd. according to the basic procedure of marketing channel design .

  26. 本文主要基于现代市场营销渠道理论具体分析天音电子音像的营销渠道设计与管理中存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的措施。

    This paper based on modern marketing channels theories and discusses any issue in the design and management of marketing channels taking Tian Yin Electronic Audio Video Press as the case .

  27. 第三部分从奇瑞发展的目标及发展营销渠道的原则性角度阐述奇瑞汽车营销渠道的设计思路,提出分品牌区域连锁经营的渠道方案模式,并对此渠道设计方案进行经营效益分析和适应性分析。

    The third part from Chery development objectives and development of marketing channels principled perspective of the Chery Automobile marketing channel design ideas proposed sub-regional chain of channel branding program model and design of this channel to conduct business-benefit analysis and adaptive analysis of .

  28. 通过对东特公司不锈钢盘条美国市场营销渠道现状的考察,发现该公司在营销渠道的设计、选择和管理方面有待完善和加强。

    Reviewing current marketing channels for stainless steel wire rods in USA market , it is found that DSSC should pay more afford to consummate and strengthen their designing , choice and management .

  29. 从营销渠道战略角度乃至整个营销战略角度讲,营销渠道的战略设计以及营销渠道的控制与维护&企业营销渠道的健康发展要比暂时的、片面的销售额增长重要得多。

    From the view of strategy of channels of distribution , and furthermore , the whole marketing strategy , the healthy development of channels of distribution is far more important than the temporary increase on sales .

  30. 分析了营销渠道上的主要成员和职能,并以合肥联通的营销渠道设计为例,分析了影响电信营销渠道构成的因素以及设计思路。

    It analyzes the main members and functions on the market channel , and also analyzes the elements which influence the formation of telecom channel and the design thinking by the example of the design of market channel of the Hefei Branch of China Unicom .