
yínɡ yè yuán
  • salesman;shop employees
营业员 [yíng yè yuán]
  • [shop employees;salesperson] 售货员和收购员的统称

  1. 营业员:这是很好的酒,先生。

    SalesMan : This is very good wine , sir .

  2. 我是营业员,专营金属的。

    I work in metals . I 'm a salesman .

  3. 她从当营业员开始做起,现已拥有一家女士时装店了。

    She started as a shop assistant and now she has her own boutique .

  4. 你愿意当一名营业员吗?

    Would you like to serve in a shop ?

  5. 我叫营业员给我量两米蓝灯芯绒。

    I asked the shop-assistant to measure off two metres of Blue Corduroy for me .

  6. 营业员问,你想开一个什么类型的账户,Whatsortofaccountdidyouhaveinmind?,

    Sam : Yes . I 'd like to open an account , please . Teller : What sort of account did you have in mind ?

  7. 营业员告诉Sam比如说你有一张工资支票或者奖学金支票,就是Yougetapaycheckorascholarshipcheckmadeouttoyou,支票上注明了你应得的现金数额,比如说是2500美元吧,withtheamountduetoyou,say$2500.

    Teller : Sure . You get a paycheck or a scholarship check made out to you , with the amount due to you , say $ 2500 .

  8. 该系统从物理结构上主要有OTA客户客户端、客服人员客户端、营业员客户端、菜单管理员客户端、系统管理员客户端、CMPP通信服务器、两个Web服务器、OTA业务服务器和数据库服务器十部分组成。

    From the view of physical structure , the system is composed of OTA customer client , customer service staff client , business staff client , menu administrator client , system administrator , two web servers , CMPP communications server , OTA service server and database server .

  9. 营业员:有商业零售经验,身体健康,有敬业精神。

    Seller : having retail experiences , healthy and strong career-minded .

  10. 作为一名营业员,我遇见过各种各样的人。

    As a shop-assistant , I met all kinds of people .

  11. 营业员:早上好,先生,欢迎光临诺基亚。

    S : Good morning , sir . Welcome to Nokia .

  12. 营业员先给服装标好价格再摆出来卖。

    The assistant priced the garment before putt them on display .

  13. 他被认为是我们店里最佳的营业员。

    He is recognized as the best assistant in our store .

  14. 柜台后面站着一个新来的营业员。

    There was a new shop assistant standing behind the counter .

  15. 你是否需要我们的营业员与你联络?

    Would you like someone from our company to contact you ?

  16. 营业员:那您试一试这件。

    Assistant : Would you try this one on , please ?

  17. 营业员:对不起,太晚了。

    Clerk : I 'm soory . it 's to late .

  18. 营业员为您查询图书。

    You can ask the assistants to help search for books .

  19. “这儿有只很漂亮的小狗。”营业员说。

    ' This is a very nice dog , 'the woman said .

  20. 现在拉拉第二根绳子。营业员说。

    ' Now pull the other string , ' the woman said .

  21. 一个年轻的营业员走过去接待他。

    A young shop assistant comes up to him and offer help .

  22. 营业员从衣料卷上量出够做一件连衣裙的料。

    The assistant measured off a dress-length from the roll .

  23. 这是一个营业员应该做的事。

    Well I 'm just doing my duty as a shop assistant .

  24. 营业员:对不起,我们不能再减价了。

    Salesgirl : Sorry , we can 't come down any more .

  25. 会计师、营业员和医生都会说同样的话。

    Accountants , shop assistants and doctors would say the same thing .

  26. 营业员:你看这个橙色挺好的。

    Shop assistant : what about this orange ? It looks nice .

  27. 我目前的工作在一个服装店当营业员。

    My current job is a shop assistant in a clothes shop .

  28. 商店营业员紧紧地跟着我们、监视着我们的一举一动。

    Clerks in stores followed our track to watch our every move .

  29. 搭班营业员埋怨他,因他离开商店后。

    Take the class salesperson blame him , because he left the store .

  30. 这个商店营业员祝我圣诞快乐。

    The shop assistant wished me a merry christmas .